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Hmm... Had dinner with wife and girlfriend... I need to be studying your technique... :msp_tongue:

He probably paces himself and inflates them seperately, or hes currently busy digging holes in the back yard.

Sunday, raining. Went and looked at a job involving 7 medium sycamores on ground so steep we will have to lay ropes just to access them. Of course they are above a big drop to some houses. HO wants wood left on site but its too steep, and no one wants to pay for a chopper. Might have to be clever with the GRCS and chainsaw winches. Good fun
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Great choice Mike. Shigo's the man regardless that he is no longer with us. I am currently reading "The Wild Trees" by Richard Preston, a New York Times Bestseller about the giant redwood country. Bout half way thru.
yeah i cant wait for it to get here. ive been excited to read it for a while now.
Hmm... Had dinner with wife and girlfriend... I need to be studying your technique... :msp_tongue:

they adore each other...and are not inflatable...both human...this is not the wtf thread....:msp_tongue:
hey treemd... glad to hear you are staying covered up with work!

how's the new 660?
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I think this thread and this section of the forum is a no bullschit zone. For beginners without a clue there is the 101 section. If someone wants to toss out a bs line like that pathetic Steiner machine for professional treework....then it is fair game to call them out on it. Small talk and back patting is for back stabbing accountants and such. If you got something to say and it is TRUE say it and don't sugar coat it....and move on. To go on and on about it may be in poor taste tho.

This guy is a novice who began his business in
'08 and has been a troll on another forum that I have been a witness to before. If he cannot mature and measure up to this level.....so be it....you get what you deserve.

No bullspit vet when i see your trucks i have flashbacks from me big o days lol:poke:

Its all about da paint lol:)
Had to go haul off a load of debris this morning. The guy added three more trees. I would have done it this morning but all I brought with me was a saw. They are all small trees that I can drop but I want to put a rope in the biggest one to be sure I don't hit a mailbox. I've got an appointment to look at another job right down the street at 4 so I am going to go finish up around that time and kill two birds with one stone. 2 more jobs to look at tomorrow.
Had to go haul off a load of debris this morning. The guy added three more trees. I would have done it this morning but all I brought with me was a saw. They are all small trees that I can drop but I want to put a rope in the biggest one to be sure I don't hit a mailbox. I've got an appointment to look at another job right down the street at 4 so I am going to go finish up around that time and kill two birds with one stone. 2 more jobs to look at tomorrow.

Glad you busy bro I finished an estimate on 20 plus arcre project 20 plus big trees 20 plus medium many small i come in a 12k take us a week in the 100 plus temps!
Sounds like a good job bro, glad things have picked up for you.

I am working a heck of a lot more here than I was back home. I can actually stay busy and get a full week in here. I wasn't working half as much back home and it wasn't just me. I've met two other tree services from Oklahoma since I have been here (one being Nosak). The job market and economy is in the toilet back there.
Emerg at the suggestion of my doc for some nasty cramps and pain. So an IV of Toradol, followed by one each of Buscopan, Gravel and Morphine, I feel quite a bit better. The latter sure hits you like a freight train!
SQUOTE=tree md;3010275]Sounds like a good job bro, glad things have picked up for you.

I am working a heck of a lot more here than I was back home. I can actually stay busy and get a full week in here. I wasn't working half as much back home and it wasn't just me. I've met two other tree services from Oklahoma since I have been here (one being Nosak). The job market and economy is in the toilet back there.[/QUOTE]

Nosak? Nosak like "nosak raw"? I hope not, after all the bad press that hack got for our industry I hope he is still not in business
Get off that stuff Quick ...

... Morphine, I feel quite a bit better. The latter sure hits you like a freight train!

After my motorcycle wreck I was in the Trauma Unit for four days with a direct IV Morphine pump. I could trigger it every three minutes. Those four days went by real fas,t though once they pulled the needle out the next three until I got out dragged by very slowly.

I was still on it by mouth for three months. After that I refused to take it anymore and the pain from the wreck (11 broken bones) was about equal to the pain of withdrawal from the Morphine.

