Did you do any mods to the 2511, what chain are you running.Really i have a 192T,201T,261 II,ECHO 2511,550xp,372xp,390xp, and JRed 2260. None ported and they all cut....imagine that.
Doesn't surprise me at all, I enjoy a quite saw on a job, especially in certain neighborhoods, can't wait for the electrics. I do like playing with ported saws too though, lots of fun when helping others cut firewood. I still like the 346's even though the 550's beat them in everything except legend status.
Wait you don't really have a wild thing, I have a few of them, I really do just in pieces

If anyone see's anything they want or need in here let me know and I'll hook you up

I don't work on much so these will be sitting for a long time.