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The reason I hate the word " manage" is the same I hate the name Economy Tree Service.
The word manage means to control or cope with. Its used in the context of " pain management" " anger management"
My shrink gives me tons of ways to manage my anger. The thing is I don't want to manage it, I want it gone. I don't want to manage my pain, I want it gone. Hell, if i did what my shrink said I would be walking around all day counting to ten and breathing deeply. People would ask what I was doing, I'd say, " managing my anger". They would ask me why I was angry, I would say " cause this management bull#### is to much work for to little results"
Go to the root. The more management you heap on a problem the more problems you have managing the management.To me management is a form of ellusive , and often unauthentic, manipulation... especially when it comes to managing people.
And everybody gets all up in arms when they see someone who is angery, distraught, having a breakdown. They defy another person's anger, they tell themselves a story about how to be angry is wrong and they shouldn't have to be a part of it. The truth is everybody gets pissed and the easiest, fastest, most productive way to soothe an angry person is to acknowledge thier anger and be a part of it. You say " Oh, I see you are getting pissed, I get pissed too, its OK, I get it. Is there something I can do to help, is there a reason you would be mad at me?"
Try that on.

When my wife was pregnant I was working on a crew. We had switched trucks and I left my phone in another truck that wasn't with us anymore.
We were eating lunch when I realized I didn't have my phone so I told the bawss. He didn't seem to be very present to my urgency when I told him I needed my phone and I needed it now so I layed into him but he made no moves to go get my phone.
We got into it pretty well, I said some things, he said some things and we both got pissed. Sure, I expected him to drop everything and go get my dam phone, its what I would have done. He tried to manage the situation instead of just going to the root. Yes, I wanted my phone, I had a dam good reason to want it and without it I couldn't be present to the jobsite.
Sure I could have made up a story about how everything would be allright, that since the guy was paying me I should do what he tells me, that I was being a baby about the situation. I am sure those are the stories he told himself about me.
He ended up going to get my phone but only after he fed me his stories about how I was being which only fueled the fire. I gave him my stories which only fueled the fire. None of it helped, the only real things that were going on was that I was scared my wife was going into labor and we had a job to get done.
Go to the root, get the phone. The phone was the root of the situation, I was using it to manage my fear of my wife's needs.
Do you want to manage pain or do you want to manage to get rid of the pain? Context is very powerful.

profoundly true.

and reprinted in case anyone missed it....:D
Ray Ramano called me back and in spite of my proposal being higher than the other guy I got the job.
Now I have to decide if I really want it! This guy is kinda of pain but we have good communication and I am confident I can do the job to spec. If he screws me over by complaining about his lawn that might be a problem. But presently we have talked about that sort of stuff and I am charging him for the extra work we have to do to make sure that when we leave his lawn will be OK.
In fact, presently, I am willing to happily do more than what is written on the proposal because , presently, he has stopped being a jackass playing me against another tree service and has become symbiotic with me. Now we are together, on the same page. It takes a lot of work to get here and I sure as Hell didn't accomplish that by kissing his ass, saying yes when I meant no or being the cheapest.
When I went up there the second time I was feeling like I was jumping when he told me to and that was making me mad. In reality it was my integrity that made me stop what I was planning to do and go up to see what was going on up there and handle it with power and precision. I made the choice to go up there again because i wanted to know.
I was thinking about what a dumb ass this guy was being ( he kinda was) and was mad about burning the fuel in my car just to placate him. But he admitted he was being a pain in the ass and he recognized my integrity.

I think I got the pic thing again finally, was just screwing up one little step..

Edit: Yep!
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Had a good day. Although I didnt care much for the oil cap coming off my 046 while I was chunkn down a spar....:angry2::angry2::angry2: Goundie said "I have no idea how" (that happened) and "I know I put it on tight"..hhmmmm, I said lets review the facts. ..."we" were able to determine that when he poured gas from the five gal can into the small can then into the saw that "threw him off his normal process" and he actually DID forget to tightn the oil cap. I figure I am lucky the gas didnt pour out into my lap as well.
luv that truck rope

We got robbed Sun night. Broke three windows in 2 trucks. Got a new blower and other stuff stolen. My neighbor got robbed a week ago for all his welding cable and other stuff and crashed in door.