I definitely wouldn't try working on that stuff Jumper, by the way how many jumps do you have? I've got a little over 2000 freefall jumps (now retired).
I think this thread and this section of the forum is a no bullschit zone. For beginners without a clue there is the 101 section. If someone wants to toss out a bs line like that pathetic Steiner machine for professional treework....then it is fair game to call them out on it. Small talk and back patting is for back stabbing accountants and such. If you got something to say and it is TRUE say it and don't sugar coat it....and move on. To go on and on about it may be in poor taste tho.

This guy is a novice who began his business in
'08 and has been a troll on another forum that I have been a witness to before. If he cannot mature and measure up to this level.....so be it....you get what you deserve.

You are right; it is and should be an area for those who are practicing professionals.

However do not ban all to the 101 zone.. some are just starting out and have serious intentions.

True they may make mistakes, may ask some questions others think a little newbie like.. but we all had to learn. Some of us the hard way.. others with somebody beside us. Important thing is to learn, get better, be safe and hopefully eventually do it right.

It is difficult to imagine that none of us in here did not make mistakes, did not buy equipment not necessarly suited for the job at hand (either because of budget or simply lack of knowledge).. and eventually found out the hard way. Many of us likely have spent hard earned dollars on something only to wish later they had bought something else for a few more dollars initially!! We may still do that today!!

Most of us still have a few things to learn, even though we are in the commercial forum. Heck, if anybody in here doesn't have anything left to learn then not sure I want to listen to them :)

Give a guy a break, point out his errors and try to show him the right way (as you see it) and tell them why. If they don't listen to reason.. oh well.. they will eventually come around. Some of us are slow learners .. but after spending hard earned dollars incorrectly a few times, it usually sinks in.

Having said that.. if all you can afford is something that is lacking.. just maybe it will get you through until you have saved enough to get better. Unfortunate that one does not always have money to buy correctly the first time; but sometimes is a fact of life!

We are not all perfect.. heck know I am not. So while we kick at each other, and get a little rough around the edges as times most of it is in fun and hopefully is to try and help others.

Some of us may simply be idiots.. if so.. then so be it. They will eventually get weeded out and hopefully leave :eek:uttahere2:

Otherwise.. have fun.. enjoy and carry on for a better tomorrow.
All I needed was the van today...



That little Arbor Vitae was a going away present after a $900 trim job. A neighbor wanted a price for the removal of the snow damaged thing. After we agreed on $200 I drove the van right under it and dropped it on top, drove it home to the chipper like a Christmas Tree.


OK boys have at me...
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You are right; it is and should be an area for those who are practicing professionals... Important thing is to learn, get better, be safe and hopefully eventually do it right.

It is difficult to imagine that none of us in here did not make mistakes, did not buy equipment not necessarly suited for the job at hand (either because of budget or simply lack of knowledge).. and eventually found out the hard way...

Most of us still have a few things to learn, even though we are in the commercial forum. Heck, if anybody in here doesn't have anything left to learn then not sure I want to listen to them :)

Give a guy a break, point out his errors and try to show him the right way (as you see it) and tell them why. If they don't listen to reason.. oh well... if all you can afford is something that is lacking.. just maybe it will get you through until you have saved enough to get better... a fact of life!

We are not all perfect.. heck know I am not. So while we kick at each other, and get a little rough around the edges as times most of it is in fun and hopefully is to try and help others.

Some of us may simply be idiots.. if so.. then so be it. They will eventually get weeded out and hopefully leave :eek:uttahere2:

Otherwise.. have fun.. enjoy and carry on for a better tomorrow.

Well said Climber! We all can't work for well established, properly funded outfits with all the best equipment at our disposal.

When I started the van was it. It took me a couple of years to buy the dump truck and another year to buy the 30 year old chipper. This year I'm doing well enough to buy something new. I chose a versatile little tractor and I'm quite happy with it.

My crew (some are seen above) are ecstatic about it. That by itself is worth the money I paid for it. Have any of you actually run a business? Keeping my crew all happy campers is very important, second only to customer satisfaction.
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I still want the vid of the three macheteers though, Rope. There's gotta be a geek shop near you that can get that online for all our enjoyment.

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