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once again, darwins rule will apply. sucks to lose a good man to the drink, but free advocacy is just that. people will always get hurt and die in this business, as long as it's not me, adios mother####er....
And yet I know, there by the grace of god I could go.....

Brutal honesty time.
you're good matt, but your also behaving like an ass, and this job is way too hard to put up with whining drunks who know better, can do better, have done better.....etc.....
what can you do today, right now, to be a productive member of a unit? and make them want you back tomorrow? #### the money part, we gotta live thru this #### so why endure a jackass?
Well yeah but I did it and now know my condition and how to avoid doing it again:)

I tried to do "just" a six pack a day, a while back. It was torture, and turned me into even more of a miserable bastard. lol. I quit for the first half of last February.. that was brutal, as I had alot of other things torturing me. I went back just as I was starting to feel pretty good with it.. but winter just sucks, and so does being broke!

Actually, at the moment, I haven't touched a drop sinse last Sunday, and haven't smoked the evil weed in a few weeks. I plan on going at least a couple more weeks. May is a big month for me; I have alot going on in MDS land..

Beyond that.. while, I guess it's up to me. Feels pretty good for now though!
I tried to do "just" a six pack a day, a while back. It was torture, and turned me into even more of a miserable bastard. lol. I quit for the first half of last February.. that was brutal, as I had alot of other things torturing me. I went back just as I was starting to feel pretty good with it.. but winter just sucks, and so does being broke!

Actually, at the moment, I haven't touched a drop sinse last Sunday, and haven't smoked the evil weed in a few weeks. I plan on going at least a couple more weeks. May is a big month for me; I have alot going on in MDS land..

Beyond that.. while, I guess it's up to me. Feels pretty good for now though!

I have not touched anything stronger than aspirin including the drink since 1995:)
Just respect yourself Matthew and treat yourself right.

It takes a community to raise a child, we all see a little of ourselves in you, and we want you to get it together for yourself and all of us.

I have not touched anything stronger than aspirin including the drink since 1995:)

I knew that, and good on you ropeo!

But yeah, it seems to me, that even if you can keep all your affairs in order, and continue to drink, (or whatever) without serious reprecussion - you still a loser to some degree, because you're still hiding behind all that.

Reminds me of this fat bastard competitor I have. Dude was a rich private school boy.. always got away with everything, still does: booze, drugs, dwi etc. ended up on methadone even! Today, he's just a bloated booze ridden laughing stock pig (still using)... but he did it his way!

Some of us, like myself (and I suspect prentice as well), have an even harder go of it... still doesn't mean it can't be done. It's just a motherwhore though!
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Its been 4 months for me since I drank it feels great. The last couple weeks have been real hard with all the rain days. Its alot harder than stop smoking and chewing!
Just respect yourself Matthew and treat yourself right.

It takes a community to raise a child, we all see a little of ourselves in you, and we want you to get it together for yourself and all of us.


he's a good guy Dave, and we should never leave a good man behind. The Dan told me that recently and its good advice.

I'd work him again in the blink of an eye, but fire him quicker if needed..... but at his skill level there's a lot more to this business than the work. everything thats important in life we learn in kindergarten, HOW TO GET ALONG WITH OTHERS.....
Drinking to get wasted sucks...

I've been down a lot of roads, but nothing caused more troubles for me than drinking beyond excess.

I quit cold turkey about 9 years ago. I understand it's harder for some; if you are struggling then my prayers are with you. I've just always been a cold turkey sort of guy when it comes to quitting. I was winding down anyway, so it wasn't a huge leap.

It was a good time for me, but a couple years back I decided the whole hoopla about drugs and alcohol boils down to a lot of hype that perpetuates extremes, and promotes hypocrisy.

Just like anything, it can be abused and misused, but that doesn't steal what can be proper and positive use when done in moderation.

I started consuming a little wine in the evenings with a meal. It's healthy, and aided in relaxation. Now we drink mostly organic wine which doesn't contain sulfites, which is much better for you.

Then I got into drinking a few high quality beers and became more of a connoisseur, than a consumer. I enjoy having a couple beers in the evening or out in the shop doing simple tasks.

Bottom line, I don't drink to get drunk or hide from anything anymore. I can have one and stop, or drink four and leave half a beer to pour down the drain. It makes little difference. I can just enjoy the quality and unwind just for the health of it.

