dan henry modified 372xp

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sure does .. i didnt know u ever had the
saw..i dont believe john lambert wants to be tied in to this loose mud slinging..
least not the one whos post i read over time..if he does.. ive just plain out, misjudged him..wouldnt be the first time ..
but id sure be disappointed...
having said that let me assure everybody..this saw leaves my hands only after they are cold dead..thats what i think of it..because of the man who built it. . he may not be pefect.. god protect us from those who think,, they are without fault,,and take on them selves,, a job thats already taken..that of judging men .. in my opinion,, dans as good a man,as is here on the forum .. enuff said
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Tony all that really matters is that your happy, and you have a bill of sale. LOL BB
well im happy busy:) . so if thas all that matters we got no problems.. les get these saws a running,, an get back to the job..:) oops i forgot its sunday morning already..
Hey Tony,

Just for the record, I don`t think anyone is saying that anything is wrong with your saw. Dan said he suspects that it was used hard the whole time that it was away but that`s what saws like the 372 are made for. I`m sure that Dan gave the bottom end a thourough going over before he re-barreled it, if it`s not the prettiest saw you`ve ever seen it only adds to the sleeper ability of the saw.

Enjoy it!

BTW, wasn`t the name of the guy who didn`t want to return the saw Erik Engstrom, or have I mistakenly named an innocent person?

I`d hate to know something negative about a person`s character and be silent, and then have an innocent person be taken by that guy.

Hi Russ, if I remember correctly it was Barky who lowered the boom on the guy that was trying to keep that PP372.
From what I gathered, one persuasive call to him from Barky had the saw shipped off pronto to it's rightful owner.
So we can't forget about that.
Yey Barky!

Originally posted by jokers
BTW, wasn`t the name of the guy who didn`t want to return the saw Erik Engstrom, or have I mistakenly named an innocent person?

I`d hate to know something negative about a person`s character and be silent, and then have an innocent person be taken by that guy.

I assume you're referring to this mess?

Originally posted by bwalker
So let me get this straight. You have developed new technology, but you wont tell anyone what it is? I perspective customer would have to be pretty trusting to buy into somehting like this with out knowing what he was gettin, no?
You would have to send the check!!!
well there is a flip side ben..
i do lawn care.. theres things i know about an lawn ,that i only know because ive seen a whole lot of different ,problems,some unique to this area..

theres also remedies for problems that ive learned over 30 yrs..remedies that u wont find in any book,,, that i know of..
i dont tell people what they are . ill make recommendations to them..
but if i told them how to solve the problem,they gonna mess the job up most of the time.. plus invariably they will try it themselves and cut me outa the loop..then i gotta go try an straiten out there mess.. im sure the saw mechanics can relate to that..those are the jobs i dread..no offence ben,just the other side of it .. as i see it..
ps if i fix it ,to start with ,all they ever know,is the problem seems to be solved.. altho ill admit ,a lot depends on a little cooperation from mamma nature:)
Tony,the differance being is that if I bought the saw and tore it down I would know the "secret". FWIW I dont buy into this new technology BS even slightly. Two cycle motors have been around for nearly a 100 years and there are not to many secrets left. Even fewer that are within grasp of a backyard mechanics. Also of note is the fact that chainsaw cylinder technology is very archaic. Even the latest designs on saws have been around a very long time. With these things being said whats the odds that Dan does have new technology? Snowballs chance in hell I say.
Get a grip, Ben!  All he'd meant was he's doing something differently now.
Tony's saw has some new technology in it now. Lets just saw, I have been at school for a while.
Glen, When someone makes statements like this they should be able to back them up. Especially when one is selling a service.
As far as get a grip. This coming from the guy that ?????es and complains about everything MS and almostevery attachment posted on this board?
BTW what are you doing lurking in a modified saw thread anyway? I thought you didnt see the merits of a mod saw?
If you want to know what it is he's doing differently now, maybe you could drop the unmerited antagonistic attitude and sincerely and politely ask him.

I admit to often making mention of MS' lack of quality, utility, and security but I don't think I would classify it as bi*ching about them.

The percentage of attachments I complain about here must certainly be well within the single-digit percentile.

Modified saws have merit, which I can see, but not for day-to-day use in my opinion.  Much the same as F1 or NASCAR vehicles are interesting and have certain value.

Anything else you've been skimming over and need clarification on?

Originally posted by bwalker
Yes, but the questions most people ask are akin to asking KFC for their original recipe. Many people can port cylinders, but it takes alot of time and sweat to arrive at a good set of figures. Asking people like Ed or KD specifics(#'s, etc) of what they are doing to these saws is downright rude in my book.

Here's the thread
stroker cranks
Tony's saw has some new technology in it now. Lets just saw, I have been at school for a while.

That statement was made to me, I took it at face value, it just means what it says. Are you really gonna buy a saw off Dan? :rolleyes:
I mean you've been on the " let's take cheap shots at Dan and not show the testicular fortitude to ever approach anything other than innuendo and grey area bandwagon" So it seems that there is this whole peyton place scene going on off forum, even our moderators words seem sharp edged. But I'm not privy to all that crap(thank god) and all I can go on is how Dan treated me. I have no complaints.

Dan, it still is mint. I probably only run 2 tanks a month thru it and that mostly cutting sidegrain.I listened when Gypo said you are smarter to cut for grade ;) Especially cookies, lol
i just wish i had enough knowledge on the subject to say something about the work that goes into these saws..
my gosh,,how did yall ever learn all this stuff..i know some pretty decent 2 cycle mechanics here.. but id be willing to bet
they dont have the know how to understand either..
just about amazing ,an my hats off to u..
Trimmed, I do not know how I could be anymore straight forward and blunt. No posturing or inuendo on my part.

Lucky, I am not asking for anyones port numbers. I am asking about the "new tech" that Dan has came up with pure and simple. Porting is hardley new tech. I do consider it in bad taste to ask for port numbers like certain people have done. Especially when one doesnt give credit where its due.

Glens, if you go over to the first page of this thread you will see I asked with out antaganism or malice.

FWIW I think Dan isnt answering because he doesnt have a answer. Just like the RS 7900 jug/piston, the gouged out gasket, the roach 2100 and the efco 999. It seems that there is a pattern here where in Dan doesnt seem to want to be questioned on anything he does or to be held accountable.
I could be wrong in this case as I have been before, but I am starting to see some simularities to the Dennis Greffard fiasco. Caveat emptor.
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