661 Oil Test 32:1 vs 40:1 vs 50:1 ?

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...This will lean out the saw a bit. The M-Tronic will not adjust for this difference, unless I am miss- understanding what magical powers the M-Tronic has. ....

MTronic does tune for that, just as it tunes for anything else. MTronic knows nothing but RPMs. It's constantly adjusting the tune, searching for max RPMs. It matters not what changes, whether it's oil mix ratio, air density, fuel quality, etc.
MTronic does tune for that, just as it tunes for anything else. MTronic knows nothing but RPMs. It's constantly adjusting the tune, searching for max RPMs. It matters not what changes, whether it's oil mix ratio, air density, fuel quality, etc.

Thinking about it that way.........I believe you are right.
testing reinforcements just showed up!

Looks like you are going to have a lot of .404 chains for sale after this test .........
Oil - Flash Point - Viscosity 40c - Viscosity 100c

Klotz R50 - 550 - 19.1

Motul 800 2t Road Racing - 525 - 157.4 - 19.2

Motul 800 2T Off Road - 485 - 120 - 15.5

Belray H1-R - 395 - 121
brad I couldnt find v@100°C for h1r or the viscosity index for r50? I believe in lab results myself and looks like r50 is the winner. Do u have specs for r2?
Anything gonna happen going from h1r to 927 ? i have a half gallon of 927 i wanna use up . Just make sure the H1r is dumped out of the saw first ? I was told not to mix castor with ester .
Yes I believe the lower flashpoints will burn off more readily in non full throttle and say woods racing where u will be idled down alot in turns

Flash points & Viscosity @ 40c & @100 C

Stihl ultra syn - 432 F, v@40c 49 v@100c 8.45 - http://www.stihlusa.com/WebContent/CMSFileLibrary/MSDS/Stihl_HP_Ultra.pdf

Belray h1r - 395 F , v@40c - 121 , v@100c - 12.4 (per belray) - http://www.belray.com/sites/default/files/msds_files/bel-ray h1-r racing 100% synthetic ester 2t engine oil item 99280 us_english_0.pdf

Belray mc1 - 208 F , v@40c 244!! , v@100c ? http://www.belray.com/sites/default/files/msds_files/bel-ray mc-1 racing full synthetic 2t engine oil item 99400 us_english.pdf

Husky - 167 F, v @ 40c - 48, v@ 100c ? - http://www.husqvarna.com/ddoc/huse/huse2010_euenapen/huse2010_euenapen_cms-s002_.pdf

woodland pro - 210 F, v@ 40c - ? , v@100c 7.2 - http://www.baileysonline.com/msds_sheets/PDFs/wp_synthetic.pdf

shindaiwa red armor - 163F, v@ 40c - 64, v@100 10.3 http://www.shindaiwa-usa.com/getattachment/9ee40453-a8f5-4647-988b-b20ebe5afe03

amsoil - 216 F , v@40c - 71, v@100c - 11.1 - http://www.amsoil.com/msds/atp.pdf

lucus - 175 F , v@40c - ? , v@100c - 7.5 - http://lucasoil.com/pdf/TDS-2-Cycle-Full-Synthetic-Snowmobile.pdf

motul 710 2t - 190F, v@40c - 46.4, v@100c - 8.9 - https://www.motul.com/system/product_descriptions/technical_data_sheets/38/710 2T (GB).pdf?1324312083

motul 800 2t - 525 F, v@40c 157 , v@100c - 19.2 - https://www.motul.com/system/product_descriptions/technical_data_sheets/77796/original/800_2T_Factory_Line_Road_Racing_TDS_(GB).pdf?1379696151

maxima K2 - 240F , v@ 40c - 97 @100c - 13.6 - http://www.maximausa.com/product/formula-k2/

maxima 927 - 420F v@ 40c - 133 @100c - 13.8 - http://www.maximausa.com/product/castor-927/

Schaeffer's 9006 2t - 187F , v@40c ?, v@100c ? - *thought this was interesting..."because of its flash point this product is considered to be combustible" http://www.schaefferoil.com/documents/248-9006-msds.pdf

Klotz R50. - 550°F , v@40c ? , v@100c 19.1 - https://www.klotzlube.com/Ecommerce/site/content/PDFs/MSDS/MSDS-2014-KL-102.pdf

yamalube - 255 F , v@40c ? , v@100c - 8.5 - https://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/docs/MSDS_Yamaha_Yamalube 2R.pdf

This is the most popular ones I've heard of. I'm sure there are others. But if you wanted to stay close to Stihl's 432 number, the only one's you'd consider trying so far would be the Belray H1R and the Maxima 927.
R50 and 800t are the clear better choices
oil info... make up, viscosity, flash point

