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Nice job Snowman.

29hundo biggie....spare tire with wheel, new battery, just a little over an hour from Indy

this vid taken about 10 days ago

‪001‬‏ - YouTube
That looks exactly like the one I sold to my cousin in arkysaw except mine had the fender trays that hold the skirts all bent up and the gas tank was a bit crooked from an on road capsize.
Yep,even had the same old faded chevy orange engine enamal .
I miss the old girl at times.
Cousin blew it up after 3 yrs.He's using it for parts now.
Nice job Snowman.

29hundo biggie....spare tire with wheel, new battery, just a little over an hour from Indy

this vid taken about 10 days ago

‪001‬‏ - YouTube

For that I just may be interested. Looks good, sounds good. Are those yellowjackets on the wheel?

I may want to have a look at it this tuesday the 19th if possible, as I'll be in indy at some point anyway. I'll need some more details before then. Can you pm me your info and everything you know about the machine? Thanks man.

I wasn't going to get a vermeer, but I'm not likely going to pass on this one. I need a good grinder, and at that price I can start looking into financing a mini this year.
stumper rate VS crane rate

I am to tired to go into much detail but I will do my best. HO calls me , he seems pissd cuz the guy I recomended to grind his big azz stump from a tree we took down charged him 300 for the big stump and 25 each for 4 small ones. Not crazy prices...the big one was big with some rock here n there. HO said ok to price BEFORE dude started. Dude has a carlton 7015. Machine is off trialer, grinds n does it right, back on trailer....40 minutes. 400 please. Now HO is getn beechy with me cuz he feels like he done been reamed with no bar oil. In a rare (for me) moment I kinda lost my temper with HO and told him it wasnt my problem and i didnt want to hear it. Keep in mind this whole stump thing started when , after a month since job was done ..HO calls to "remind " me not to forget his stump. So I call him and he thinks its included in the money he already paid me! Oh hell no. I pull work order....says in plain english...LEAVE STUMP. So.. anyway. I get to thinkn....400 in 40 minutes? Hmmmmm......it is what it is. But how can a machine that costs..oh..35k make that kinda cheese when my buddy with a 28ton crane only charges people like me 100 hour and I would guess if some HO wanted him to lift somthin he wouldnt freakn rape em on it. I mean , i would expect it to be more than 100 n hour and charge em ride time of course. But no matter how u slice it....a crane that cost a lot more than 35k making half or less than half per hour than a freakn stumper? Whats up with this?
Is that time confirmed with your buddy or just from the HO? No cleanup?
That's why I wonder how so many on here say stumps aren't worth the time? Sure it's boring but ching , ching!!
Is that time confirmed with your buddy or just from the HO? No cleanup?
That's why I wonder how so many on here say stumps aren't worth the time? Sure it's boring but ching , ching!!

Its confirmed. He is alittle bit the bragging type so he tends to point out how fast he can grind stumps. After my call from HO i called him to see whats up. He had no idea HO felt "took". The prices he gave where fair prices i guess. I think 300 for all would be more like it. The thing is is that the HO just ASSUMED it would take a couple hours....wrong. LOL my dudes 7015 with remote and a sanvik wheel will freakn chew a stump out like its freakn nothin.
Price sounds a tad high on the big stump but not outrageous. Had a dude here grinding stumps and whole rootballs for around $350 a pop on uprooted trees. He was using a 630 and could do most in around an hour but they were tearing the hell out of his teeth with all the rocks that were in the soil around the rootball. On a 3' stump with easy access I will usually go 200-250. Not to say that I won't ask for 3 bills. It's all what the market will bare. I remember I ground one in a tight area for 200 onetime and broke out a sliding glass door... Had to pay $238 to fix the glass if I remember correctly so I paid $38 to grind that stump.
Prices do not seem too far out of line for grinding. (not sure about big stump.. how big was it.. what was root flare.. what species.. etc) As for comparison, the grinder is likely the most expensive piece of equipment maintenance wise that you are going to get in tree business. Darn things have a huge wear; essentially pounding themselves apart each day. Teeth, belts, bearings.. not to mention the engine is going to last a relatively short time compared to a crane - that you mention. Resale value is going to be significantly less than would be the crane for same number of hours (percentage wise).
First thing I thought of was clean up as well. Guessing he didnt do that, or he wouldnt've been done so fast. Im talking backfill and rake up. If he did that, then the price is approximately on the ball, site unseen. Ive had $500 hours with my old junk 665a, but you got a point with the crane. Hard to do apples to oranges on this, but I think it boils down to, Ive got this, and can do this with it, and you dont. Now pay me .---------Did estimates all dam morning, then road tripped to the Vermeer stealer, (did I say that? HELL YEAH!!!!) picked up my cylinder, (lube woulda been nice, oh and thanks for scratching the paint off A-holes!). did more estis, did god knows what, looked at a $5k cane job that should take 7hours or so, hope to Gawd I get it, so easy , so Huge!!!! The one will be the biggest tree I think I've ever done, if I get it. 80+ inch cottonwood DBH, hundred feet tall, or more. If I get this job, Im gonna learn how to put pics on here, pwomise....:jester:
I am to tired to go into much detail but I will do my best. HO calls me , he seems pissd cuz the guy I recomended to grind his big azz stump from a tree we took down charged him 300 for the big stump and 25 each for 4 small ones. Not crazy prices...the big one was big with some rock here n there. HO said ok to price BEFORE dude started. Dude has a carlton 7015. Machine is off trialer, grinds n does it right, back on trailer....40 minutes. 400 please. Now HO is getn beechy with me cuz he feels like he done been reamed with no bar oil. In a rare (for me) moment I kinda lost my temper with HO and told him it wasnt my problem and i didnt want to hear it. Keep in mind this whole stump thing started when , after a month since job was done ..HO calls to "remind " me not to forget his stump. So I call him and he thinks its included in the money he already paid me! Oh hell no. I pull work order....says in plain english...LEAVE STUMP. So.. anyway. I get to thinkn....400 in 40 minutes? Hmmmmm......it is what it is. But how can a machine that costs..oh..35k make that kinda cheese when my buddy with a 28ton crane only charges people like me 100 hour and I would guess if some HO wanted him to lift somthin he wouldnt freakn rape em on it. I mean , i would expect it to be more than 100 n hour and charge em ride time of course. But no matter how u slice it....a crane that cost a lot more than 35k making half or less than half per hour than a freakn stumper? Whats up with this?

