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No offence to you personally ace, but I would rather go the "jails, institutions and death" route (if it came to that), as opposed to hanging with those defeated AA sheep, sipping bad coffee, on folding chairs in a church basement somewhere, talking about their higher power. :dizzy:

.....not feelin' it!

Edit: and don't even get me going on the hand holding bit of gayness..

Sounds like you may have been ordered to attend lol. Anyway Mds some went the jail,institution route and stopped just short of death. Some find sobriety through other means such as church and some don't have a problem with alcohol. Some like myself lived,existed many years believing the world had the problem and as long as there was a liquor store, there was no problem drinking. Thinking back to my denial days its hard to believe I thought what I did was normal. Mds I could care less how anyone gets sober if they have a problem but it is my firm belief it will require some life changes, and pride leveling to do so and be happy. Btw if you ever are in Ar look me up bro I'll give you a coffee and a hug:)
Sounds like you may have been ordered to attend lol. Anyway Mds some went the jail,institution route and stopped just short of death. Some find sobriety through other means such as church and some don't have a problem with alcohol. Some like myself lived,existed many years believing the world had the problem and as long as there was a liquor store, there was no problem drinking. Thinking back to my denial days its hard to believe I thought what I did was normal. Mds I could care less how anyone gets sober if they have a problem but it is my firm belief it will require some life changes, and pride leveling to do so and be happy. Btw if you ever are in Ar look me up bro I'll give you a coffee and a hug:)

Hahaha! True enough. One sure way to inspire hatred in a young treeguy, is to force him to listen to hours of inane semi religious, brain washing, mumbo-jumbo drivel - while everybody else is out partying, and getting laid! lol.

I'll take you up on the coffee part anyway, if I'm ever down your way rope! :cheers:
National election day here in Canada so voted first thing this morning, and now am working on getting the income tax return out in the mail as today is also the deadline-just got a form I needed Friday in the mail.
Today I set on my butt and watched it rain and rain and rain:) I have to go get a hose made for the grapple later though to get ready for the marathon ahead of me!
There are positioning plates on mine that broke making the control a limp #### but the Altec man told me that valve assembly is almost 1900.00 to buy , I hope that I never have that peoblem , I have had my worked on for the the lower controls , it wasn't opening completely and it kept blowing a line inside the boom because of pressue buildup

Just got off the phone with altec. Guy said something about "that section (for the lower boom function?) of the valve block is $759.49 -with a four week wait! They also sell what they call a "spring kit", which is just what I was thinking I needed. That goes for $47.49. I had it overnighted for an extra $25. Fingers crossed on this one!!
but ask him about it, he is glad he was a part of something much bigger than himself.

Think any of us involved in it, now matter how small the contribution feel the same way.

This pic of a ramp ceremony in Kandahar gets me going, saw it from the same vantage point twice in person.

View attachment 182478
Same here Rope, after 10" of rain last week, we got a break on Saturday, then yesterday it rained all day, hailed and more rain.
Sitting on my butt today watching it rain off and on, too wet to do anything, all the maint I want or can afford to do is caught up.
Days like this just blow.
all this coming from a guy who spreads mulch for a living....... part time tree guy part time lawn cutter.

you just pissed that because you can't focus on 1 thing you half ass in all the rest of it.

i see your types around here, eddie. 1 day picking weeds the next day hacking away at tree work cause you are not good at either. you either a landscaper or an arborist. you can't have both. don't be mad that you are not setup for removals and can only sell prune work that you can reach from the bucket.

now, if you'll excuse me. i am off to the annual arbor day party put on by mayer tree up at his shop. bands, food, door prizes, contests, and some hotrod cars doing burnouts, throwline contests, and all kinds of other ****.

enjoy your day in the mulch bed. wait.... if you were a real tree guy, why in the hell are you in the mulch bed?

oh and tv. if you were truly set up for wholesale removal of trees it would be more than obvious that you'd have a grapple on that old beater you try to pimp around.

anyway. later suckers.

