never ran a huskie any length of time they feel loosey goosey to me kind a like a 441 Stihl
I haven't run many Stihls, but I have never felt that any of my Huskys have felt "Loosey Goosey", and counting the Wife's saw, I've got 6 Huskys. I am trying to figure out just how a saw would feel "Loosey Goosey", maybe I will have to find a Stihl 441, and see just what a "Loosey Goosey" saw feels like
I bought my 266XP New in 91', and it made a Husky believer out of me, Never parting with that saw, My 3120XP is simply a BEAST, that is a Ton of Fun Bucking Big wood with, the 353 is a Handy saw to have around, didn't realize how much I "Needed" a 50cc saw until I had one

, the 23 Compact Top Handle is another that gets more use than I would have expected when I bought it. The 460 Rancher, I bought used, it Ain't Pretty, but runs Good, where I live Trees in the road is a fairly common occurrence so it is my "Truck Saw", I'm NOT leaving my 266 in the truck 24/7.
My Huskys have always been Great saws for Me, so I have stuck with them, and never regretted it, YMMV