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We got into a planted stand of pine a few years back. 20 year old trees, planted in rows, 10 ft. spacing. The edge trees nearest the house were trashed by ice storms so the new owner wanted them down. I tried to tell her the whole stand needed to disappear but she was a real tree hugger and named the trees and only wanted the edge trees gone. Well, when they were gone the rest of the stand looked like big green Q tips so she kept having us back to cut a few more tress, hoping it would somehow look better. It was an OK gig but it was boring work and I just got tired of going back there so I told her that the trees make kind of a crying sound when I make them fall. I instantly felt bad because she got tears in her eyes but I held steady. I've never heard from her again and the ugly stand of pines is still there.

You're terrible...lol!
Buy her a tree, like a little tri color beech or something like that, something small,easy to plant, she will be happy again, like having a baby to take care of.
We took out a massive oak last year, lady was devastated, but it had to go, brought her back a little dogwood, made her cry. Tree is treated like a child.

Simply the best idea possible.

Midweek money shots. Third job in a row like it. This one was a lovely elm……not really. It was time for a privacy fence on the property line. A Mexican waterscaper was there to maintenance the pond, so I enjoyed working in one, he didn’t know that I was coming and kept apologizing, but I laughed and said that I had worked in worse for a lot less.

Then he wanted to know if there was money in trees, I said sometimes, but you’d better love it. His English was perfect; he said it looked like too much work…lol.
Had a neighbor come out after Chris (groundie) got smacked by a piece of brush, he did it to him self, knocked him down, he didn't get hurt, but was PO'ed at himself, so he sat down a bit to nurse his ego, lady took as he was injured, comes running out into the middle of the job site, which is a land clearing, skid loader running around, scrub trees being dropped, shes bear foot. We shut down so I can hear her. "The mother in me, is telling me he needs to go to the hospital" she keeps running her mouth, I keep telling her, he is fine, trying not to get mean with her, told her that I have extensive training in first aid and if he was hurt, we would take care of it. Told her she needed to get out of the jobsite, she kept insisting that her "mother instinct" was telling her this or that. I finally snapped and told her the the father in me is telling me that he needs to get his ass back to work and pay attention. Told the HO about it, he apologized, as she is a known wacko, always getting others business. Dumb Beeyaaaatch. Stay in the house, but in the window, with a teddy, she was the hot blondie, bimbo, trophy wife type! What I should have done is told her that Chris needed a massage!
Had a neighbor come out after Chris (groundie) got smacked by a piece of brush, he did it to him self, knocked him down, he didn't get hurt, but was PO'ed at himself, so he sat down a bit to nurse his ego, lady took as he was injured, comes running out into the middle of the job site, which is a land clearing, skid loader running around, scrub trees being dropped, shes bear foot. We shut down so I can hear her. "The mother in me, is telling me he needs to go to the hospital" she keeps running her mouth, I keep telling her, he is fine, trying not to get mean with her, told her that I have extensive training in first aid and if he was hurt, we would take care of it. Told her she needed to get out of the jobsite, she kept insisting that her "mother instinct" was telling her this or that. I finally snapped and told her the the father in me is telling me that he needs to get his ass back to work and pay attention. Told the HO about it, he apologized, as she is a known wacko, always getting others business. Dumb Beeyaaaatch. Stay in the house, but in the window, with a teddy, she was the hot blondie, bimbo, trophy wife type! What I should have done is told her that Chris needed a massage!

well you should of said he needs to soak it in cider:)
Had a neighbor come out after Chris (groundie) got smacked by a piece of brush, he did it to him self, knocked him down, he didn't get hurt, but was PO'ed at himself, so he sat down a bit to nurse his ego, lady took as he was injured, comes running out into the middle of the job site, which is a land clearing, skid loader running around, scrub trees being dropped, shes bear foot. We shut down so I can hear her. "The mother in me, is telling me he needs to go to the hospital" she keeps running her mouth, I keep telling her, he is fine, trying not to get mean with her, told her that I have extensive training in first aid and if he was hurt, we would take care of it. Told her she needed to get out of the jobsite, she kept insisting that her "mother instinct" was telling her this or that. I finally snapped and told her the the father in me is telling me that he needs to get his ass back to work and pay attention. Told the HO about it, he apologized, as she is a known wacko, always getting others business. Dumb Beeyaaaatch. Stay in the house, but in the window, with a teddy, she was the hot blondie, bimbo, trophy wife type! What I should have done is told her that Chris needed a massage!

