Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Good grief. I fell over 100 pages behind 😳😳

Had a rough week. Lost my 81 blazer which I use for skidding logs to fire.

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sorry to hear that.
Cancer got this Lab at 3yo Great companion.
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Man rough to loose a dog at 3. Neighbor put it best, I think more of dogs then most people. Dogs are who they are and loyal. Our dogs treat us better then they should. Must be my wife's home made dog food.
Yup, same here and proud of it.
I save lots of things but we keep the house clear of clutter, ok basement has a few piles of "good stuff"
It drives my wife crazy, but I tend to hoard things I think I may need in the future. I've been known to find a use for things I've had stashed away for over 20 years.

I've collected a lot of reloading brass, little by little, over the past few decades, often shot by others who don't reload. I collected 30-06 brass before I had a 30-06, or the 338-06 because I figured someday, I may have use for it.

Today, I went through a lot of the 223/5.56 brass I've collected over the years, putting the military stuff aside and sorting the 223 marked brass by manufacturer.

I've already loaded 250 rounds of "used" 223 brass and have another 400. With everything being so hard to get, I'm glad I have it.

Most of it is Federal (265), Remington (130), Winchester (120), Norma (85) and about 50 assorted lesser brands.

I guess what triggered me to go through this stuff is I recently went to both the Cabela's and Midway USA websites and neither of them had any 30-06 brass for sale and I was shocked! Good thing I really didn't need it! I still have lots of it (new + used) that I have not used yet. Ditto for the 220 and 270 WSM (mostly new unused brass for those two cartridges purchased years ago). Although I've found a little used 270 WSM, I've never found any used 220 Swift brass.
I just bought 450 pieces of 250-3000 brass. That gives me 20 boxes of loaded 100 Grain Remington CL's and a total of 1000 pieces of brass. I have 3, 100 count boxes of Speer 87gr Hot Cores and about 1000, 100 gr Remington CL's. Two of my Savage 99's prefer the 87's and the other 2 prefer the 100's. Sounds like a lot, but I can shoot 4-5 boxes every time I go to my range.
Since I'm sure that I'm not as good as the rest of the resident experts on this page, I thought I'd give the Firewood Pro Sizer a shot, so I could cut my rounds to 16" in a timely manner. At least I hope it's a timely manner, otherwise, one of the other guys on this thread will be receiving this free of charge so that they can give it a try to see if they like it.

Since I'm sure that I'm not as good as the rest of the resident experts on this page, I thought I'd give the Firewood Pro Sizer a shot, so I could cut my rounds to 16" in a timely manner. At least I hope it's a timely manner, otherwise, one of the other guys on this thread will be receiving this free of charge so that they can give it a try to see if they like it.

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Does the laser cut the log too?

Obviously not. But I've tried quite a few of the measuring tools before. And while they work fine, they all force you to "walk the log twice", or retrace your steps. Once to mark it, once to cut it. I've been looking for something that lets me do it all in one step, without having to backtrack. We'll see how well this works.
Measure the length of the splits as you cut them? Does your stove complain if they are an inch short or long?? lol

I can guess close enough as I cut, and if I want to check them, I use the length of the bar on my saw to check one.

I shoot for 16-18"
Over or under that is no big deal...fireplace will take 28" easily :p

I'm jonesin' for the high country here, there's still quite a bit of low snow though.


Almost didn't make it home, luckily the hub is fine.

So your mix went to 40 to 1 and your Stihl sat still because of it. That doesn't sound right to me. I run 40 to 1 in all my saws without any issues. Even myc 550XP MKII with the electronics has no problem running it. Could you have double dosed it by accident?
I updated that. I had correctly made a 2.5 gal mix. The extra oil had to have been bar oil into the gas hole. I didn't recall having made that mistake but it is the only way extra oil got in there.
US stock return saws from Farmmac and Neotec for anyone interested. The customer service person contacted me to see if I was interested. Some simply returned because the customer couldn’t start it. Some like the 892 were either flooded or the base gasket issue like my two had. I can’t rule out other types of air leaks. Either way could be of interest to some of you.D7AE87F3-C368-4FC5-86C8-713085745173.png7118F05F-69B1-4336-AF8F-832C5D5809D5.png6890A8D3-D564-4921-8B17-BB50D81ACFDF.png0D2D62A5-9315-49CA-BC31-3310959AF48D.png5C5E3DAA-4062-43B6-AD90-817C10EE37FC.pngE314B231-C70B-472B-A8F1-FC3511DE329C.png77CF0A91-82A3-4526-84F2-0976C719A3E9.png92234627-DB12-4849-A6DD-E4A6B031546F.png9ED97418-63E7-4AC1-98FD-DBF8C3ECF068.pngE24B0BC6-2605-4F07-AA34-C0379AB8655C.png
I just bought 450 pieces of 250-3000 brass. That gives me 20 boxes of loaded 100 Grain Remington CL's and a total of 1000 pieces of brass. I have 3, 100 count boxes of Speer 87gr Hot Cores and about 1000, 100 gr Remington CL's. Two of my Savage 99's prefer the 87's and the other 2 prefer the 100's. Sounds like a lot, but I can shoot 4-5 boxes every time I go to my range.
Wish i could find 250 Savage brass.
All i load are 100 grain partitions and 87 grain Hornadys
US stock return saws from Farmmac and Neotec for anyone interested. The customer service person contacted me to see if I was interested. Some simply returned because the customer couldn’t start it. Some like the 892 were either flooded or the base gasket issue like my two had. I can’t rule out other types of air leaks. Either way could be of interest to some of you.View attachment 1077477View attachment 1077478View attachment 1077479View attachment 1077480View attachment 1077481View attachment 1077482View attachment 1077483View attachment 1077484View attachment 1077485View attachment 1077486
I’ll wait for the $25 Earthquake price on eBay 🤪
400 ran just fine today. 5 pulls cold, and 1 warm once and a couple pulls other times. I can live with that.

Fell one badly leaning tree that appeared to be sorta bracing a second big one.also with a bad lean. I was expecdting both to come down but I got so focused falling the 1st one that I didn't pay attention to the second. It was somewhat of a shock to find it on the ground about 5' from where I was sstanding.

Got the first one mostly brushed out and the top 49 ft wwere suspended in the clear. Tree had fallen on a big brush pile and was still rooted in the ground 20ft behind the pile. Fun bucking but disappointed. Wood was on good ffor about 25 ft from the top. Way leas than one load. Leaves a lot of big heavy rounds to get on the burn pile.

How are you going with the pic situation?
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Took our exchange student to Niagara Falls for the weekend. No wood, no chainsaws but we got a good look at murica across the river. You could just smell the freedom 😁. Was planning on going across but we neglected to renew my daughter's passport. Face palm!

So...she had to stay home?