Deer tend to really like logged property. However, the "thicket" make is much harder to hunt.I was taught “Logged for browsing and forest for cover.” And sounds like you confirm that. The deer have 80 or 100 acres of pasture/ hay meadow they can graze that is planted with yummy clover etc. they want nothing to do with browsing some bombed out looking logged property. Also, the deer quickly change their patterns of movement to bedding down pretty strict when they start hearing shots of guys siting in their guns… so this time of year there is a hoard of deer at night on the pasture and bedded down in my woods at night.
Yes yes, instead of tarred and feathered a deer jump suit. Could get interesting and entertaining. Ha!
you said "deer quickly change their patterns of movement to bedding down pretty strict when they start hearing shots" perhaps, create that deterrent: