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Lol tell ya what vet a hog leaves no sign if ya know what I mean:)


Spammy's down! lol.
luv that truck rope

We got robbed Sun night. Broke three windows in 2 trucks. Got a new blower and other stuff stolen. My neighbor got robbed a week ago for all his welding cable and other stuff and crashed in door.

Today we come in with the crano at 4 30 and as Kyle is backing me up there is a car with a girl in it on the road. Kyle notices a battery in the middle of the lot and is gonna ask me why it is there.

At just that moment a dude comes out from under the Yota. He says to Kyle he is just taking a piscs and we scared him. He starts to leave and Kyle grabs him. He is a big dirty hillbilly from Kentucky. Kyle tells me look at this guy he was stealing a battery outta the grinder.

He is trying to get away while I am climbing outta the crane and trying to call the cops. He is still trying to get away and Kyle body slams him and goes to cold cock him. I jump on the front of him and get him in a choke hold. I yell for someone to call the cops and people come out from all over and the barber calls the cops I think.

We lay on him with him choking and wait for about 20 mins for cops to show up. Cops find mass metal he just stuck in his hatchback from my neighbor the welder. The ##### has heroin and paraphernalia and the car stinks like burnt heroin (unfortunately I know what that smells like). 5 squad cars block my lot street and get him cuffed and her cuffed and in different cars.

Broad daylight! Do you believe that? He musta been there for a while loading all that metal. We get the welder out there and he ID's the stuff and he and his Dad of about 85 come out and want to kill the guy.

Broad daylight....nuts.:dizzy:


Yeah, when I saw your yard I was like " I don't envy that guy". I just hope you don't get into trouble for assualt or some BS like that. I have to say picturing you and your son fighting each other over who gets to sock the junkie does sound comical. Its sounds like you robbed him of throwing a good punch which is probably for the better. " Aww come on Dad, how come I can't knock the junkies teeth out, you always get to have all the fun! When do I get a turn? Your always hogging the beat downs, its just not fair! Mom! Dad won't let me cave this junkies face in again!"

Why don't you put a dog in there? I'd would. I would get a puppy and train it to only eat what i gave it.
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Yeah, when I saw your yard I was like " I don't envy that guy". I just hope you don't get into trouble for assualt or some BS like that. I have to say picturing you and your son fighting each other over who gets to sock the junkie does sound comical. Its sounds like you robbed him of throwing a good punch which is probably for the better. " Aww come on Dad, how come I can't knock the junkies teeth out, you always get to have all the fun! When do I get a turn? Your always hogging the beat downs, its just not fair! Mom! Dad won't let me cave this junkies face in again!"

Why don't you put a dog in there? I'd would. I would get a puppy and train it to only eat what i gave it.

They just kill a dog but a grizzly is an idea:)
had a thunderstorm early this morning, (rare here) and steady, pesky rain......knew I should have taken down that big dead oak yesterday while the sun was shining.......:msp_sneaky: lady even had cash.

I don't know about being saintly but I try. I don't make the switch to lunatic and go nuts on people until I have truly realized they are not able to be present to the things they said they would be present to.
That's a key word, present, being present to the real situation, the cause of all fights, arguements and misunderstanding. Most people are present to their interpretation of a situation and act on those interpretations without realizing the other guy is thinking " this guy ain't all there, he doesn't get it, he must be stupid". I do it but I do try very hard to be present to the big picture. Finding the right people to be present to get things done right is very tough especially in this business. I mean what normal person would/could be totally present to doing this work?
The thing with this new kid is that he wants to be present but doesn't know how. Its not like he is resisting and fighting back, making up stories about what an ####### I am to be hollering. He just needs more training and experiance.
People will make up stories why they shouldn't/couldn't be totally present to a situation and then they are not working together but they have to work to survive so they live by their made up stories. Since we know the stories we have made up and live are in fact bull#### we are at war with ourselves because inside of every human their is a need to be real. Being real has nothing to do with made up stories.
We all do it, me to. Like the stories I made up about the doctors, I have now conviced myself that the world sucks with my stories and am now being in a non-productive way. Right now, if someone wanted to talk to me I would tell them to #### off, the last thing I want is to hear someone else's bull#### stories or have to deal with someone's " wrong impression" of me.
Take for instance the story I tell myself everytime I see a truck with ECONOMY, AFFORDABLE, CHEAP on the side of it. The stories themselves are bull#### but they are made up of some things that are real, the rest we add to sound good, to make sense, to make yourself appealing. We arrange the context so it makes sense. Economy Tree Service - those three words are actually a very big story and its a bull#### story made from half what is real and half what isn't and half from something we heard somebody else say.

