The poison stuff around here, ivy and oak, have tendrils on the bigger sections of the vine. If it's a furry-looking vine you need to be careful.
My cousin has a stand of black locust that he wants removed. I've never seen PI so thick in my life. About an acre of good firewood too. :msp_sad: He's about thirty miles from me, so I didn't feel too bad about turning him down. I'm itching just thinking about it. Maybe I'll get out there this winter and section off the bases of the vines for later. Big maybe.
Do it as soon as possible, let the summer heat get to that vine and it will dry up fast, plus not go to seed. If you cut the vine section out, below and above where your felling cuts will be that is a plus as well. Before you fell, just try to yank as much of the vine out of the tree as you can. Once dry, they yank out pretty easy. You won't get every single bit of it, but a surprisingly large amount.
Green, nope, sticks to the bark too much.. although the dried vine still has poison ivy oil in it, it is much less..a word..reactive I have found when dealing with it. Much more bettah once the leaves have shriveled up and fallen off or close to it.. Plus you can go in now and spray around the ground to killl it off there as well, most spray on the leaf surface you can get. A sharp axe is all you need to knock those sections out. Cut, cut, edge under the section, peel it out.
If you can do it, I would broadcast mass spray first now, go back later in the winter and section it out, and you could try then on yanking the vines on some test trees. If they come out easy then, there ya go, yank, get to cutting your wood.
Do you have access to a tractor and large sprayer? Doing an acre doesn't take long at all as long as you have room to drive around. I did around a six acre field two weeks ago in an hour and a half, and I was putzing in low range to get good coverage.