Last night I grabbed some organic sulfite free wine, a bottle of organic J.K.’s Solstice Hard Cider, and a four pack of old Rasputin imperial stout. I wanted a bottle of Goose Island’s Bourbon County Stout, but they were all out. It’s hard to come by. That’s high quality responsible enjoyment any way you slice it.

I steer clear of all drugs legal and illegal. However, I don't mind saying that most legal drugs should be illegal, and some drugs, especially weed should be legal. Until it is, I'm in a smoke free zone, but I judge no one, and my friends that use aren't afraid to fire up around me.

Lastly, what terrifies me is the wretched double standards and manipulations that take place in the wake of these issues. Instead of teaching proper use, it's complete "sobriety."

If you need something for stress or depression they'll give you all manner of synthesized chemical lobotomies, that's "ok," just don't use what's good and pure and God given for crying out loud. Anything you can make or grow from natural sources, stuff we are wired right for is somehow bad? The crap they synthesize with horror stories and a long list of somewhat comical side effects is the answer? Let me think…um…no….and no.

Consider thinking outside the box on these issues and enjoy responsibly. I can't say that quitting entirely isn't a viable way to be able to revisit them in proper perspective, I did. But if you are having trouble just wean it on down a bit and stop drinking junk.

You don't have to partake at all; my hat's off to those that choose not to, I just want to dispel the archaic notion that it is the only alternative and encourage proper and responsible usage. It's all about choices.
I knew that, and good on you ropeo!

But yeah, it seems to me, that even if you can keep all your affairs in order, and continue to drink, (or whatever) without serious reprecussion - you still a loser to some degree, because you're still hiding behind all that.

Reminds me of this fat bastard competitor I have. Dude was a rich private school boy.. always got away with everything, still does: booze, drugs, dwi etc. ended up on methadone even! Today, he's just a bloated booze ridden laughing stock pig (still using)... but he did it his way!

Some of us, like myself (and I suspect prentice as well), have an even harder go of it... still doesn't mean it can't be done. It's just a motherwhore though!

There are no losers there is merely drinkers, drunks and alcoholic's and non drinkers. I substitute loser for sickness and I have many sicknesses but by Gods grace and simple actions I can sedate my shortcomings. My father was a functioning drunk, I was alcoholic and I accepted my weakness leaned from my mistakes and made amends. Life goes on and hopefully at its end I will die a honorable dignified death.
Oh forgot, I have friends that drink normal, I find it weird but they will leave a half drank glass on the bar:dizzy: As I am sipping my tea I think to myself that"s abuse of alcohol lol:cheers:
Drinking to get wasted sucks...

I've been down a lot of roads, but nothing caused more troubles for me than drinking beyond excess.

I quit cold turkey about 9 years ago. I understand it's harder for some; if you are struggling then my prayers are with you. I've just always been a cold turkey sort of guy when it comes to quitting. I was winding down anyway, so it wasn't a huge leap.

It was a good time for me, but a couple years back I decided the whole hoopla about drugs and alcohol boils down to a lot of hype that perpetuates extremes, and promotes hypocrisy.

Just like anything, it can be abused and misused, but that doesn't steal what can be proper and positive use when done in moderation.

I started consuming a little wine in the evenings with a meal. It's healthy, and aided in relaxation. Now we drink mostly organic wine which doesn't contain sulfites, which is much better for you.

Then I got into drinking a few high quality beers and became more of a connoisseur, than a consumer. I enjoy having a couple beers in the evening or out in the shop doing simple tasks.

Bottom line, I don't drink to get drunk or hide from anything anymore. I can have one and stop, or drink four and leave half a beer to pour down the drain. It makes little difference. I can just enjoy the quality and unwind just for the health of it.

Last night I grabbed some organic sulfite free wine, a bottle of organic J.K.’s Solstice Hard Cider, and a four pack of old Rasputin imperial stout. I wanted a bottle of Goose Island’s Bourbon County Stout, but they were all out. It’s hard to come by. That’s high quality responsible enjoyment any way you slice it.

I steer clear of all drugs legal and illegal. However, I don't mind saying that most legal drugs should be illegal, and some drugs, especially weed should be legal. Until it is, I'm in a smoke free zone, but I judge no one, and my friends that use aren't afraid to fire up around me.

Lastly, what terrifies me is the wretched double standards and manipulations that take place in the wake of these issues. Instead of teaching proper use, it's complete "sobriety."

