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I think I'll skip. I'm tempted to get the address but last week I ran a CS ad that read "If you want your trees cut down in exchange for firewood, please email me. I'd like to come knock on your head and see if it's hollow" I got a few indignant and a few crazy emails and then CS pulled my ad. If you look at the tree in the photo it has once fresh cut showing on a low limb. I'm guessing someone tried the first limb with a ladder and thought better of it. I didn't want you missing out on the big firewood bucks.

Ya thats oak! VERY valuable, just ask my brother in law...he knows a guy who had a tree next door to a fellow who cut wood for a guy who has a splitter and then this other guy they know buys wood all the time from a guy who just goes around makin a TON of money from firewood. or somthin like that :bang: I will get that address though.:laugh: Thanks agian for thinking of me Smallwood...now THATS networking!!
Wow, UPS and altec aint screwing around!

Looks like I got a nice little project for today! Sweet.

See if it works..

And those parts were how much ? lol I like the sleeping dog wheel chock , mine is a sleeping cat....
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Really a ##### of a day:

For one, I had to get out of bed. I don't know if any of you have ever done that, I have to say it sucks.

So at 8:30 the water conditioner guy comes by and drops of a bunch of crap for the water conditioners. No problem there so I head to my post operation checkup. The surgeon comes in and tells me a stupid blonde joke, feels me up and walks out offering no consulation to any of the questions I asked him. I am like " Uhh, Ok... I guess"
So I am making good time getting to that cracked poplar til I get home to this Armenian Ray Ramano type who is just being a pain in the ass. He is playing me against another service and wants me to come back once more to give a price on another tree. He isn't that much of a chowder head, its his stuttering Ray Ramano dialect that make me want to bury a axe in his skull.
So I finally make it back, meet up with the new kid and get to the cracked poplar. Man! That was tough!. Poor kid just couldn't distinguish the thin blue rope from the orange porta-wrap. I had it rigged and ready to go and had told him to tie on the thin blue rope to my climb line, he dissassembles the orange port-wrap and ties that on. He doesn't know how to put it back on so now he has to take wraps on the trunk which made that job maddening.
When I told him to unwrap the thin blue rope from the tree he went and started unwrapping the thick blue rope from the silver porty. Considering that what was holding up the tree I about freaked as I was spiked into the cracked trunk.
Sure I did some funny things in my day, maybe I will tell you all about them BUT I don't understand it when you say " walk to the tree directly in front of you" and the person turns 90 degrees and starts walking to a tree that isn't even on the property.
Well, it was a pain with the kid taking wraps on the tree but it only took a few hours to have it down and chipped. There is still a little pole standing and a load of logs to get out but I just couldn't take anymore than that for the day. I actually used a full tank in the saw which is rare for me. Everything else worked out well, I went up srt, tied in on about 5 inch dia which was perfect to send the tops out through the canopies of the other trees. Spear chucking its called, nothing huge and it all dropped through right behind the chipper.
Then put on my spikes and hammered the trunk. I dumped a few pieces on the lowering line then chunked the trunk til I could notch it at the bottom without undue difficulty.
Really though, on the ground I told the kid what was up, what line to tie on, what the orange porty was for, not to touch the silver porty with the thick blue rope. When I realized he took the orange porty off and tied it to the very end on my climbing line I knew I was in for a treat and don't think for a minute I would have the kid do something he had never done before.Its not like I have him down there running saws and chipping. He just needed to tie on a few things and lower a few hunks of tree. He will be allright, just new at it, thinking to much, don't know where to stand. I had reservations about bringing him on this job, it would have been a breeze had he not undone that orange porty.

the DAN has made my head spin. somebody PLEASE, pour MT DEW on his keyboard....lol
I went directly to the last post. Dave I almost wet myself readin that. Clam truck action. Should I call tonite? Gonna Read for a bit
Man, for such an annoying thing, that seemed so potentially expensive, that was the easiest thing I ever fixed!

Leo could have almost done it without me! lol.
now if you could just figure out how to get your pics to show up!

What's the point, they'll just switch it up again as soon as I figure it out... I almost think they want it to be a pita! lol.
can i get an amen......................AMEN!
Ace. One of your neighbors wants his tree cut down AND you can keep the wood and make a lot of money with it. Better jump on it quick.
Oak tree removal=free wood
Sad part is some dumbass might get killed taken him up on it. More could be said but it'd be a waste of time. We all know.
Man, for such an annoying thing, that seemed so potentially expensive, that was the easiest thing I ever fixed!