Dave you got too used to being in Illinois. YOU GOD DAM RITE MAKE HAY WHEN THE SUN SHINES!!!!! Thats why when people ask me why Im out on a beautiful Sunday, well sir or mam, I get too much sitting sometime when it rains, Id rather be out cuttin inthe sun on everyone elses day off. WTF else i gonna do.?? Dan , you are truly my hero here on AS. You get it. Seriously, I know you gotta provide, but take it easy on that Knee. Being crippled later on wont be worth the food on the table today.___ Had to go nuts Dan. You dont EF with my B and B. If I catch some POS firin' up smoke on My job after I tell'um when and wher is approprate, , and Jesus, I put up wit some #### here and there, but when its crunch time, u cant hang , go eat a ####. Im a shadow of the copy, but I live in what was. All the screaming I saw at a young age, Its still in me. FIRE!!!!!!! In my heart!!! Sorry im at it again
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I got left on the job wit my #$%^ in my hand.

Just moved back to Hawaii. I asked a small time tree service if they had a contractors license and insurance. Oh hell yes gotta have that stuff now days. so i lined out with a couple grand worth of work to start. I climbed his groundman cleaned up until I was finished, then I helped. He sat in a chair on the phone most of the time.
So I landed a fat job with a old friend who owns lots of estates as well as most the commercial property in my town. He said " Make sure this guy brings his contractor # and insurance card" . The guy says no problem. Job starts at 6am I told him to be there at 530 . keeping in mind the 1st faze is around multiple stores 2nd faze is next to a hotel. All have been notified of up and coming work. This idiot calls me at 545 says he worked to hard yesterday and doesn't feel good. I'm on the job with all my gear standing there. He owes me for previous work and NOW, NOW he's MIA . wont answer phone. I looked up his name in a data base and you guessed it no license. Crook. I check out his website Its pictures of other peoples work and other peoples equipment. Then I watched his climbing video Ah hahahah nice climbing. Jack%$#@ . should of done some more research

Take a look Home :msp_angry::angry:
Ray Ramano called me back and in spite of my proposal being higher than the other guy I got the job.
Now I have to decide if I really want it! This guy is kinda of pain but we have good communication and I am confident I can do the job to spec. If he screws me over by complaining about his lawn that might be a problem. But presently we have talked about that sort of stuff and I am charging him for the extra work we have to do to make sure that when we leave his lawn will be OK.
In fact, presently, I am willing to happily do more than what is written on the proposal because , presently, he has stopped being a jackass playing me against another tree service and has become symbiotic with me. Now we are together, on the same page. It takes a lot of work to get here and I sure as Hell didn't accomplish that by kissing his ass, saying yes when I meant no or being the cheapest.
When I went up there the second time I was feeling like I was jumping when he told me to and that was making me mad. In reality it was my integrity that made me stop what I was planning to do and go up to see what was going on up there and handle it with power and precision. I made the choice to go up there again because i wanted to know.
I was thinking about what a dumb ass this guy was being ( he kinda was) and was mad about burning the fuel in my car just to placate him. But he admitted he was being a pain in the ass and he recognized my integrity.

I know a Ray Ramano. Is that a real person or a name for someone? He used to be a treeguy now I think he's a landscraper. Helped me back in the day. If it is the same guy then yes he is a pita!
believe it ir not, but in most places it would be illegal to cuff somebody. Unlawful restraint.:msp_angry:

pitch em in the hogpen, no fuss no muss...

You likely would get in trouble here in Canada as well. :msp_angry:

Criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens, perhaps that will change with the new majority government as they have pledged to build a lot of new jails.
You likely would get in trouble here in Canada as well. :msp_angry:

Criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens, perhaps that will change with the new majority government as they have pledged to build a lot of new jails.

might be illegal to handcuff em but cops didn't mind that Kyle slammed his ass and I choked him til he turned purple and said he dying. what's the dif?
No, its just this client looks, acts and talks exactly like Ray Ramano from the TV show. It takes a good amount of work to have a conversation with a guy like that.

Yeah Vet, the junkie could tell the cops that you beat him up and the cops could very well have little choice but to file a compaint against you. He could very well claim you hurt his neck. So if he does say you saw him standing there then you attacked him then you just say he came at you first. You know, tell them you saw him coming at your son and you put him down or something. I am sure the cops on with you on this but the junkie does have rights and he could force them to take action against you.
All in all it would be amazing to be able to help turn the junkies life around. I hate to sound like a softy, I know we break our humps for our bread so why give aid to junkies? I don't know, its just sad to see people like that and I also know one doesn't stand much of a chance making a junkie make a change. It would be great if the judge sentenced the guy to work for you... after rehab of course and on work release but I am dreaming.
But try this on: What kinds of thoughts would be going on in your head if you thought the only thing you should do everyday was to steal car batteries so you could stick a needle in your neck? "You can't get what you want but you can get what you need" That's that Stones song remember? Basically I take it to mean that even if you know what you need to live the way you want to live and be happy you are somehow doomed going after things that make you seem to feel better but know that is not what you want and it only makes you feel miserable and no matter how much you want to stop and go in another direction you can't.
Sure I would be so angry if some junkie robbed me of the tools I was hammering out a living with and would think about retribution but honestly, I wouldn't be able to make a strike at another person who is that bad off. I would love for the judge to put him on the tree crew Whoowee! That would be fun! What's his job? Drag brush and rake sticks ALL DAY LONG. At least he might realize who he is stealing from and if he survived he just might gain the confidence to know he can do more than get high. Ahhh, I dreamin again but think about what made the differences between the junkie and your son. Right?
No, its just this client looks, acts and talks exactly like Ray Ramano from the TV show. It takes a good amount of work to have a conversation with a guy like that.