part of why he "reamed" him is because you recommended him. If it was his customer.....?
Finally got the Monster Maple down to the trunk! What a week, wanted to use a crane, but crane guy dont like wires! Hardcore rigging all week, sucked. No more charity work! This one bit me in the buttox, HARD! Throwing CMI SS blocks around and running the big rope all over, my shoulders and elbows be a hurting for certain! Oh-well, crew learned a ton this week. Chris , my main groundie has never seen me do some of the stuff, so he was eatin it up. Swung the top upside down, swung it real close to the roof of the house, told him to look out as a the saw dust is coming of the roof, he looks at me like "WTF is he talking about" Let it rip and she swings about 1ft above the roof, blowing all the saw dust down on the and cleaning the roof at the same time. The crew was covered! Had to drift line a bunch, 3ftdia 10ft long chunks. This tree had major mass.Then had to battle the fact that I was in the way with the bucket most of the time, if only that garage wasn't there, or that deck!Or the houses or the lines or the new fences, etc! This was a slow op, had to reset gear after every few cuts. Had a 12x20 LZ. So when I hung a big one ( brush) I would have to come down and make it small enough for them to lower I am going to attempt to get a video on here so yall can see what I had to deal with for obstacles. I HAVE GOT TO GET SOME CRANE SKILL. Even tho it wasnt possible on this one, the whole time I was rigging, I was thinking how I would do it if I could have one, but since I dont know Jack about it, my thoughts were probably all wrong!
Old very well maintained equipment that was top shelf when new is like........

having old money :msp_thumbup:

I wasn't meaning to insult any ''good ,old equipment''.I'd love to have that old a-frame truck of yours.

I'm just saying a stumper is the only thing we spend tens of thousands of dollars on
to literally ''RUN IT INTO THE GROUND''
Finally got the Monster Maple down to the trunk! What a week, wanted to use a crane, but crane guy dont like wires! Hardcore rigging all week, sucked. No more charity work! This one bit me in the buttox, HARD! Throwing CMI SS blocks around and running the big rope all over, my shoulders and elbows be a hurting for certain! Oh-well, crew learned a ton this week. Chris , my main groundie has never seen me do some of the stuff, so he was eatin it up. Swung the top upside down, swung it real close to the roof of the house, told him to look out as a the saw dust is coming of the roof, he looks at me like "WTF is he talking about" Let it rip and she swings about 1ft above the roof, blowing all the saw dust down on the and cleaning the roof at the same time. The crew was covered! Had to drift line a bunch, 3ftdia 10ft long chunks. This tree had major mass.Then had to battle the fact that I was in the way with the bucket most of the time, if only that garage wasn't there, or that deck!Or the houses or the lines or the new fences, etc! This was a slow op, had to reset gear after every few cuts. Had a 12x20 LZ. So when I hung a big one ( brush) I would have to come down and make it small enough for them to lower I am going to attempt to get a video on here so yall can see what I had to deal with for obstacles. I HAVE GOT TO GET SOME CRANE SKILL. Even tho it wasnt possible on this one, the whole time I was rigging, I was thinking how I would do it if I could have one, but since I dont know Jack about it, my thoughts were probably all wrong!

We took out an 80' Tuliptree behind a house, over a slate roof, neighbors deck and landscaping and into a 15' square lz yesterday in 4 pieces with my rr mount crane. Coulda took much bigger pieces but lz was so small and slate roof is so delicate. Double choked em so they hung straight down, then polechainsawed off the limbs to get them down or on bed of crane. Cranes make magic happen if you got a job like yours or mine. We are currently infested with eab and people don't even know it yet. We find eab in 100% of ash we work on. Next spring the crane pays itself off!

I took a vid but in hi def and it wouldn't download. Too big. Any ideas?
I wasn't meaning to insult any ''good ,old equipment''.I'd love to have that old a-frame truck of yours.

I'm just saying a stumper is the only thing we spend tens of thousands of dollars on
to literally ''RUN IT INTO THE GROUND''

True that ozzy.

Anyone know what's up with new bottom line on posts that has a heart and "you like this" when you didn't hit the "like" button? Feel like a mod is overmodding.