Leo could have almost done it without me! lol.

Holy hose hell batman!
Whatta frigin nitemare. Did they loop the whole friggin hydro system into that? Too much. Im a big fan of K.I.S.S.. Keep it simple stupid. Flippin Altec. I wont get started. sorry guys , been a year. tryin to calm down_______________oh, Dan , God bless you, you must have the patience of a saint. When I had that kinda help , I'd burn out the rope flyin down , shove em out the way sceamin bout how to do it, and run back up all in a matter of seconds. I think thats why I started goin grey at 24. Take it easy on that knee. I mean that.
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Got off to a late start this morning, didn't get onto the job till almost 10. Figured no problem though, just an apple tree to TD and a few branches on a maple tree.

Get over there, took 2 hrs to get the apple down! Good thing I brought the big orchard ladder! Over a couple of fences and plantings. No problems to speak of, other than hitting a horseshoe while cutting down the last of the stick with the 460. Lady comes out, we talk, yeah go ahead and get the half dozen small hangers out of the red maple... and while you're at it take down this one leader on a sugar maple that's right in a flower bed. Oh, and let's get rid of this walnut down in the swamp (300' from where the truck was parked) I had to draw the line somewhere, and said we'll comeback for that. Finally get the maple branches down, help my buddy to chip up this nasty pile of junk he had while he was working there. Go to dump the chips at a nearby spot that my buddy needed them at for an upcoming landscape job, HO comes out as I am backing into the driveway... "that's too much material." Ok, no problem... take off to this other spot across town. Get back, said to heck with it, I had the keys to the machine... load up the logs. The chip box was FULL... has to be close to a cord of wood on there, only half a dozen small pieces of maple, the rest is from the apple tree. Ok, no room to put things in the truck safely, thank goodness we just put a bigger toolbox on the chipper this weekend... loaded it to the gills with gear. The rest of the tools we made spots for...

Going back tomorrow to pick up some items that I didn't have room for, and to deal with a neighbor who wants some work done too.
Thrashed ten big oaks down today. Went at it like I was thirty still ,paying for it now:)
I have made some long awaited gross this week:) If I don't fall apart things will get good quick. Gotta grapple four loads for another bus tomorrow. Then two or so for mine should be another 2 to 3k day oh I love good money!:)
the DAN has made my head spin. somebody PLEASE, pour MT DEW on his keyboard....lol

There was a lady landscraper there, I knew she was thinking I was freaking out and hollering but I really wasn't. Sure I was up 90 feet making sure the kid could hear me and I did go off a little over that orange porty versus the blue rope episode. Hell I wasn't coming down to have a conversation with the kid so I asked him if was color blind, well hollered it actually. I don't know where he got the idea to unwrap the big bull rope that was supporting the whole thing, glad I had most of the weight off when he did that. Before I went up I went over all the proceedures and told him not to touch the support rope.
I had also shown him how to tie things on with 2 halfhitches, I guess he knows the importance of that cause the 5 gallon bucket that my spikes were in came loose and about drove him down. Not good and when he tied it on again and I told him to use two knots he still only put one in.
Its was go time with this tree so I went. The kid is allright, his feelings aren't hurt. I understand this stuff is complex , especially to newbies, though its simple to me.

This tree was 100 foot , I put it down almost as easy as squashing a bug. Its not as bad as it might look, came out of there nicely even with the agonies I had.

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Pain in the Ash....

Small apple, small mulberry, and 24" dbh ash removal right next to the house foundation today along with some three year old ice storm damage removed from a co-dominate ash.

The co-dom is trash, but they wanted to enjoy it a bit longer so I made it look "decent" with what I had to work with.

The ash removal near the house already destroyed the concrete patio that was poured around it :msp_rolleyes: and was starting to cave in the foundation. :dizzy:

Gotta love the cleanup on an unkempt ash..lol.

I quoted this one fairly cheap because they are friends with my wife and it was like a month and a half ago. I was about ready to forget about it, and rebid it if they ever called back, but I had mercy. Still came out pretty good for a day's worth of work. No 2 to 3K like good ol rope, but still beat a "foreman's week" in a day at friend's winter rates.