Yeah Vet, the junkie could tell the cops that you beat him up and the cops could very well have little choice but to file a compaint against you. He could very well claim you hurt his neck. So if he does say you saw him standing there then you attacked him then you just say he came at you first. You know, tell them you saw him coming at your son and you put him down or something. I am sure the cops on with you on this but the junkie does have rights and he could force them to take action against you.
All in all it would be amazing to be able to help turn the junkies life around. I hate to sound like a softy, I know we break our humps for our bread so why give aid to junkies? I don't know, its just sad to see people like that and I also know one doesn't stand much of a chance making a junkie make a change. It would be great if the judge sentenced the guy to work for you... after rehab of course and on work release but I am dreaming.
But try this on: What kinds of thoughts would be going on in your head if you thought the only thing you should do everyday was to steal car batteries so you could stick a needle in your neck? "You can't get what you want but you can get what you need" That's that Stones song remember? Basically I take it to mean that even if you know what you need to live the way you want to live and be happy you are somehow doomed going after things that make you seem to feel better but know that is not what you want and it only makes you feel miserable and no matter how much you want to stop and go in another direction you can't.
Sure I would be so angry if some junkie robbed me of the tools I was hammering out a living with and would think about retribution but honestly, I wouldn't be able to make a strike at another person who is that bad off. I would love for the judge to put him on the tree crew Whoowee! That would be fun! What's his job? Drag brush and rake sticks ALL DAY LONG. At least he might realize who he is stealing from and if he survived he just might gain the confidence to know he can do more than get high. Ahhh, I dreamin again but think about what made the differences between the junkie and your son. Right?

I got a client looks just like Jimmy Fallon, smile and everything. Told him that couple of years ago and he seemed offended. Doesn't bother him now as Jimmy is big time cool.

This clown was released shortly after getting to the jail from over crowding and did not show up for trial at 9 this morning so a capeus (?) is out for him and they don't walk after no showing court.

You know I might feel sorry for the dude if he didn't break 2 windows and a windshield and stold 2 ladders. Nahhh.
I got a client looks just like Jimmy Fallon, smile and everything. Told him that couple of years ago and he seemed offended. Doesn't bother him now as Jimmy is big time cool.

This clown was released shortly after getting to the jail from over crowding and did not show up for trial at 9 this morning so a capeus (?) is out for him and they don't walk after no showing court.

You know I might feel sorry for the dude if he didn't break 2 windows and a windshield and stold 2 ladders. Nahhh.

You didn't expect him to show up for court did you? WAIT! He made bail? I think I saw bail was only a thousand bucks. What did the judge think it would allright if he spent a little of the money he's been stealing? Only a G? On all those charges? He had to have priors up the wazzu. Hey, I know, who has time to go to his hearing but maybe you should have went and opposed bail. At least asked for something higher so he couldn't pay it. Maybe I am dreaming again thinking a judge would be inclined to hear what the victim had to say.
I am impressed by the time it took him to be back on the street. I have seen it before though. Overcrowed jails huh?

I was in court for not having my dog on a leash, man that was a mean park ranger. This real bad dude comes in all chained with a list of priors and having done a few stints. Judge sent him home, no bail but with a collar on his leg. They didn't at least put one on the junkie?
So I get my community service and the judge said I could go. I said " out there? With the last guy? Can I at least get a escort to my car?" He didn't think it was the least bit funny but I knew there wasn't a dam thing he could do about what I said and the baliff cracked a smile.

We all should quit our jobs as citizen tax payers and go work at the government.
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You need to work on your rear naked choke Vet if he was able to tell you he's dying:msp_biggrin: Would have been more fun to see him go in and out of consciousness for 20 minutes waiting for the cops. I wonder how many times in a row you could do that without kiling a guy?
You need to work on your rear naked choke Vet if he was able to tell you he's dying:msp_biggrin: Would have been more fun to see him go in and out of consciousness for 20 minutes waiting for the cops. I wonder how many times in a row you could do that without kiling a guy?

:D A couple more, a couple more....