What next? Can't contact ebay seller. No saw!

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I was called by the local post office this morning, because I filed a complaint with them on non delivery of mail. I asked the question about what would happen if the saw was leaking oil, and she said it would stay at the post office and they would attempt to contact the sender. Well since I can't contact the sender, I'm sure they can't either. I still bet that the saw was shipped, leaked oil, and is being held, and the seller went away on vacation or business. Or so I can hope. I'm going to wait patiently until next week, then I will wait no more.
By the way guys there is NO sellers protection. That is as much a joke as buyer protection. As for the black list there is one with passed around amongst ebay dealers that are in the saw parts and saw line. We started sharing " blocked bidders" about a month ago. As for bad dealers that is what feedback is for. Most bidders get blocked for non payment, scams (such as replacing parts and claiming the saw is defective) or for feedback blackmail. Most reputable dealers bend over backwards to save their feedback rating. Anything under 98% is a warning to stay away.
All right, I left negative feedback in an attempt to get their attention.

They have completed two other transactions since I paid for my item, both with positive feedback.

I have tried for one week to email, phone, voicemail, and page the seller, with no luck. Even tried calling people in Missouri with the same last name and in the same area code to see if they knew the seller.

Here it is
Well, now two other buyers have contacted me having experienced the same deal. The seller sold four different chainsaws recently, and seems three of the four (at least) have yet to show up. At least two of us have filed compliants with paypal. That ought to make for a pretty strong case.
If he did it once he will do it again and again until he really is stopped.

Perhaps stomping boots really will be in order, the guys wearing them should perhaps also carry a badge and have the word police written on the back of their vests.

If that don't work and he still is at the same address after (which he probably won't be), you do send big burley fellows wearing beards and tatoos with hogs and heavy-duty stomping boots.

Really sorry to see you probably got taken Tony.
It appears there are some misconceptions of what paypal can and will do for you. To be honest they will do very little. You can file a complaint for non receipt. They will send the seller an email. They will then wait for a response from the seller. If they do not receive a response in a prescribed number of days (I believe 10 days) they will "attempt" to recover your funds. The attempt they make is they check the sellers paypal account to see if it has a balance in it. If it does they will refund your money. If it does not they will tell you they are sorry but they were unable to recover any funds. They say this is "unacceptable" but that is all they can do. If the person is a crook they are smart enough to transfer the money to a bank account which paypal cannot touch. In a sense when you file a complaint paypal gives the scam artist a 10 day advance to clear out their account. Paypla is even so bold as if a seller provides a invalid tracking number they accept it. I have a seller right now that setup a UPS account and sent electronic pickup information to UPS. UPS then provided them a tracking number which they reported to Paypal. UPS never shows the item ever being picked up but Paypal does not care. Now all of the information I have provided is based on personal experience with crooked sellers and paypal. I cannot speak to what the optional paypal buyer protection that you can purchase will do for you. I am only speaking to traditional paypal payments. If you use a credit card then you may have a better time pushing the issue with the credit card company.

I finally got through to someone! I had to spend $20 to buy the Intelius Search. I got an address from the guy who delivered a truck to them that they bought on ebay. Did a search on Intelius on that address, and it came up with some 92 and 98 year old couple, but it did give a phone number. I called, and lo and behold, spoke with the registered seller, whose live in boyfriend sold the saws and appears to be somewhat of a procrastinator. She acted like she didn't even communicate with him and could give me no details about the saws (all four of which have not yet been received by their buyers). She said she has been asking him to contact us, but obviously he has not. Maybe we are finally getting somewhere.
Getting somwhere? :rolleyes: $20 deeper in the hole is where you got. Dude, get your money back through your credit card company and take a big deep breath, it's only a chainsaw, there will be others. :D
The $20 I chose to spend of my own free will. I wasn't swindled out of it. The boyfriend works days, and I am going to call back tonight when she said he'd be home. If I cannot get some sort of explanation from him, then the next call is to the credit card company. It really isn't about the chainsaw anymore, or even so much the money. With the experience that three other ebay members are having with this seller, it has now become more about the principle of the thing. I'd pay double what I have just to make them come clean.
TonyM said:
The $20 I chose to spend of my own free will. I wasn't swindled out of it. The boyfriend works days, and I am going to call back tonight when she said he'd be home. If I cannot get some sort of explanation from him, then the next call is to the credit card company. It really isn't about the chainsaw anymore, or even so much the money. With the experience that three other ebay members are having with this seller, it has now become more about the principle of the thing. I'd pay double what I have just to make them come clean.

Tony, I sure hope you don't get shafted!
TonyM said:
The $20 I chose to spend of my own free will. I wasn't swindled out of it. The boyfriend works days, and I am going to call back tonight when she said he'd be home. If I cannot get some sort of explanation from him, then the next call is to the credit card company. It really isn't about the chainsaw anymore, or even so much the money. With the experience that three other ebay members are having with this seller, it has now become more about the principle of the thing. I'd pay double what I have just to make them come clean.
Tony, this is a sad deal.
Here is my thought about this.
I think it is regrettable that this happened, the saws and money are perhaps replaceable, but the trust in people will never be the same.
Since I got in to this (for me) Great hobby, I have come to understand there is a lot of people taking advantage of others, but there is a bit of clouds in your story, that perhaps reveal something good.
Hope that it turns out well.

TonyM said:
The shafting already happened. I'm hoping to return some of it.

I realize that, but by now the money is spent therefore he can not reimburse you, the money is spent he has no more money to pay for shipping costs.
He probably will not be able to produce your saw either even if you want to pick it up in person.

Probably your only recourse may just be or only be your credit card issuer.
Tony- This is terrible to hear man. I'd call your card company today. Then tonight when/if you talk to this guy tell him the wheels are in motion for them to come after him. If he makes it right by you, you can call the card company, and call it off, but otherwise, tell him to enjoy messing with them. I'd also get the other buyers on the same pages as you, and all of you drop neg. feedback, and take action against this guy. I think he's gone far enough, and now that you've deduced he isn't the victim of circumstance, and he's just a slacker, I'd say go after him with both barrels.

But hey, this is your deal, so do whatever you think is right, and what you're comfortable with...just let us know, because we all feel your pain!!

Good luck.
interstate commerce could result in fraud charges. You ought to threaten to press charges along with the others you have contacted. That'll light a fire under his a$$. At this point you have a name and address.
I spoke with the seller tonight. I think everything is going to be okay. He seemed like an honest, although very busy, guy. He said he has the saws all boxed up, and he is going to have his father take them to the post office tomorrow, as his working hours make it impossible to get to the post office. I asked for him to email me a tracking number, and he said he would. He also said he put a 6 pack of mix oil in with the saws as an apology for being so late I told him when I get the saw, I will close the paypal complaint and work with them to withdraw the negative feedback. Cross your fingers!
Too busy to return an email or a phone message? Don't let him string you along until it's too late and you have no recourse with your credit card company. I hope he is shipping your saw priority since you've been so patient. Good luck dude.