Feel Lucky
Well I tie a falling bowline of course
I have never had a sling slip off. It is all in the set up, and ya don't use the same thing every time, when running brush, I use loop slings, on the bigger stuff I use Tuflex eye to eye slings, when I am on the really big stuff, I go back to clove and half hitch, actually use the half hitch on alot of them,even with the slings and biners. Gotta know your gear and its capabilities. I never use slings on big wood butt hitching, that I cant let run,dynamic loading can make crazy things happen. Although I have never had a sling come off, I believe it could on a nice big chunk that comes to a sudden stop mid air, so I avoid using them.
I went knotless for limbs last year but the gear is not rated for shockload so I stay within its parameters. If im doing a big stick where dynamic loading can occur, I use a marline or two and bowline it will also cushion the load a bit.
Not sure where you get yours. I found that if I go to rock climbing stores like Active Endeavors, they usually have nicer ones that are rated higher and are cheaper, plus they sell the same petzl and black diamond biners for half the price of sherrill. Just a FYI
I use tubular nylon endless loops formed with a Beer Knot for anything under a couple hundred pounds.
Clove hitch even with 1/2 hitch scares me because I had one roll out when it bounced on the rope and went for a free fall, a limb stub caught the roof and minor puncture and went spinning breaking a small pane of glass on the storm window.
i am an official window glazer now.:msp_wink:
Not sure where you get yours. I found that if I go to rock climbing stores like Active Endeavors, they usually have nicer ones that are rated higher and are cheaper, plus they sell the same petzl and black diamond biners for half the price of sherrill. Just a FYI
Not sure where you get yours. I found that if I go to rock climbing stores like Active Endeavors, they usually have nicer ones that are rated higher and are cheaper, plus they sell the same petzl and black diamond biners for half the price of sherrill. Just a FYI
Well I tie a falling bowline of course
I like the Beer Knot for flat webbing, its much stronger than the Water Knot but not as bombproof as the Whiskey Knot.
Anyhoo, F.T.A. I will let you in on a little secret for lowering big wood on yer rigging line: Go Granny Knot or go home!
Personally I use Running Bowline for the small stuff, add a half hitch as I get to the bigger limbs and then as many as 2 to 3 HH with the RBL for the really big chit. All False Crotch and Porty keeps my ropes strong and purty and long lived and my wallet fat!:msp_thumbup:
They are likely good climbing gear; but not rigging. Are they shock rated; and what is rating.. anything in the 70+kN range?
I have some 50 plus kn stuff, no stuff thats 70 (biners or links anyway) whatcha got that is that high?
I been doing this stuff for 24 years and have yet to see a bowline get so tight that i couldn't untie it so with that said I use the bowline and nothing else, have been know to take a wrap then tie the running bowline...
Agreed, people just trying to look intellectual here to no avail. I might tie a timber hitch with a safety once in a while when it doesn't have to be sent up like r bowline. Easier to undo for gm than bowline.
:msp_confused:but why is it so hard for poor Kyle to untie your bowlines?
And wtf is a timber hitch with a 'safety'??
I would answer anybody else, but a deuschbag like you's gonna have to send me a 20 spot for a lesson.