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I enjoy watching the self proclaimed experts making even bigger fools of themselves. It's a beautiful thing. Keep up the good work, the entertainment is priceless.
At least they still make decent bars, now I just need an adapter for my 3120.:monkey:
Nope...don't sell saws, don't "screw" people, and don't "stick it to 'em deep."
I always thought those were at least 2 different things.
Yep, top quality chains.And chains!
Well ya thought wrong Ed.
If you don't know slang talk maybe you should learn it, come on by sometime, I'll help ya out..
Yes, clear that up with Ed before you take him to THE SHED. Don't want him to be disappointed when you show him a saw.
ole joat
Well ya thought wrong Ed.
If you don't know slang talk maybe you should learn it, come on by sometime, I'll help ya out..
Yes, clear that up with Ed before you take him to THE SHED. Don't want him to be disappointed when you show him a saw.
ole joat
I appreciate your willingness to help...I think I'm getting closer to understanding.
So ..."screwing people" and "sticking it to 'em deep" are both dealer euphemisms for selling people saws...does this only apply to new Stihls?
So little faith brother joat. There's a reasonable chance Tommie is capable of defending himself.
Yes, clear that up with Ed before you take him to THE SHED. Don't want him to be disappointed when you show him a saw.
ole joat
.... So Ed tell me how does it feel to be a total azz, I'm just curious,LOL
Ed there is an old saying if you don't know whatcha talking about you should be quiet. You have hopped in and took my comment about that saw and the lawyer and jumped in with glee. However if you had taken a moment and read a few more posts you would have seen I was saying those comments to edge Space on like he does me all the time. So Ed tell me how does it feel to be a total azz, I'm just curious,LOL
I just cleared it up with him Joat. He apparently didn't realize Space and me lure each other in all time with BS.
Space must not be on today but he'll see that post and give me hell,LOL
Sorry Tommie...I didn't mean to upset you. I can't decide whether I'm more surprised by you turning out to be the sensitive type, or the rapidity with which the depths of your wit can be mined.
I'm certain a little self-reflection is all that is needed to satisfy your curiosity. can go back to playing with your friends...sorry to interrupt. It's always fun until someone gets their feelings hurt.
Don't make me stop this car!
father joat
Sorry Tommie...I didn't mean to upset you. I can't decide whether I'm more surprised by you turning out to be the sensitive type, or the rapidity with which the depths of your wit can be mined.
I'm certain a little self-reflection is all that is needed to satisfy your curiosity. can go back to playing with your friends...sorry to interrupt. It's always fun until someone gets their feelings hurt.
Don't make me stop this car!
father joat
Is there anyone at Stihl that we can bring this up to? Honestly, I'm thinking about not buying a 361 now. If I do, I won't haggle price, but I'll want to see the jug before I buy.
Upset me, feelings hurt, I don't think so Ed. You thought you had a good one to crow about and you crowed. Ed did you happen to notice no one else said a word about that post, they knew what its intent was, only you took it to heart thinking it was something that is wasn't. Space and I have been tossing posts like that at each for years. Apparently you didn't know and thats ok. Self reflection, no, the obvious yes. I got a good memory Ed, you haven't changed abit. Tant no biggie, you are what you are..
I knew perfectly well why you missed the point of my post, not the other way around. The obvious, yes...the subtle, not so much.
And was only a month ago...not too big of a memory stretch.
Just send me a hat and we'll call it even.
Damn...Joat took my Gameboy again.