If you need something for stress or depression they'll give you all manner of synthesized chemical lobotomies, that's "ok," just don't use what's good and pure and God given for crying out loud. Anything you can make or grow from natural sources, stuff we are wired right for is somehow bad? The crap they synthesize with horror stories and a long list of somewhat comical side effects is the answer? Let me think…um…no….and no.

Consider thinking outside the box on these issues and enjoy responsibly. I can't say that quitting entirely isn't a viable way to be able to revisit them in proper perspective, I did. But if you are having trouble just wean it on down a bit and stop drinking junk.

You don't have to partake at all; my hat's off to those that choose not to, I just want to dispel the archaic notion that it is the only alternative and encourage proper and responsible usage. It's all about choices.

I homebrewed and was into good craft beer for about 6 years. I had abused alcohol for too many years and was tired of it and decided to put it down. Bourbon County Stout was one of my favorites! Maybe one these days I can drink in moderation but right now I am happier with out it.
I homebrewed and was into good craft beer for about 6 years. I had abused alcohol for too many years and was tired of it and decided to put it down. Bourbon County Stout was one of my favorites! Maybe one these days I can drink in moderation but right now I am happier with out it.

That's cool, I hope to dabble in homebrews eventually, but I'm just too busy for now. In general, I can take it or leave it. I might go a week or two with nothing in the house, and sometimes a sixer can last for days. I'm not really too picky, my brother drinks natty light, dad enjoys PBR, and if someone offers or buys me a beer, I'll drink it with them.

Oh forgot, I have friends that drink normal, I find it weird but they will leave a half drank glass on the bar As I am sipping my tea I think to myself that"s abuse of alcohol lol

LOL. My wife is guiltier than I am on that, but it happens on occasion, and I rarely get bothered by it. I don't generally buy cheaper beer so you hate to waste it. If I don't think I'll finish another beer, I'll switch to water, or herbal tea, before I turn in for the night. For normal drinkers I think it's symptomatic of their ability to careless, the power to just treat it like soda pop for example. Some don't like it much after it gets warm, or they've just reached that point where they are satisfied.
No booze or drugs since 11/10/07. I was emotionally drained and causing far more harm (emotional) to people than I realized. I had tried control drinking but it was a joke for me. I hated it. In desperation I decided to try a "12 step program". Figured I had nothin much left to lose. Glad I did. My life is far better today than I even thought would be possible. If I can do it I figure anyone can. As long as they are willing to accept defeat and follow a simple program.
No booze or drugs since 11/10/07. I was emotionally drained and causing far more harm (emotional) to people than I realized. I had tried control drinking but it was a joke for me. I hated it. In desperation I decided to try a "12 step program". Figured I had nothin much left to lose. Glad I did. My life is far better today than I even thought would be possible. If I can do it I figure anyone can. As long as they are willing to accept defeat and follow a simple program.

No offence to you personally ace, but I would rather go the "jails, institutions and death" route (if it came to that), as opposed to hanging with those defeated AA sheep, sipping bad coffee, on folding chairs in a church basement somewhere, talking about their higher power. :dizzy:

.....not feelin' it!

Edit: and don't even get me going on the hand holding bit of gayness..
No offence to you personally ace, but I would rather go the "jails, institutions and death" route (if it came to that), as opposed to hanging with those defeated AA sheep, sipping bad coffee, on folding chairs in a church basement somewhere, talking about their higher power. :dizzy:

.....not feelin' it!

Edit: and don't even get me going on the hand holding bit of gayness..
LOL. jail , death and institutions can be pretty cool. I am no defeated sheep. You just havent been around it enough to know whats really going on with it. Although I will say that I hear that it can vary alittle around the country. Some meetings are pretty dismal so i am told. To each there own.
HEY FOLKS....I would prefer not to start a debate here. Maybe its to late..then so be it. I just wanted to point out that can be options where there appears to be none. Thats all.
So he is dead, finally my brother in arms,my friend since we were kids, Brad, first U.S. casualty in Iraq, has been avenged.
Seeing so many young people getting killed or wounded has pained me deeply from the beginning, just the other day, one of my guys I had at OCS was blown up by an IED in Afghanistan. He lives, but will never be the same, but ask him about it, he is glad he was a part of something much bigger than himself.
Watching these kids with missing arms and legs make me realize that we do have something worth fighting for, eachother.
Good job to the Sailors and Marines on the team that got him. 1 to the head. Wonder how that young man feels today, knowing he has invigorated a nation with one $2.35 round