dan henry modified 372xp

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It takes all kinds now doesn't it.
yes I said the 999 ran and would be good for a mill saw, but after I opened it up I am glad I did,
I donot see why that saw will not fly, it has a wider skirt piston than a 2100 has , a 3120 style carb with a little smaller bore size.
I do see why it will not fly right now but those numbers will be changed, I have no problems making a efco saw fly. And when fixed this saw will run as fast as the others like the 9010ehp
as far as for me making gaskets , no I donot.
i use the factory gaskets only, why fix something that works.
and as far as copying something someone has sent to you by email or PM, to me that just doesnot make any sense when we are sponsors, how are people to ask us questions when they are worried about it being copyed and posted.
The more I sit back and watch the more I feel this place is more about who screwed who and has nothing to really do with saws and trying to help people for real
there is more work here than any person can do so why the games, I have sent you <Dan> alot of guys as well to Dave cause they wanted stuff done now which I could not do, I donot know if they called or not but that is not my point, it would be alot nicer to come on here and it be alot happier place than it is now.
So in ending my long winded post, I hope everybody has a nice day :)
Originally posted by jokers
I don`t think that Lucky has any problem with giving out port numbers as long as they are Ken Dunn`s, he posted them somewhere else under a different name. No matter though because Ken has been such a selfless guy with most people on this forum that he has given his numbers to most anyone who ever asked, including Dan and Dennis G. Anyone care to say that isn`t true?


Sure Russ, you're plain ass wrong on this. I've never posted port numbers anywhere and I post under no other names. If you're going to make such strong accusations, you'd better be able to prove it! I'll be waiting.....
Port numbers

Sorry Jon(h),

I`ve asked you before if you are Jon Rupeley (I apologise if I`ve butchered the spelling) and you`ve said no, but I flat out don`t believe you. Does this ring any bells?

Senior Member

Registered: May 2001
Posts: 204

Tree Monkey, Ken Dunn will share his figures. If you are looking to make a good working saw, try XXX degrees exhaust, XXX intake, and XXX for the transfers, go up on the exhaust and down on the intake,that way you won't free port, keep the stock overlap, and XX degrees on blowdown, polish the exhaust, leave the intake with a sanded finish. And finally don't be afraid to ruin a couple, start with older saws, until you are confident.
Good Luck

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01-24-2003 09:45 AM "

I`ve taken the liberty of substituting Xs in place of the actual digits since Ken himself has not publicly posted this info.

I made a gasket like that one, but it was for a Puch Florida abot 20 years ago.

EHP, I think Dan wrote the letter he copied, and sent it to someone.

Lucky, read this a little a slower:
"I don`t think that Lucky has any problem with giving out port numbers as long as they are Ken Dunn`s, he posted them somewhere else under a different name. "

My Eng is not the best, so I could be wrong, but Then again.......

On the chance that I am wrong about your identity and owe you an apology, why not give me your phone number(privately if you wish) and I`ll ring you up. We can talk and if I owe the apology I`ll make it right here in this thread. Sound fair?

My number is (315)963-4894

Thanks, Russ

I`m trying to moderate by staying within the forum rules. Darin did not make me aware that I could not express an opinion or ask any questions as a moderator. So far, I think that I have been reserved on both counts because I have alot that I could say, there definitely is a strong undercurrent here that deserves attention.

Specifically, the credibility of another person making money off of visitors to this forum has been brought into question. I`ve seen much evidence to support the claims, but since I was not involved personally, I`d like to see all the points and counterpoints so that all of us can make educated decisions regarding what we believe to be true and then move on. I`m also aware of the many happy customers involved and find them typically credible so I`m wondering just what is going on.

Mike, don`t you agree that we should air this issue out once and for all and then put it behind us?

You do have a picture of a pretty bad looking gasket. Did you make it yourself or did you have someone fabricate it for you? Did I make it, No !
I am sure that you want it to look like I did. You may want to try another approach, this one isn't working.
At one time I bought your story of the Mike 2100, hook line and sinker. The more I watch, look, listen the more I learn. Yes I had that saw here but was it the same way it came from Mike. I doubt it.
Yes, you and I both know that 999 can be made to run faster and we both know how to do it. My only question is how fast should me make a woods saw? If its a woods saw I used to think about durability as well. It seems the trend now is to have the fasted woods saw out there when these people really want a race saw. So now if somebody tells me they want it to be fast, I build it with different numbers then a normal woods saw.
Don't you know that everybody screws Mark. Mike did, Dennis did and now I did, anybody else see a pattern. You are just next on the list, so watch your back side. I already picked up a new jar of Vaseline and I will send it up to you..
Yes, you and I both know that 999 can be made to run faster and we both know how to do it. My only question is how fast should me make a woods saw?
Dan, That efco is so ???? slow I would put my 260 up against it. You would need a saddle and spurs to get it to cut faster as is. Wanna bet that it flys after it has been reported properly and has a new piston?
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Don't you know that everybody screws Mark. Mike did, Dennis did and now I did, anybody else see a pattern
FWIW Dennis screwed multiple people and thats well documented. As far as Rupley. His own friends admit that he screwed the joisey boy. So what are you saying ? Have you joined the band of thieves also? Your only as good as the company you keep.
Originally posted by Busy Beaver
[Quote by Glens]

"Modified saws have merit, which I can see, but not for day-to-day use in my opinion."

