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12 hour day of grinding stumps...... all day, stumps and more stumps...... guess what tomorrow has in store...... that is right..... repeat, rinse. Did I mention is rained all day too. Good thing the money is decent. 90 plus stumps, plus whatever the neighbor adds tomorrow.

That's an awful lot of stumps. I think i would have to shoot myself or something.
An early working day quit turned into a late night doing estimates. I have a backlog of estimates to do and had to go out and try to clear them up. Four stops and booked over five grand in work, it seems I'm on a roll here guys. My reputation for quality work seems to have turned into fame.

All were either customer referrals or A-List members who have read my reviews and want me to do their work regardless of my pricing. It was quite dark on the last one and it didn't seem to phase the customers one bit. Booked a $2500 trim job with them, but told them they had to wait until late November when the trees go dormant. They joined Angie's List just to read my reviews. When I got home there was already an email from them saying they were reading the reviews and can't wait (but will) for me to take care of their trees in November.

Another Guy saw my work on a majestic Pin Oak of his neighbor and wanted me to trim his (also majestic) as well as drop a dead tree in his backyard. Then he asked me if I did landscaping and I said no, but I told him I'd let my crew do it as side work, and that my wife likes to plant flowers and she might be willing to do it for him and he jumped at the idea. I have no idea what to charge him for that, but it seems like price is no object.

Bottom line here is that my commitment to quality service seems to be paying off and regardless of what some here seem to think of my methods and means the people that count, the paying customers, have put me in high demand. I keep raising my prices and yet the work keeps coming in. Maybe it's because I don't take dumps in my dump truck.

Now I know that some of you will think this is all BS but it isn't and I couldn't care less what my detractors here say about me. I have created a thriving business that is growing by leaps and bounds and I have done it by focusing on the customer's needs and wants. I'm sure many of you could teach me a lot about tree work, but I'm also sure that I could school many of you on customer relations.

Rule number one: Don't defecate on your customers property.

Well, they say there's a sucker born every minute.... Around here, you would get your old ass kicked by the lawn guys in the parking lot at the gas station, before you ever even made it to the job site with that freakshow of yours. Just sayin'....
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An early working day quit turned into a late night doing estimates. I have a backlog of estimates to do and had to go out and try to clear them up. Four stops and booked over five grand in work, it seems I'm on a roll here guys. My reputation for quality work seems to have turned into fame.

All were either customer referrals or A-List members who have read my reviews and want me to do their work regardless of my pricing. It was quite dark on the last one and it didn't seem to phase the customers one bit. Booked a $2500 trim job with them, but told them they had to wait until late November when the trees go dormant. They joined Angie's List just to read my reviews. When I got home there was already an email from them saying they were reading the reviews and can't wait (but will) for me to take care of their trees in November.

Another Guy saw my work on a majestic Pin Oak of his neighbor and wanted me to trim his (also majestic) as well as drop a dead tree in his backyard. Then he asked me if I did landscaping and I said no, but I told him I'd let my crew do it as side work, and that my wife likes to plant flowers and she might be willing to do it for him and he jumped at the idea. I have no idea what to charge him for that, but it seems like price is no object.

Bottom line here is that my commitment to quality service seems to be paying off and regardless of what some here seem to think of my methods and means the people that count, the paying customers, have put me in high demand. I keep raising my prices and yet the work keeps coming in. Maybe it's because I don't take dumps in my dump truck.

Now I know that some of you will think this is all BS but it isn't and I couldn't care less what my detractors here say about me. I have created a thriving business that is growing by leaps and bounds and I have done it by focusing on the customer's needs and wants. I'm sure many of you could teach me a lot about tree work, but I'm also sure that I could school many of you on customer relations.

Rule number one: Don't defecate on your customers property.
Brawhahyahahahaha Hey AA Im doing a 20 plus acre project and dodging cow patties its a fifteen minute drive to a public crapper ewwwww ! I simply dig a hole with my foot crap wipe and back-fill, you telling me you would crap yourself to keep your rule? "city slickers" :monkey:
Great storm, bad help, and even worse sit.

I was wondering how you were getting along. Got a facebook post from an old friend in Harvard, trees down on the wires. From the post it sounded like he was going to try to do something, but he heeded my warnings and called in the pros. From what he said, it was pretty bad all around.
bring it on you vaginas...

