I don't know who this guy is but I do know I don't like him much.
Well, I braved the 100 degree heat today and got the blow torch out and loosened all the bolts from the tank and popped the cover off it, scraped the surface and re-sealed it and applied a coat of red paint. I sealed the tank halves together with JB Weld then put the screws back in it. I hope I fixed it so it wouldn't leak, we'll find out if I get the saw put back together. One problem I have is that someone apparently was having trouble putting the long carb screws in that hold it to the reed plate and they cut one of them off, now it's too short to install. I'm pretty sure the local hardware will have something to fit it.
Good luck finding #12-24 hex head machine screws at your local hardware store. :msp_ohmy:
I can mail you one if I knew how long you need it to be.
Good thing you did not show up with a ford ranger, they would not have fit.
Alright gurus, I'm baffled on the bar and chain on my XP1000, I'm getting ready to order a new chain for it, went down to check the gauge, and the drivers measure about .046??? This is .404 chain. It's (I think) Homelite chain, cutters are stamped with an H in a box, drivers are stamped 40, I couldn't find any reference to any "40" chain on Acres, except for a 1/2" pitch (forgot who made it).
The bar is Homelite branded, and the slot width is about .057 measured with feeler gauges. That seems tight for even .058 chain. Was there such an animal as .404x.050 back in the day? The bar is stamped SP2438105, and has a Windsor roller tip, SRA222B10.
What sorta odd duck do I have here? If it's rare/collectible, I don't have a problem hanging it on the wall or swapping someone here for a more common setup, I'm looking for something a bit longer than 24" anyhow.
What options do I have for new bars? Baileys and Oregon weren't much help, but I'd guess there are bars that will fit with just a little tweaking, but I don't know which ones. The thought of putting an 8 pin rim and running 3/8 on has crossed my mind.
Can get some detailed bar/chain pics tomorrow if needed.
What model is this:
"Big old Homelite" in with a bunch of other junk in a Craigslist add near me.
And AAron writes a book on the subject..........:msp_smile:
Starter looks to be all there except for the rope and the stamped 'ashtray' cover. Those covers are almost always missing. It'll function fine without the cover. The starter mechanism has a 'ball ratchet' setup similar to old B&S engines. I'll send you an IPL when I get home from work.