We don’t have it down here I don't think?... But one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of is how a lot of you guys send ya oil in for testing! 
What's wrong with just changing ya oil at whatever set intervals? and forget about it... You know like the world has done in vehicles for the last 100 years?..
Send ya oil in for testing for what? What a waste of money! They just cashing in on you insecure worry warts lol
This is how I sleep having never ever in my 50 years sent oil out for testing

What's wrong with just changing ya oil at whatever set intervals? and forget about it... You know like the world has done in vehicles for the last 100 years?..
Send ya oil in for testing for what? What a waste of money! They just cashing in on you insecure worry warts lol
This is how I sleep having never ever in my 50 years sent oil out for testing