Well, they say there's a sucker born every minute.... Around here, you would get your old ass kicked by the lawn guys in the parking lot at the gas station, before you ever even made it to the job site with that freakshow of yours. Just sayin'....

Ha Ha ~ Please see rope's video again to see how well the lawn guys would make out at kicking this old guy's ass. I'd welcome the attempt. If my crew was with me I'd tell them to stand clear and watch the fun.

I know it's easy to be a tough guy on the internet but i'm still a Marine and trained to kill with my bare hands if need be. Even now at the ripe old age of 64 no one who knows me will mess with me.

I invited LXT to ring my doorbell and slap my face, that offer still stands. Why don't you guys start a fund to pay him to do it. I'll even let him bring a friend to make sure it's a fair fight (ha ha), and to drive him home or to the ER afterwards.

If the fight lasts more than 30 seconds it will be the latter, as I get tired more quickly now and will have to end it by all means necessary. I'll shoot video of it for your entertainment and to make sure you get your money's worth. Not to mention to show the courts that it was self defense. I'll give him the first swing to assure that.


John Boy has done time and is Prison tough. We've played around and he already knows the result if he got down with me for real.

disclaimer: For those that don't know me I will walk away from a fight if I can. I am not easily provoked to violence and don't use my training unless I really have to. Even then I will use a carefully measured response to avoid hurting anyone any more than I have to.

I've only been in one fight in the last 40 years when two guys jumped me in a bar from behind when I was with my wife. We still don't know why they did that. I think it was a case of mistaken identity. I didn't know them, and never even spoke to them. it took six bouncers to stop it and both guys needed medical attention when the ambulance got there. I needed 7 staples in my head and was a bloody mess, but still standing and smiling during the police interview afterwards. (it was the bouncers that split my head open with a blackjack from behind, I was too busy to see that one coming).

EDIT: This has gone far enough in this thread. I just started a new thread where I would hope all bashing and trash talking any of you would like to do with or about me or anyone else will take place. I hope to make it a fun thread and most importantly clean up all this trash talking that takes place on this forum.

It's not just about me though, the thread can trash talk anybody. I'll start ~ Rope, your Huskeys are for farmers who shop at Sear's. they are all trash and I wouldn't allow anything but a Stihl on my jobs. YOU ARE AN IDIOT FOR EVEN USING ONE IN A PROFESSIONAL SITUATION!!!! Hee Haa Hoo (Please respond in the trash talk thread)
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Brawhahyahahahaha Hey AA Im doing a 20 plus acre project and dodging cow patties its a fifteen minute drive to a public crapper ewwwww ! I simply dig a hole with my foot crap wipe and back-fill, you telling me you would crap yourself to keep your rule? "city slickers" :monkey:

Well see rope, that's the difference in our working environment. Around my territory there is a public facility within 5 minutes of any job I do. Even if my guys have to take a piss they don't do it on the job. I don't allow them to enter the customer's home even if facilities are offered. It's a professional thing.
I made $100 a cut on the tree I did yesterday. Had my part done in a half hour. 3 cuts to bring it down and left it for my groundman who the HO's pay to cut the grass and clean up the yard. I had another one to do but I said F it for the day. It was too fricking hot. My guy is cleaning up the yard from yesterdays tree and then we are going to blow the top out of a dead gum tree. Gonna have to hook it too the truck and pull the top over. It's just too close to the high lines on the back side to piece out. Pulling the top over is just the best way on this one.

