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Treeclimber 57 and I just got back from a road trip in Ricky trees neck of the woods. Insurance contract I have landed us 2.5 hours away in St. Catherines (near Niagara Falls) for the week-end. They got hit with high winds last Thursday. I'll post some pics later. Crane work 2 days straight.
what's this about?

Thats what I wanna know. ---@Dan, good jobber! Nice to see your able to get out there again. I did some bids after my last post. I was worried about the first one. I really wanted to get 2K for it, but was real worried about getting underbid cuz they said they got me out the phone book, and I waved to a Mexi land scraper that I know who does tree work on the super cheap, when he drove by. The ho said oh you know Tino, he did our patio. Oh ####. Well, I thought about it real hard and realized I could do the whole job by myself in a day if I had Arborpros mini ramp chiptruck. All that in mind I told them 1700. They said when can you do it. After that my balls got bigger and told the next guy 1100 for something Julio would do for 700. I dont care if I get it cuz its a long enuf ride to piss me off at the pump. Its nice to have the phone ring. Im a diferent person when I have something to do. P.S. there were to many good posts to hit the like button on in the last page or 2. Thank you guys for your thoughts and comments(to the ones that were supportive.) I know right and wrong, good and evil. I just dont feel like the rest of the world does most of the time and I cant change anything. Pisses me off. Everybodies in a big flippin hurry to go nowhere these days. Tensions high, spirits are low. Me, Im mostly bored. I dont know how to not work. This is the longest Ive gone without wokin since I was 13-14.
you gonna post any pics of the landscaping you doing or what? how many yards of mulch did you toss out the barrel today while the men were working in the trees above you? 4 or 5 barrels till you went on a donut run?

101. treeclimber101. what a crock of ****. guy spreads mulch. no wonder all your crap fits in a landscape trailer. lol

you want to bring prentice into this? ok. i compare your treework and skill and company to the way prentice drinks and acts when drunk. now we all tied in. and don't hate on the flex shot you round pile of hot wet dog ****. you can be jealous, i'll allow that. from the recent enough pictures ive seen of you, i don't blame ya.

see this party that i went to the other day.... people were looking for me. wanted to meet me. find out who oldirty was. any one ever ask about you eddie? i didn't think so. guess who else spent some fair time with me, eddie, talking shop. you know running crane and doing tree work and whatnot. the world's favorite climber. does he even know who you are, eddie? he from your state..... thats what i figured. you just a really small fish in a really big pond.

enjoy the weedwacking eddie. and when you done edging the beds and pulling the dandelions i bet the patio could use a little blow to get the grass clippings.

and make sure you tarp your truck when you driving too. no one likes leafs and grass landing on their car driving behind you.

keep in mind, eddie. when i go to arbor related places people know who i am before i get there. i guess you wouldn't understand that though would ya.

ya big stiff.

Jealousy is the most sincere form of flattery. What do you care what this mulch chucker is doing as a self proclaimed "tree killing celebrity". You guys have been going back and forth since I joined this site, it's time to let it go.
Jealousy is the most sincere form of flattery. What do you care what this mulch chucker is doing as a self proclaimed "tree killing celebrity". You guys have been going back and forth since I joined this site, it's time to let it go.

Its impression or copying or sumthan. Glad to see you back, I thought they scared you off. I would kill for Dirtiy's job, problem is I'd be bored to death after a month or so. I need variety. Plus poor guy would get let go after they had me there. Sorry Justin, this polock said he'd do it for less $ and he doesnt want to get paid for ot. JKLOL. Cant get too spoiled.
Its impression or copying or sumthan. Glad to see you back, I thought they scared you off. I would kill for Dirtiy's job, problem is I'd be bored to death after a month or so. I need variety. Plus poor guy would get let go after they had me there. Sorry Justin, this polock said he'd do it for less $ and he doesnt want to get paid for ot. JKLOL. Cant get too spoiled.

I run a four man crew five days a week. It's day in and day out of trash talking and I love it, this site can't offend me. We push eachother to work harder, faster and are better arborists beacause of it. This site is a magnifying glass for the underemployed and overly emotional arborist. Kind of like the "days of our lives" for the stay at home climber. If anyone on this site takes thing's seriouslly you're most likely not getting enough climb time.
I run a four man crew five days a week. It's day in and day out of trash talking and I love it, this site can't offend me. We push eachother to work harder, faster and are better arborists beacause of it. This site is a magnifying glass for the underemployed and overly emotional arborist. Kind of like the "days of our lives" for the stay at home climber. If anyone on this site takes thing's seriouslly you're most likely not getting enough climb time.