Today we come in with the crano at 4 30 and as Kyle is backing me up there is a car with a girl in it on the road. Kyle notices a battery in the middle of the lot and is gonna ask me why it is there.

At just that moment a dude comes out from under the Yota. He says to Kyle he is just taking a piscs and we scared him. He starts to leave and Kyle grabs him. He is a big dirty hillbilly from Kentucky. Kyle tells me look at this guy he was stealing a battery outta the grinder.

He is trying to get away while I am climbing outta the crane and trying to call the cops. He is still trying to get away and Kyle body slams him and goes to cold cock him. I jump on the front of him and get him in a choke hold. I yell for someone to call the cops and people come out from all over and the barber calls the cops I think.

We lay on him with him choking and wait for about 20 mins for cops to show up. Cops find mass metal he just stuck in his hatchback from my neighbor the welder. The ##### has heroin and paraphernalia and the car stinks like burnt heroin (unfortunately I know what that smells like). 5 squad cars block my lot street and get him cuffed and her cuffed and in different cars.

Broad daylight! Do you believe that? He musta been there for a while loading all that metal. We get the welder out there and he ID's the stuff and he and his Dad of about 85 come out and want to kill the guy.

Broad daylight....nuts.:dizzy:

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luv that truck rope

We got robbed Sun night. Broke three windows in 2 trucks. Got a new blower and other stuff stolen. My neighbor got robbed a week ago for all his welding cable and other stuff and crashed in door.

Today we come in with the crano at 4 30 and as Kyle is backing me up there is a car with a girl in it on the road. Kyle notices a battery in the middle of the lot and is gonna ask me why it is there.

At just that moment a dude comes out from under the Yota. He says to Kyle he is just taking a piscs and we scared him. He starts to leave and Kyle grabs him. He is a big dirty hillbilly from Kentucky. Kyle tells me look at this guy he was stealing a battery outta the grinder.

He is trying to get away while I am climbing outta the crane and trying to call the cops. He is still trying to get away and Kyle body slams him and goes to cold cock him. I jump on the front of him and get him in a choke hold. I yell for someone to call the cops and people come out from all over and the barber calls the cops I think.

We lay on him with him choking and wait for about 20 mins for cops to show up. Cops find mass metal he just stuck in his hatchback from my neighbor the welder. The ##### has heroin and paraphernalia and the car stinks like burnt heroin (unfortunately I know what that smells like). 5 squad cars block my lot street and get him cuffed and her cuffed and in different cars.

Broad daylight! Do you believe that? He musta been there for a while loading all that metal. We get the welder out there and he ID's the stuff and he and his Dad of about 85 come out and want to kill the guy.

Broad daylight....nuts.:dizzy:

Lol around here they're fertilizer lol. Did I tell you I can dig deep hole with my grapple:monkey:
Another guy called wanting my truck today lol, yeah right lol I will be hauling all summer probably for another well established service we teamed up and decided we would take our area over lol:cheers: 300 per load five to seven good loads per day:)
Had a good day. Although I didnt care much for the oil cap coming off my 046 while I was chunkn down a spar....:angry2::angry2::angry2: Goundie said "I have no idea how" (that happened) and "I know I put it on tight"..hhmmmm, I said lets review the facts. ..."we" were able to determine that when he poured gas from the five gal can into the small can then into the saw that "threw him off his normal process" and he actually DID forget to tightn the oil cap. I figure I am lucky the gas didnt pour out into my lap as well.

Lmfao yup, them damn stihls its all theys good fur:)
I got a busy day in the Am lol got to trim the entrance to our biggest water park then take two big dead pines down clean up later. Then get back in grapple and haul as many loads till dark thirty. Its getting busy for the rope lol. I am renting a medium track hoe to pop around fifty up rooted stumps hope I get the hydraulic thumb! Bid a job today at 30 k:)
Right. How do you fight with something you barely wanna touch, for fear of catching lord knows what? be nice to have a taser handy for that type of situation.. or two!

that's a damn good idea. you shoot him and you get convicted. I was real worried he was gonna bite me. tazer....real good idea....gonna look into that tomorrow.:rock:

that and a pair of cuffs