Next time just say NO HABLO INGLES they'll run away from ya ......
well, yesterday was my 40th BD, instead of kickin back, we went ballistic, finished a 6 day land clearing in 4, took out a huge silver maple, separate job, ground 13 stumps (some were old and rotten), popped a dump trailer tire, got stuck at the dump site with a full load, then the trailer was load locked, last load of the day of course, ran 6 massive loads of wood out, both jobs combined, the list goes on.
Worked my boys beyond the breaking point, they stuck with it and felt good at the end of the day, 10 min lunch and a hole lot of redbull. Now I know what my guys are really capable of!
My oldest son quit his fast food gig and started with me last week.
yesterday he was the motivator, never stopped, all go! Proud papa, I am.
No one complained, just put their heads down and pushed!
Great day
Today, truck washing and a bbq
Almost caught up on stormwork but the normal call jobs are behind:) May be able to get back to 5 days per week!
It depends on the 40 acre clean-up project I have not yet seen lol:cheers:
wraptored a hundred foot tuliptree deadwood yesterday. it had a 500 lb hanger in it just waiting to surprise someone with foliage covering it up over the sidewalk. love the sound those honkers and deadwood make when they hit the ground from that high up.
Gotta love the tulips.

Phone's ringing. We are getting stacked up.

This must be the year of the stumper....good grief, everyone wants stumps done....might be time to get one.
Dingo's got a new dedicated stump grinder out now in the 16k price range I think. We are gonna have it demo'ed this week. Same controls as the mini's. I can't afford it now but maybe my horse will come in.

Made a whole slew of crane picks within 10 feet of primaries today. At one point I thought I was getting electrocuted but it turned out to be a nearby string trimmer. Listen to one sometime and you will know what I mean. Very nervous tight day but kinda fun because of it. High skill level.
Dingo's got a new dedicated stump grinder out now in the 16k price range I think. We are gonna have it demo'ed this week. Same controls as the mini's. I can't afford it now but maybe my horse will come in.

Made a whole slew of crane picks within 10 feet of primaries today. At one point I thought I was getting electrocuted but it turned out to be a nearby string trimmer. Listen to one sometime and you will know what I mean. Very nervous tight day but kinda fun because of it. High skill level.

Wish you were here... These crane services are trying to rape me around here...
Wish you were here... These crane services are trying to rape me around here...

Can't you go rent one at an equipment place and run it yourself Larry? I did that for years and they would even deliver it when they had to stop lettin me drive bcause I had no cdl (got one now).

I remember paying around 4 hun for a 23 ton 90 footer. It was long long time ago. Early 80's but you can still do it here at Art's Rental.

I was thinkin bout you today as your friend/former boss and his friend died in a crane/wires accident didn't they.
Played with the air spade today. Bare rooted a jap maple to move across town, that was just wonderful. Also did some vertical mulching for another jap maple. Picked up a few descent jobs while I was at it. Have to go tomorrow morning to plant the bare root tree, and backfill the vert mulch job... plus backfill the hole. Friggin garden center I use got rid of their small machine, so now I have to go a few miles and lights further down the road to get supplies, which they don't always have... like compost by the yard that I needed today.
Can't you go rent one at an equipment place and run it yourself Larry? I did that for years and they would even deliver it when they had to stop lettin me drive bcause I had no cdl (got one now).

I was thinkin bout you today as your friend/former boss and his friend died in a crane/wires accident didn't they.

Yea, my old boss who taught me how to work with a crane and his sidekick that had been running with him for 40 years were both killed when the cable got into the lines and the truck became electrified.

They do have crane rental here but I need an operator as well. Was supposed to meet up with a rep today to measure one out but he flaked out on me. Looks like it will be Monday before I can get someone out there. Easy job, I can get pretty close to it and pick it over the house. Had another service come out and look at it a couple of days ago. They only have 94 feet of stick on their 30 ton and they want to roll an 80 ton out there. That's out of the question, They'll tear hell out of the driveway with that thing. Tonnage is not a problem. I just need to get something with enough stick. I'll figure it out.

Bid some more work today. Gonna try to do some pruning tomorrow for a couple that I removed a big hanger for then hit the streets.
Sales day tot work lined up for all of next week starting with a decent pine removal tomorrow. Another small removal to do tomorrow along with some pruning. Another small job Tues. then I start on a big cleanup the next day. If my craner comes in I will have a busy week indeed.
Did my first crane removals today, 3 in fact....It's even easier than it seems, My boss is a good crane op so that makes it better im sure. Sure is nice getting that free ride to the top, only downfall is i need to swap out the 12 on my 200t. Of course i wasn't perfect today but i feel i did a good job, picks came off smooth, things didnt go as fast as the could being my first time but that sure is great. Hoping my performance was good enough that our #1 climber can stay with the bucket truck and i can do the crane removals :). Pretty easy on the whole crew minimal dragging, climbing and loading wood by hand so it was definitely a good day. Now i get to sit back and drink a cold one. O yea i should be able to post pics tomorrow, one of the groundies snapped a few on his phone i need to get.

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