Well, it's good to see Whitespider and his giant pulsating brain are consistent, at least. For those of you who may have missed the original account of his experience with an EPA stove, it went something like this:
1. His original stove shot craps.
2. He cabbages on to an EPA stove from the used but nice pile. He matched it to his wallet, not his application.
3. He combined several boxes of beer with about $100 in assorted electrical hardware and sheet metal to make a furnace out of a wood stove, slid it into place and went to work. Sum total of time spent making sure implement fit application: 0.
4. His wife got cold, because he, like me, lives in an old house with poor windows and insulation, and she wasn't able to magically make his hermaphrodite stove work, in spite of his repeated insistences that the laws of physics do not apply to him, that the EPA is a bunch of know-nothings, something about the Trilateral Commission, the "bungalow syndrome", and other sound and fury signifying nothing.
5. Several people, evidently gluttons for punishment, tried to reasonably point out that, in fact, his problems might be due to his own modifications rather than any inherent flaw in the stove.
6. He responded by saying a bunch of stuff that basically amounted to quasi-physics, almost-engineering, and the kind of generalized Internet bull that you can get away with because nobody's looking right at you to call you on it.
7. Eventually, enough truth was presented that he could no longer deny it, and he admitted that maybe his Budweiser-enhanced engineering may have been the problem all along, and he promised to quit blowing about EPA stoves.
8. He found another cheap stove, but this one actually is appropriate to his application.
9. AS crashed, so history vanished and he forgot all the details of his experience and reverted to his default position as the Gabby Johnson of Arboristsite, purveyor and proclaimer of authentic frontier gibberish.
10. And here we are.
I don't really have a dog in the fight. We heat with an Oval Sweetheart cook stove in our kitchen and are happy with it, you can put air to it from any which way you want. Like Spider, I got a really good deal on it. Unlike his, it's exactly what I, and more importantly, my wife, wanted. If I was buying a new one, it would likely be EPA just for the burn times.
I think there's room for debate, but I don't think burning wood gives carte blanche to be willfully ignorant.