Oh yeah, I got me a new GF so I have been playing more than working this week. The late nights and the afternoon heat is killing me but I'll sleep and rest when I'm dead... ;)
AA, If you were such hot #### , you wouldve thrown that nieghbor a bone, buttered em up somehow and dropped that thing. Your a BS artist. Nobody pays high prices to fill their yard with cracked out looking X-cons. If you came to my house with that nephew of yours, I would ask you to leave. Bigs, its better than chrismas up here. Ive been seriously considering taking a ride out to Rockford and throwing down cash for a bucket. The guy Im working with is a (trading climbs for bucket) old slow deadbeat who just doesnt care how long jobs take, and gabs endlessly with anyone who talks to him. We coulda done $5K easy yesterday, if he would shut up. Plus, hes underbidding ####. Im doing run and gun work, 20-30minute hangers for $200-300, and hes going to technical, 2-3 hour crap for 400:bang: :dizzy: It was just the 2 of us yesterday. I gotta go run a slew of esti's now, blab at chew-all later.
I made $100 a cut on the tree I did yesterday. Had my part done in a half hour. 3 cuts to bring it down and left it for my groundman who the HO's pay to cut the grass and clean up the yard. I had another one to do but I said F it for the day. It was too fricking hot. My guy is cleaning up the yard from yesterdays tree and then we are going to blow the top out of a dead gum tree. Gonna have to hook it too the truck and pull the top over. It's just too close to the high lines on the back side to piece out. Pulling the top over is just the best way on this one.

Oh yeah, I got me a new GF so I have been playing more than working this week. The late nights and the afternoon heat is killing me but I'll sleep and rest when I'm dead... ;)

Wow just think if you payed me 100 per cut for thirty minutes whit my "husky" I would make 12000 dollars :monkey: Gee whiz you stihl guys just dont get it:)
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That does it! Stihls got some nice models, but I own 4 200's, and I am sick of the Gawd dam carb BS! I ran my lil bi#ches brand new 334 husky, now I looked at that thing, and Im like, ok, this this and this, will and are going to break, (sooner or later), and this thing has less, (not too bad tho) ballz, but , I doubt that its going to cost a $60 carb EVERY FRICKEN YEAR AN A HALF LIKE ####IN RELIGIEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ANY ONE HERE WHO SAYS THAT 020'S AND 200'S DONT HAVE CARB ISSUSES IS FULL OF ####. I OWN 4. ASK TREESLAYER. I love the power, but im the one payin to fix this ####. Gettin a lil sick of carb crap. When times were good, I'd just buy a new saw, thats why I have 4, but we live in the new China republic. AA, your a douche, I have Huskies that were bought new in 89 that run all day. Your just too green to know whats good. And if your lil bi### is so prison tough, why did he have a kindergarten meltdown? and why do you keep showing us pics of it? Your a ####ing retard liar. EFF LXT, PM me your address tard baby. I dont need to fight ya, I just wanna find a way to cut off your web access, so us PRO"S dont have to deal whi-cha no-mow. PS, I hate you, you dumb. I mean , real dumb, like, the dumbest i seen yet. like i aint gone spel rite dum, cuz gon make you feal smart dum. I know your type. some day something bads going to happen. bet you wont put that on youtube and post it here. Oh by the way, where are your teeth , crackhead?
I know it's easy to be a tough guy on the internet but i'm still a Marine and trained to kill with my bare hands if need be. Even now at the ripe old age of 64 no one who knows me will mess with me.

You're still in the Marine Corps at 64? What capacity? What is your MOS? Did you go to VNam? Any others?

I never heard you say this before in TW.
Lol yup its sorta fun falling a big-un I should of charged him but he was complaining about the amount of brush hauled in lol. I guess he expected a trailer load instead of six dump truck and three Mack loads a day for two weeks lol:cheers: He wanted firewood though:)

We do stumps for free on the huge convent property next to my lot for dumping. Man, it makes life so easy to have that privelege.
holy ballz! is that a 630b? I havent seen one of those in action since the 90's! Christ, hows it treatin you? had a chance to buy a frame and hydro off a guy once, and the drunk went and scrapped it.-----------------Silver Maple guy, what you mean? They havent blown up yet, and I got em free from dad, so I dont care if they do. there small, model 242 Huskies. They got this cute little 300 year aniverseri(butchered the spelling on that one) sticker on em, thats why I like em so much.
holy ballz! is that a 630b? I havent seen one of those in action since the 90's! Christ, hows it treatin you? had a chance to buy a frame and hydro off a guy once, and the drunk went and scrapped it.-----------------Silver Maple guy, what you mean? They havent blown up yet, and I got em free from dad, so I dont care if they do. there small, model 242 Huskies. They got this cute little 300 year aniverseri(butchered the spelling on that one) sticker on em, thats why I like em so much.

630A....works purrrrfect just like my 665B with remote. May see limited action since the tracked Dingo stumper showed up/.:pumpkin2:

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