Ehhhh, yes and no. We all have our reasons. For some its networking, others a social outlet. I could fathom a need here and there to communicate for some who accually have a brain in this profession, due to a lack of being able to do that in a certain area. I take it half serious and try to entertain when I can. We all have our reasons for being here, but dont go on a ridiculous snap judgement like that , cuz dude, you here to. PS, I gotta lotta pics I wish you all could see. ! dee's daze, I gun figger out howta post um'..... @ VET, You said you lived in Lake Forest, just curious, you ever know the old Scottish guy that ran the park district? He used to always say, "Nayer ah straigt branch ona Burr Oak" Pops loved em. Surely hes been dead for many.
I run a four man crew five days a week. It's day in and day out of trash talking and I love it, this site can't offend me. We push eachother to work harder, faster and are better arborists beacause of it. This site is a magnifying glass for the underemployed and overly emotional arborist. Kind of like the "days of our lives" for the stay at home climber. If anyone on this site takes thing's seriouslly you're most likely not getting enough climb time.

Yeah, it's a tough decision... do we work five days a week for your pay, or one for ourselves.. with the hope of netting maybe a months worth of your pay in a week?? :confused:

I personally have no problem with you holden (in fact, you're okay in my book) - but till you grow some balls, go out and try running your own show, finding your own work, equipment, employees etc., maybe you should shut the #### up about who has too much time on their hands, and is a "stay at home climber" etc.! I, for one, am getting sick of the same old jab.. especially when you know not what you speak of! we can all climb. Any one of us could take a job working for the man. Some of us chose to go to war instead. There are sacrifices envolved there.. not climbing every day is sometimes part of that.
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Yeah, it's a tough decision... do we work five days a week for your pay, or one for ourselves.. with the hope of netting maybe a months worth of your pay in a week?? :confused:

I personally have no problem with you holden (in fact, you're okay in my book) - but till you grow some balls, go out and try running your own show, finding your own work, equipment, employees etc., maybe you should shut the #### up about who has too much time on their hands, and is a "stay at home climber" etc.! I, for one, am getting sick of the same old jab.. especially when you know not what you speak of! we can all climb. Any one of us could take a job working for the man. Some of us chose to go to war instead. There are sacrifices envolved there.. not climbing every day is sometimes part of that.

can i get an amen......................AMEN!
you gonna post any pics of the landscaping you doing or what? how many yards of mulch did you toss out the barrel today while the men were working in the trees above you? 4 or 5 barrels till you went on a donut run?

101. treeclimber101. what a crock of ****. guy spreads mulch. no wonder all your crap fits in a landscape trailer. lol

you want to bring prentice into this? ok. i compare your treework and skill and company to the way prentice drinks and acts when drunk. now we all tied in. and don't hate on the flex shot you round pile of hot wet dog ****. you can be jealous, i'll allow that. from the recent enough pictures ive seen of you, i don't blame ya.

see this party that i went to the other day.... people were looking for me. wanted to meet me. find out who oldirty was. any one ever ask about you eddie? i didn't think so. guess who else spent some fair time with me, eddie, talking shop. you know running crane and doing tree work and whatnot. the world's favorite climber. does he even know who you are, eddie? he from your state..... thats what i figured. you just a really small fish in a really big pond.

enjoy the weedwacking eddie. and when you done edging the beds and pulling the dandelions i bet the patio could use a little blow to get the grass clippings.

and make sure you tarp your truck when you driving too. no one likes leafs and grass landing on their car driving behind you.

keep in mind, eddie. when i go to arbor related places people know who i am before i get there. i guess you wouldn't understand that though would ya.

ya big stiff.

Yea people know who you are Justin , just like when you were gonna visit beowulfs jobsite and his boss said if your gonna have that "SCUM" anywhere near my site your gone , thats exactly how I want to be greeted at a party .. I don't care if Mark knows me or not being a celebrity doesn't pay my bills ... This will go as far as you want it too, I can't stand you period your a liar MR. IT'S UP TOO YOU , but your back because your lonely and no one even noticed you were gone , Hey wheres the technique video D head??
No booze or drugs since 11/10/07. I was emotionally drained and causing far more harm (emotional) to people than I realized. I had tried control drinking but it was a joke for me. I hated it. In desperation I decided to try a "12 step program". Figured I had nothin much left to lose. Glad I did. My life is far better today than I even thought would be possible. If I can do it I figure anyone can. As long as they are willing to accept defeat and follow a simple program.

That's awesome. I do not want to debate it either, I can see a bit from all sides.

I can see MDS's point about AA too, but I do think sometimes accepting defeat doesn't always lead to being defeated, and indeed shouldn't. Sometimes, in certain situations, it's perhaps the only way to victory. And that concept has manifold applications in many aspects of life. Fear of failure, weakness, or defeat can in fact sometimes lead to the very thing we wish to avoid the most. And bouncing back from a loss is often as much a part of the victory celebration as the victory itself.

At any rate, my wife was on about nutrition in relation to the whole thing the other day. As usual it took a couple of days for it to sink in and make its way around to me. I couldn't be bothered at the time about it, but here is a link to an interesting approach that may help some guys out:

Seven Weeks to Sobriety: The Proven Program to Fight Alcoholism through Nutrition

Just wanted to throw that out there, it seems to bridge a gap that is often left unattended by counseling, and peer groups. Not that they are without their place for a season.
Just got off the phone with altec. Guy said something about "that section (for the lower boom function?) of the valve block is $759.49 -with a four week wait! They also sell what they call a "spring kit", which is just what I was thinking I needed. That goes for $47.49. I had it overnighted for an extra $25. Fingers crossed on this one!!