In addition, I'm heading to their other farm tomorrow afternoon to bid some more work. I'll be able to swing by and visit an ol boy from up that way that's wanting some planting done at the same time. With gas at 4 bucks plus, getting a two for one shot is a bit of happiness especially if I can combine the two jobs into one day.

Sometimes a little patience pay dividends. :msp_biggrin:
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Looks like another rain day here. Had a big Norway Maple to do but it's just nasty and cold out. Tomorrow and Friday look beautiful though so no biggie.
I think I could have gotten better service if I had just went to McDonalds for my knee surgery. Its not like the meat the doctors cut off you don't go there anyway. In fact, drive through surgery is on the horizon. You will be able to get a roid cut off yer pucker hole and while you are getting your ass sewn back up they will cook it up and sell it back to you for lunch.
It was " funny" the last time I went in my post -op checkup. They always give you a sheet to fill out with your information. They say " there have been some changes and we need you to fill this out"
The one old guy in there was like " NO! I did it last week!" But they still tried to get him to fill it out. I am not going to fill them out anymore either. They sure like to change things, like every week. Its bull####, nothing has changed since the dawn of time. I think they use the infomation they get from you, they sell it. They say they don't and its illegal but I am sure they found a way.
At the one office they have a line painted on the floor in front of the reception counter that you are suppose to wait behind like the sign says. Boy! If you cross that line before you are supposed to you are gonna be in trouble! They just might throw you in solitary confinment.
They one dude got yelled at, I hollered back " what the Hell is this, Jail?" They got rid of the line at the counter.
Then the phone numbers and the network always change and you can barely get a person to talk to. They are relying on voice mail and things like " push one to have yer colon scraped".
Hey, if you think I am an ####### who don't give a #### you should meet the man who shot me full of dope then drilled into my leg. I really don't want to hear blonde jokes from a surgeon when I have questions I want answered. I am not even sure my knee will get better, I mean if the cartilege is missing how is the bone adema going to heal? Just because the doctor says " it will be fine " , tells a stupid joke and walks out? Jeez, I give more time to my tree work clients and all they usually care about is if its gonna cost more than 50 bucks.
Allright, even though they told me not I am gonna chop up one of these head pills they gave me and snort the mother####er. TOP OF THE WORLD MA!
had a thunderstorm early this morning, (rare here) and steady, pesky rain......knew I should have taken down that big dead oak yesterday while the sun was shining.......:msp_sneaky: lady even had cash.

Sad part is some dumbass might get killed taken him up on it. More could be said but it'd be a waste of time. We all know.

Holy hose hell batman!
Whatta frigin nitemare. Did they loop the whole friggin hydro system into that? Too much. Im a big fan of K.I.S.S.. Keep it simple stupid. Flippin Altec. I wont get started. sorry guys , been a year. tryin to calm down_______________oh, Dan , God bless you, you must have the patience of a saint. When I had that kinda help , I'd burn out the rope flyin down , shove em out the way sceamin bout how to do it, and run back up all in a matter of seconds. I think thats why I started goin grey at 24. Take it easy on that knee. I mean that.

I don't know about being saintly but I try. I don't make the switch to lunatic and go nuts on people until I have truly realized they are not able to be present to the things they said they would be present to.
That's a key word, present, being present to the real situation, the cause of all fights, arguements and misunderstanding. Most people are present to their interpretation of a situation and act on those interpretations without realizing the other guy is thinking " this guy ain't all there, he doesn't get it, he must be stupid". I do it but I do try very hard to be present to the big picture. Finding the right people to be present to get things done right is very tough especially in this business. I mean what normal person would/could be totally present to doing this work?
The thing with this new kid is that he wants to be present but doesn't know how. Its not like he is resisting and fighting back, making up stories about what an ####### I am to be hollering. He just needs more training and experiance.
People will make up stories why they shouldn't/couldn't be totally present to a situation and then they are not working together but they have to work to survive so they live by their made up stories. Since we know the stories we have made up and live are in fact bull#### we are at war with ourselves because inside of every human their is a need to be real. Being real has nothing to do with made up stories.
We all do it, me to. Like the stories I made up about the doctors, I have now conviced myself that the world sucks with my stories and am now being in a non-productive way. Right now, if someone wanted to talk to me I would tell them to #### off, the last thing I want is to hear someone else's bull#### stories or have to deal with someone's " wrong impression" of me.
Take for instance the story I tell myself everytime I see a truck with ECONOMY, AFFORDABLE, CHEAP on the side of it. The stories themselves are bull#### but they are made up of some things that are real, the rest we add to sound good, to make sense, to make yourself appealing. We arrange the context so it makes sense. Economy Tree Service - those three words are actually a very big story and its a bull#### story made from half what is real and half what isn't and half from something we heard somebody else say.
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the DAN obviously knows the crucial factor in proper pain management with prescription narcotics.....