I thought that you officially retired , your a pathetic loser that your stalking looking for people who care whether your here or not , Heres a tip WE DON'T your not missed ever here A and L or any other site that you plaque with your nonsense , I am glad that you were gone , but now your back , why don't you go stand in front of the mirror and take some more muscle pics , you and prentice 110 can takes turns ####ing each other in the ### ....
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I thought that you officially retired , your a pathetic loser that your stalking looking for people who care whether your here or not , Heres a tip WE DON'T your not missed ever here A and L or any other site that you plaque with your nonsense , I am glad that you were gone , but now your back , why don't you go stand in front of the morror and take some more muscle pics , you and prentice 110 can takes turns ####ing each other in the ### ....

It would be pretty funny to see those two pics side by side... jim morrison, and the nipple rings one, that is... :hmm3grin2orange:
I thought that you officially retired , your a pathetic loser that your stalking looking for people who care whether your here or not , Heres a tip WE DON'T your not missed ever here A and L or any other site that you plaque with your nonsense , I am glad that you were gone , but now your back , why don't you go stand in front of the morror and take some more muscle pics , you and prentice 110 can takes turns ####ing each other in the ### ....

just when I thought I could calm down and try to act like a normal automaton droid, you gotta go throw my handle in with this ####. Bring it mulch boy! JK LOL .... any-hoo, yesterday we finaly got the yard sit-ee-ated. We had a s250 bobber catter on loan so we moved all the spitters and conveyer over, scraped up the crap underneath tossed it in the tub grind pile and check out this setup, gotta GFX verticle spliter next to a conveyer with one of those roofing truck conveyers laying on the end of the other one, and at the oppisite end of that is a Lickity with a table, so the lickity and Lil Bobby JR crack down big rounds, push em on the horizontl convo, they get shifted over to the other guy who dices em down and up they go. 2 guys cut and split over 10 face today. 5 hour (lazy)day. Sorry if your not intrested but this is a whadya do 2day thread so Y not? Treeclimber101? Go back to school.:hmm3grin2orange: Nipple rings? 4 real? Ew!
Did a big three lead maple that uprooted and fell into a couple oaks. It was tricky. Old school tree work. There was no getting a crane or a lift close enough. Ankle deep water in spots which was lovely. I did get to use every rope on the truck which was pretty sweet. Now they are all hanging from broom handles in my garage. It was a muddy mess but we got it done. I think an extra 100 bill is in order for each of my guys for this one.
I made it back to this reclamation job I have been working on, this was the first day back since April 22 when I had my knee scoped.




So use your imagination and think what it looked like before the 3500.00.
Of course there was a nice old rusty wire fence in there.
I made it back to this reclamation job I have been working on, this was the first day back since April 22 when I had my knee scoped.





Nice work tmd, It tore my acl skiing a few years back and it was not an easy recovery, knee injurys suck. Nice pics, I forgot how bad the vines are in new england I'll take all day rain over all day vines any day.
I thought that you officially retired , your a pathetic loser that your stalking looking for people who care whether your here or not , Heres a tip WE DON'T your not missed ever here A and L or any other site that you plaque with your nonsense , I am glad that you were gone , but now your back , why don't you go stand in front of the mirror and take some more muscle pics , you and prentice 110 can takes turns ####ing each other in the ### ....

you gonna post any pics of the landscaping you doing or what? how many yards of mulch did you toss out the barrel today while the men were working in the trees above you? 4 or 5 barrels till you went on a donut run?

101. treeclimber101. what a crock of ****. guy spreads mulch. no wonder all your crap fits in a landscape trailer. lol

you want to bring prentice into this? ok. i compare your treework and skill and company to the way prentice drinks and acts when drunk. now we all tied in. and don't hate on the flex shot you round pile of hot wet dog ****. you can be jealous, i'll allow that. from the recent enough pictures ive seen of you, i don't blame ya.

see this party that i went to the other day.... people were looking for me. wanted to meet me. find out who oldirty was. any one ever ask about you eddie? i didn't think so. guess who else spent some fair time with me, eddie, talking shop. you know running crane and doing tree work and whatnot. the world's favorite climber. does he even know who you are, eddie? he from your state..... thats what i figured. you just a really small fish in a really big pond.

enjoy the weedwacking eddie. and when you done edging the beds and pulling the dandelions i bet the patio could use a little blow to get the grass clippings.

and make sure you tarp your truck when you driving too. no one likes leafs and grass landing on their car driving behind you.

keep in mind, eddie. when i go to arbor related places people know who i am before i get there. i guess you wouldn't understand that though would ya.

ya big stiff.