What do you look for in a Climber?

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Sorry Froggy; i say all the nice chit,
but guess am really a butt;
as Showing a fella some stuff in the air.

Just kinda to give some sense alone now as i descended;
Reminding him of how lines needed to stay clear;
no limbs over it on the ground, trapping it thar.

Then as his passion had him floating and playing without care;
i had to pass on the hazing, it only seemed fair;
someone had done it to me (Stretch), ceratinly he wouldn't care!

i tied a bight of line off on the ground, finally he felt the restriction,
Teld him it was a safety so he wouldn't fall.
But soon came time to come down;
he found he couldn't descend, for i'm such a clown!

So he had to lanyard off just once as i,
unthread lifeline, thread lower come down;
as no split tail......
Took 3x, cuz i done it so many times;
i knew to start him high, and close to TIP before placing my ties!

i really hope he'll be better in the air, and know to keep my line clear;
i kept it light,anyone can turn great, i've teld you; so now h'ear.

i remember an angel, hair down to flaring hips;
sofft words, like sweet songs upon her lips.
not much noticed from there, passing in the high school halls;
jest her petiteness wrapped in that hair, lil miss Brenda Webb;
3 grades above, so only was taken back a few times there,
i'd moved there at 1/2 time her last year, so those flashes of her went by so quick, and rare.
Maybe never really heard her spoke, save in a large clear, bluish whale.
Hauntingly deep from one so frail.

But always remembered, course she got married, changed name;
into another beautifully simple, popluar family in our small town,
She had to change her name again i guess so it came to pass;
No more could she be held back, the meek lil'girl with glass clear wail;
Cleared her throat stepped forth softly, and said so appropriately- I'm now Crystal Gayle!

Ain't no telling at the start son!
Done seen it in Wabash, In-Diana!
Guess ya'd call that a school lesson!
Before trying a few at Un Due Purr Versity
Taught at Lay-flatte In-Diana!

Did i teld ya my making a guy gag about Griese, Dick story?
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