crush and snort....:hmm3grin2orange:

hopefully he's getting Dilaudid......:D

The reason I hate the word " manage" is the same I hate the name Economy Tree Service.
The word manage means to control or cope with. Its used in the context of " pain management" " anger management"
My shrink gives me tons of ways to manage my anger. The thing is I don't want to manage it, I want it gone. I don't want to manage my pain, I want it gone. Hell, if i did what my shrink said I would be walking around all day counting to ten and breathing deeply. People would ask what I was doing, I'd say, " managing my anger". They would ask me why I was angry, I would say " cause this management bull#### is to much work for to little results"
Go to the root. The more management you heap on a problem the more problems you have managing the management.To me management is a form of ellusive , and often unauthentic, manipulation... especially when it comes to managing people.
And everybody gets all up in arms when they see someone who is angery, distraught, having a breakdown. They defy another person's anger, they tell themselves a story about how to be angry is wrong and they shouldn't have to be a part of it. The truth is everybody gets pissed and the easiest, fastest, most productive way to soothe an angry person is to acknowledge thier anger and be a part of it. You say " Oh, I see you are getting pissed, I get pissed too, its OK, I get it. Is there something I can do to help, is there a reason you would be mad at me?"
Try that on. It would open up a door to a intimate conversation most people are afraid of, never thought possible and it would go right to the root.

When my wife was pregnant I was working on a crew. We had switched trucks and I left my phone in another truck that wasn't with us anymore.
We were eating lunch when I realized I didn't have my phone so I told the bawss. He didn't seem to be very present to my urgency when I told him I needed my phone and I needed it now so I layed into him but he made no moves to go get my phone.
We got into it pretty well, I said some things, he said some things and we both got pissed. Sure, I expected him to drop everything and go get my dam phone, its what I would have done. He tried to manage the situation instead of just going to the root. Yes, I wanted my phone, I had a dam good reason to want it and without it I couldn't be present to the jobsite.
Sure I could have made up a story about how everything would be allright, that since the guy was paying me I should do what he tells me, that I was being a baby about the situation. I am sure those are the stories he told himself about me.
He ended up going to get my phone but only after he fed me his stories about how I was being which only fueled the fire. I gave him my stories which only fueled the fire. None of it helped, the only real things that were going on was that I was scared my wife was going into labor and we had a job to get done.
Go to the root, get the phone. The phone was the root of the situation, I was using it to manage my fear of my wife's needs.
Do you want to manage pain or do you want to manage to get rid of the pain? Context is very powerful and often misconstrued.
People think I am ####head when I am working because I don't say " could you please tie on that saw, thank you", I say ( in an aggressive tone condusive to the work I am performing) " Tie on that saw and get out of the way!" Now people's feelings are hurt because the stories they have made up and try to live by tell them that anyone who talks to them like that is a ####head. So more stories have to be made up to continue living when the fact is I am not a ####head because before I climbed up there I said " just because it appears that I am yelling at you it doesn't mean I am yelling at you".
I usually elaborate on that, I tell them what is going on for me to be yelling. I have to be heard clearly from 80 feet and a lot of noise, sometimes when I am trying to communicate with the people down there I get jabbed in the eye and that may make me put some emphasis on my words. And yes, sometimes I get pissed when I have to keep repeating myself.
When I realize that a person is being guided by his pre-concieved stories and notions about how things are supposed to be and not being authentically present to the situation and there is nothing I can do about because i got a face full of tree that I am supposed to be " managing" I get pissed and let it show.
Its does little good . Some people you just can't reach. You would have to take away all their stories, tell them what is happening is just happening and to either be present to what is happening and deal with it with integrity and authenticity or get the #### out. I used to think by me telling the bawss his guys were jokers, so was he and quitting was how I was being authentic and having integrity. I still kind of feel that way because those guys were not present to the situation. The situation is tree work, lets not kid ourselves with stories. Be present to that or #### off.
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