What do you base your opinion on? Have you ever run a modified saw? Who modified it, if so? If not in day-to-day use then when do they have merit? Please answer in 50 words or less! Thank you. BB

As George already testified, I <i>have</i> run modified saws.&nbsp; I've run saws modified by four different people that I can think of off the top of my head.&nbsp; They variously put smiles on my face and I'm not denying they did.&nbsp; In point of fact, I guess you could say that all my saws are legally modified in that they have older versions of stock mufflers installed.&nbsp; But letting them exhale at the level they once did from the factory is not what I have in mind when I use the term "modified saw".&nbsp; If you took the filter cover off and put a K&N filter on, I wouldn't say you'd <i>modified</i> the saw either.&nbsp; What I mean is to disassemble the saw and make changes to the innards which result in a higher level of power production (or at least <i>attempt to</i>).

I've said this many times but at the risk of exceeding 50 words, will rehearse it for you now so you don't have to search the site.&nbsp; Good engineers design a saw to produce so much power, and while making it structurally strong enough to maintain that level of power for a reasonable length of time they make it as light as they can (unless they're Swedish, LOL).&nbsp; A four-horse saw can get away with a lighter crank bearing than a five-horse saw would need.&nbsp; The crankcase which supports those bearings needs to be similarly sized.

If you or anyone else is a professional timber feller and can get by legally running a modified work saw and can produce enough extra to justify the initial added expense combined with the necessity to repeat that expenditure sooner, then more power to you if that's what you want to do.&nbsp; Not all of us feel the same way and that's my opinion basis in a nutshell.

As to when they do have merit, it would mainly be on the chest-beating weekends, I guess.

Thanks for the email saying you did what you did.&nbsp; I suspected your identity early on.&nbsp; Be careful.&nbsp; You can be some fun (about like a modded saw :<tt></tt>) and I'd hate to see you get yourself banned.

[Quote from Dozerdan

"I might have had a gasket in that saw that I made."

You do have a picture of a pretty bad looking gasket. Did you make it yourself or did you have someone fabricate it for you? Did I make it, No !

These are your own words in this thread, seems like your walking on your own tongue. BB
Originally posted by dozerdan

I might have had a gasket in that saw that I made. Did it leak? NO. Because it was made, does that make it bad or wrong? NO You can buy gasket material at any parts store for that purpose. The nice part about it is that it comes in different thickness, it gives us another way to adjust the squash clearance on saws.

Dan do think I would break my own saw to discredit someone? All I want is what I have paid for plain and simple. The 2100/285 that you handed me when we met out in PA was the same saw sent to Dennis Cahoon. I ran it once or twice and never again. Did Dennis get the saw to run you bet.Took him a little while but it ran. If you think I would sit down and make a gasket I wouldn't even know where to begin, let alone have the time.

How come the Good ol Boys from Pa never complain, do you do different levels of quality work for some members here. Of course you do. Good, fair and this dumb putz doesn't know what he's doing so he's easy money. I might not know how to do the things you do to saw but I know how it should run, sound and cut. I have been taken advantage of by most builders here. Hell you even stated you broke fins on the 357xp welded them but you never told me until I found out on my own.
I pay with out a problem so why shouldn't I get what I pay for.


I asked Ed what numbers he'd use on my saws. He said send me the ones off your Visa Card will be good. The same ones worked on both the 260 and 372!
Originally posted by bwalker
FWIW Dennis screwed multiple people and thats well documented. As far as Rupley. His own friends admit that he screwed the joisey boy. So what are you saying ? Have you joined the band of thieves also? Your only as good as the company you keep.
Ben, I want you to name those friends right now. Mike
Hi Ben, I don't actually recall me calling Mike a rat faced low down cheepskate or anything like that, but I know I expressed concern that Barky may have come out on the fuzzy end of the lollipop. This transaction was what prompted me to give a 2100 to Barky. My wish at the time was that would apease Barky and he would lay off Mike, but since when we give something to someone there should be no strings attached, I had no control over how Barky dealt with Mike or vis versa.
This all doesn't mean I approved of what Mike had done for Barky.
Wow! What a Paton Place.
I do recall calling Tommy Fales and Dennis Cahoon a couple of Lowlifes though.
My Bad!
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