What do you look for in a Climber?

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 21, 2002
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I was wondering what people look for in a climber? Short question, but would really like to know what the expectations are from ya'll.
The ability to not get him/her self hurt, or worse yet, killed on the job.

The ability to work safely with other crew members, and to be able to get along with those crew members.

Erik, as simple as that sounds, that's most of the battle. If you're guys/gals aren't there on time, ready to work, whar good are they?
I placed a AD few days ago for a climber. One call from a guy who calls himself Willie. Very nice and polite,says he was trained to climb while working for Bartlett, 8 years in the saddle. I will meet him friday.

Exactly what they said, and I'll add that I hate sticky fingers.
When their fingers get too sticky and attach themselves to something they shouldn't then the only way to get them to release it is to cut off the fingers:D :D
consistantly on time is a basic description for any employee.

Willing to learn, willing to listen, able to follow direction. That is something for driver, drager, climber.

A love of hights and a willingness to let go of the tree with both hands.

Attention to detail and pride in workmanship. Where findig a stub or a hanger is a challange for the team leader. A rip or a dogear is something faces with chagrin, instead of "oh its just a box elder" or "it'll heal".

An ability to intuit how a peice will move as it comes off.

One who views it a s a vocation or proffesion, not just a job. A genuine fascination with all things green ( I was going to say woody, but I know what that would have generated;) )

I always want to associate with people I can converse with and exchange thoughts and ideas.

If a young climber has these capabilities. Why does he or she still get hassled by some more experianced climbers. No matter how hard he or she trys.:confused:
someone who does not use the phrase "good enough" Like a knot; rigging during removals and pruning operations, ground work and for that matter driving should not be considered "good enough" because that can be synonomous w/ "near disaster"
I'm not saying a perfectionist is needed, just someone who strives to do things correctly every time.
Also, I feel it is very important that this person has a certain affection for trees and the fascinating characteristics of survivals they have. Not a tree-hugger...
I do feel this person should not be hoping to make more $$/hour than a lawyer. Most likely it will not happen in this profession.
People skills a bonus - no, a must. You don't want a ******* getting noticed on your jobs. Where's the 1st place most people look when they notice tree work on their block....
Re: Reply

Originally posted by Froggy
If a young climber has these capabilities. Why does he or she still get hassled by some more experianced climbers. No matter how hard he or she trys.:confused:

Some people feel a need to tear others down to maintain their sence of superiority.

Some people look at where they are now and forget what they were like after just 10 months on the job.

Some feel it is all part of the way things are, those who have "time in" are allowed to ridicule those who are learning.

The exceptional climber is one who always shares knowledge and criteques newer people constructively. As you have seen on thses pages, we are still dominated by people with big egos and little patience.

Don't sweat the little stuff, learn your job and do the best you can, improving as you go. Then remember how it was so you do not do the same to other young climbers when you are a topman.

Such is life in a physical trade.
ok froggy.......spill it......is the other climber picking on you? my guess is he's not being nice to you. give us some more info here.
Sobriety even after work. Have a hangover on your own time.

Willingness to learn, be on time, and think.

Healthy fear of heights, saws, equipment and no fear of hard work.

English is optional - the others are far more important.

Tell the story froggy
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I would say a healthy respect for the tools and such, not fear (though I'm always seeing my fingers coming off with a chainsaw).

Maybe an understanding of how things work, so you can explain kickback and can visualize how the saw can move if something goes wrong while cutting.

As for hights, I'm just afraind of bouncing off hard things as I fall.
Hungry Passion, Fascination Growth and Pride;
as any other art,
Safety in this game certainly,

this is buisness, so pro-ductivity certainly.

Harmony, with the rest of the machine of work, same as.

and the physical, mental and work habits as tools to employ the rest of above.

To include: strength, mechanical sense, balance, respect, sobriety, honesty, phone, vehicle, alarm clock, common sense, memory, sense of purpose and humor in this tough game....

i think fear (see signature)of heights is a good thing, just as long as it is not paralyzing. That's why i stay tied in, don't really like being so tall actually............

"As for hights, I'm just afraind of bouncing off hard things as I fall........... or denting them?:eek: " JP , our moderate, moderator, no matter how much i try to knock you down to be taller, you still seem bigger! Gentle Ben! Actually, i'm always watching the saw in a line (up and down-kickback) to trace where it could go on that line.... finger, foot, leg, shoulder, forehead, collarbone...... kinda making appropriate adjustments to such nightmares....

So, i guess there will always be some 'hazing', some fun; some taking it further than others, some with real person-all problems. Fraterni-ties of a breed (especially a tough one)can be like that, perhaps a lil of the seasoning all get. Sometimes the best ya can do is do your best, and be yourself quietly inside, not wasting your energy and learning time by them eroding it like that. In the end, standing tall, calmly and clean as others devour themselves and recede, still is the best. That is strength enough for all to see in time. (hey, it's not like your still a tadpole!) Then yes, remebering what that was like, how much was in fun, how much kinda spurned ya on to be better, and how much was just plain wasteful and ignorant; then metering it better to the next you see of your kind coming thru; is truly superior.

How many of these you see, take the time and reach to come here and TB to gather? Without this, i guarantee; you would have to live next to Tom Dunlap or wander years, jobs and climbers, to gather what you can here in a single even-ing. Surely with all this latest and greatest flow, ideas from around the whole world; you can visualize in your own way passing many by in time, and know the joke quietly grows to be on them that sit back! So laugh with'em!


and don't fergit the skyhook next time!

Ooor something like that!
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