Hi Jeff, it would be nice if I were in the same place and time as you are now, however, I've been there and done that.
I can't share in your enthusiasm though for your well meaning GTG as it is only one more Ed Heard recruitment for cheerleaders so that he can sell saws.
Ed had a prominent position here on AS and had a monopoly as a saw builder as he built a very good woodsaw. What more could a sponsor want?
Unfortuneately, Ed told too many lies that got him into the bind he is in now.
He wimped out of AS, not because of what anyone said or did to him, he did himself in because he wouldn't and couldn't face up to the BS posts he made.
Where are his chearleaders KF Cull, Joketurd?
They got their azz kicked because they got sucked into Ed's reign of BS. Ed had them convinced they were TimberSports material. Hahaha.Punched out saws and whatever it takes to win a woodsaw race.
Learn what you can Jeff, but don't get led down the garden path by Ed.
Your impressionable and that's the kind of person Ed needs. Just like I once was.
Say what you want, but where is Ed and his cheerleaders? Shat in their own nest big time!
Warning: Don't be a Head Turd cheerleader.