Stihl Ultra
- http://www.stihlusa.com/WebContent/CMSFileLibrary/MSDS/Stihl_HP_Ultra.pdf
Base Oil: Trimethylolpropane ComplexEster 80-90%
additive mixture - 0-20%

Flash point 432F
Visc @40c = 49
Visc @ 100c = 8.5

Husky -
Highly refined Mineral Oil - greater than 40%
distillate (petroleum) - 15-25%
polyolefin phenol - greater than 5%

Flash Point - 167F
Visc @ 40C = 48
Visc @ 100c = unknown

Yamalube - https://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/docs/MSDS_Yamaha_Yamalube 2R.pdf

additive mixture = 16-20%
Pour Depressant mixture = <.5%
Solvent = 10-15%
Base Oil = 54-75%
Blue Dye = <.5%

Flash Point = 255F
Visc @ 40c = unknown
Visc @ 100c = 8.5

Klotz R50 - https://www.klotzlube.com/Ecommerce/site/content/PDFs/MSDS/MSDS-2014-KL-102.pdf

"Not applicable" ???????

Flash Point = 550F
Visc @ 40c = unknown
Visc @ 100c = 19.1

Motul 710 2T - http://www.motovan.com/img/marketing/pdf/Motul/MSDS eng/710 2T.pdf
https://www.motul.com/system/product_descriptions/technical_data_sheets/38/710 2T (GB).pdf?1324312083

Naphtha petroleum hydrotreated - less than 30%

nothing else shown

Flash Point - 190 F
Visc @ 40c = 46
Visc @ 100c = 8.9

Motul 800 2T - http://www.lubrispec.com/pdf/800-2T_Road_MSDS.pdf

polyolefine succinimide polyamine = 4.4%
calcium alkaryl sulfonate = less than 1%
calcium alkyl phenate = less than 1%

Flash Point = 525 F
Visc @ 40c = 157
Visc @ 100c = 19.2

Belray H1R - http://www.belray.com/sites/default...ter 2t engine oil item 99280 us_english_0.pdf


"This product considered not hazardous..."

note - contacted belray for approx make up
base oil: Proprietary Ester blend = ~90%
additive mixture = ~10%

Flash Point = 395F
Visc @ 40c = 121
Visc @ 100c = 12.4

Amsoil - http://www.amsoil.com/msds/atp.pdf
Synthetic Ester = 30-60%
Butnene homopolymer - 30-60%
Solvent naphtha = 10-30%
n,n di sec butylphenylenediamine .1%

Flash Point = 216F
Visc @ 40c = 71
Visc @ 100c = 11.1

- http://lucasoil.com/pdf/SDS_2-Cycle-Snowmobile-Oil.pdf
Solvent naphtha petroleum = 10-30%
1 decene, homopolymer hydyrogenated = 10-30%

doesn't show anything else.

Flash Point = 175F
Visc @ 40c = unknown
Visc @ 100c = 7.5

Maxima K2 - http://www.maximausa.com/msds/2stroke/Formula K2.pdf
Synthetic Ester Base Stock = 65-75%
Solvent Naphtha = 5-10%
Polybutene = 5-15%
Multi functional additive mixture = 5-15%

Flash Point = 240F
Visc @ 40C = 97
Visc @ 100c= 13.6

Maxima 927 - http://www.maximausa.com/msds/2stroke/Castor 927.pdf

modified fatty acid ester = <50% "fatty acid ester"? LOL
castor Oil = 50-70%
additive mixture = 10-20%

Flash Point = 420F
Visc @ 40c = 133
Visc @ 100c = 13.8

Woodland Pro synthetic- http://www.baileysonline.com/msds_sheets/PDFs/wp_synthetic.pdf

performance additive = 5-12%
high flash solvent = 22-27%
base oil - synthetic = 45-57%
Blue Dye = ~ .5%
Low smoke additive = 30-40%
fuel stabilizer - less than 2%

Flash Point = 210F
Visc @ 40c = unknown
Visc @ 100c = 7.2

Shindaiwa red armor - http://www.shindaiwa-usa.com/getattachment/9ee40453-a8f5-4647-988b-b20ebe5afe03
Polybutene = 15-40%
Proprietary Ester = 10-30%
Distillates (petroleum) = 10-30%
Highly refined petroleum lubricant oils = 10-30%
Hydrocarbyl amine = 7-13%
alkyl imidazoline = 1-5%
Alkarylamine = less than 2%
Solvent naphta = less than 2%

Flash Point = 163F
Visc @ 40c = 64
Visc @ 100c = 10.3

Schaffer's - http://www.schaefferoil.com/documents/248-9006-msds.pdf

Complex mixture of Synthetic Base oils = 10-90%
proprietary additives = <15%

Flash point = 187F
Visc @ 40c = unknown
Visc @ 100c = unknown