Wow, UPS and altec aint screwing around!

Looks like I got a nice little project for today! Sweet.

See if it works..

Did a big three lead maple that uprooted and fell into a couple oaks. It was tricky. Old school tree work. There was no getting a crane or a lift close enough. Ankle deep water in spots which was lovely. I did get to use every rope on the truck which was pretty sweet. Now they are all hanging from broom handles in my garage. It was a muddy mess but we got it done. I think an extra 100 bill is in order for each of my guys for this one.
Ace. One of your neighbors wants his tree cut down AND you can keep the wood and make a lot of money with it. Better jump on it quick.
Oak tree removal=free wood
Just got off the phone with altec. Guy said something about "that section (for the lower boom function?) of the valve block is $759.49 -with a four week wait! They also sell what they call a "spring kit", which is just what I was thinking I needed. That goes for $47.49. I had it overnighted for an extra $25. Fingers crossed on this one!!

Man, for such an annoying thing, that seemed so potentially expensive, that was the easiest thing I ever fixed!

Leo could have almost done it without me! lol.

Ace. One of your neighbors wants his tree cut down AND you can keep the wood and make a lot of money with it. Better jump on it quick.
Oak tree removal=free wood
LMAO!!! dude...that is totally awesome, I love it!

If someone wants to...get the address...please. I am leary of the guy having my email...my name...which could just get outa hand as far as, ya know..leading him on kinda thing. As if by asking for address is the same as actually thinking about it. He could tell someone. U guys know what i mean. But this could be worth keeping a half n eye on! Thanks Smallwood!
LMAO!!! dude...that is totally awesome, I love it!

If someone wants to...get the address...please. I am leary of the guy having my email...my name...which could just get outa hand as far as, ya know..leading him on kinda thing. As if by asking for address is the same as actually thinking about it. He could tell someone. U guys know what i mean. But this could be worth keeping a half n eye on! Thanks Smallwood!
I think I'll skip. I'm tempted to get the address but last week I ran a CS ad that read "If you want your trees cut down in exchange for firewood, please email me. I'd like to come knock on your head and see if it's hollow" I got a few indignant and a few crazy emails and then CS pulled my ad. If you look at the tree in the photo it has once fresh cut showing on a low limb. I'm guessing someone tried the first limb with a ladder and thought better of it. I didn't want you missing out on the big firewood bucks.
Oh for #### sake!

Really a ##### of a day:

For one, I had to get out of bed. I don't know if any of you have ever done that, I have to say it sucks.

So at 8:30 the water conditioner guy comes by and drops of a bunch of crap for the water conditioners. No problem there so I head to my post operation checkup. The surgeon comes in and tells me a stupid blonde joke, feels me up and walks out offering no consulation to any of the questions I asked him. I am like " Uhh, Ok... I guess"
So I am making good time getting to that cracked poplar til I get home to this Armenian Ray Ramano type who is just being a pain in the ass. He is playing me against another service and wants me to come back once more to give a price on another tree. He isn't that much of a chowder head, its his stuttering Ray Ramano dialect that make me want to bury a axe in his skull.
So I finally make it back, meet up with the new kid and get to the cracked poplar. Man! That was tough!. Poor kid just couldn't distinguish the thin blue rope from the orange porta-wrap. I had it rigged and ready to go and had told him to tie on the thin blue rope to my climb line, he dissassembles the orange port-wrap and ties that on. He doesn't know how to put it back on so now he has to take wraps on the trunk which made that job maddening.
When I told him to unwrap the thin blue rope from the tree he went and started unwrapping the thick blue rope from the silver porty. Considering that what was holding up the tree I about freaked as I was spiked into the cracked trunk.
Sure I did some funny things in my day, maybe I will tell you all about them BUT I don't understand it when you say " walk to the tree directly in front of you" and the person turns 90 degrees and starts walking to a tree that isn't even on the property.
Well, it was a pain with the kid taking wraps on the tree but it only took a few hours to have it down and chipped. There is still a little pole standing and a load of logs to get out but I just couldn't take anymore than that for the day. I actually used a full tank in the saw which is rare for me. Everything else worked out well, I went up srt, tied in on about 5 inch dia which was perfect to send the tops out through the canopies of the other trees. Spear chucking its called, nothing huge and it all dropped through right behind the chipper.
Then put on my spikes and hammered the trunk. I dumped a few pieces on the lowering line then chunked the trunk til I could notch it at the bottom without undue difficulty.
Really though, on the ground I told the kid what was up, what line to tie on, what the orange porty was for, not to touch the silver porty with the thick blue rope. When I realized he took the orange porty off and tied it to the very end on my climbing line I knew I was in for a treat and don't think for a minute I would have the kid do something he had never done before.Its not like I have him down there running saws and chipping. He just needed to tie on a few things and lower a few hunks of tree. He will be allright, just new at it, thinking to much, don't know where to stand. I had reservations about bringing him on this job, it would have been a breeze had he not undone that orange porty.
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