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I run original techniplate in all of my race.saws and work saws.
A guy who knows more than me said run it so I listened.
A guy who knows more than me said run it so I listened.
Besides the smell of R50 getting to me, the deposits on the piston crown were pretty bad. K2 seems to run quite clean and it has little smell.
A redneck with a cup of cold water in the carb breaks up carbon too......
So these detergents are the miracle workers then? So they soak into the existing carbon, and break it up?
I love the smell of Klotz R-50 but the Super-Techniplate will give me a headache if I'm confined with it.
I learned this on a hot still day bucking a HUGE silver maple and kneeling/bending over with that exhaust coming up right in my face and no wind to move it along didn't last long.
I came out of there quick!!!
Anyone ever work in a dynamite magazine????
Yes it dissolves the carbon. Mobil 1 2T was the best I've seen at doing this, wish it was still available.
Here's a pic of the combustion chamber. Mind you, this is after only a half quart of Klotz Super techniplate. I had looked in it prior to running that half quart just to see what it looked like after running a quart of original techniplate and it was only blackened, not built up and crusty.
Theres no wear in the cylinder or on the piston at all so it does the job as far as protection, just burns way to dirty for my taste.
This pic is after a quart of the Original techniplate. Same cylinder. This was right before I started on the Supertechniplate.
No buildup at all, just blackened. Piston in perfect shape. It's amazing that after just half a quart that exhaust port was just caked with carbon
So do you have a "before" pic????
Is the lower the flash point of the oil better?
Here are the flash points Stihls 220c (432f)
amsoil dom-90c (194f)
amsoil sab-114c (237f)