I would tell your customer how did you knock that plating off,LOL I would tell him man I saw a cylinder on AS that looked like hell but it was a Husky cylinder,LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Fact is Eric in the last year Stihl and every other manufacture have had plenty of cylinders go down. I've seen fried Huskys come in my door, Echo's, and even one Dolmar. They have to leave the factory running lean to meet EPA requirements and topping that from all the water I've seen in fuel lately from ethenol that doesn't help either. Any saw sold out the box and out the door not adjusted is running on the edge to meet EPA, thats fact and thats the way it is and thats the way its gonna stay. Note what your man said, all in the last year or but none in almost 30 years. Things have changed my man and its not just the saws but the rules they have to meet to be sold in the USA.
Far as Brads cylinder I would like to have it. I'd put it on one of my 260's and run it. I'm not worried about all those things he pointed out, I can't see all those things when the saw is running, my interest is like most, how it runs and how long it runs,