Husqvarna question "288's"

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Tell me about it :bang: mines pushin 215 psi. I've got a snowmobile D-ring pull handle on it now.
I've got 2 extra 288 cylinders that have decomp buttons. 1 is ported & the other is stock. Would ya wanna trade yers out fer one of them??

Stumpy', with your reputation as a porting legend, i reckon the opportunity to get a cylinder thats been in your hands will have a few itchin' to trade out saws that were 'just fine' until you made the quoted offer!!!

Stumpy', with your reputation as a porting legend, i reckon the opportunity to get a cylinder thats been in your hands will have a few itchin' to trade out saws that were 'just fine' until you made the quoted offer!!!


Thanks fer the compliment. I don't know about bein a legend, still pretty new to the game. Just another squirrel tryin to git a nut.
Somebody already took me up on one of the cylinders. They're also gittin one of my popup pistons to go with it. I guess I could port the other too & have it ready fer somebody to bolt on.
Stumpy, what about the aftermarket cylinders like the Meteor or NWP, can good results be had from them? Main reason for question is that it is much more economical for us way down here to buy a cylinder stateside from say Baileys than domestically, and even more so if it could be ported before shipment to our land. Exchange arrangement has too much freight cost.

Stumpy, what about the aftermarket cylinders like the Meteor or NWP, can good results be had from them? Main reason for question is that it is much more economical for us way down here to buy a cylinder stateside from say Baileys than domestically, and even more so if it could be ported before shipment to our land. Exchange arrangement has too much freight cost.


Haven't had any expeirience with the 288 AM cylinders, just the 372BB kits. They are a good substitute fer the oem's.
Not sure if yer askin about one of us buyin the cyl, porting it, then shippin it to you or not, but that could be done I guess.
Tell me about it :bang: mines pushin 215 psi. I've got a snowmobile D-ring pull handle on it now.
I've got 2 extra 288 cylinders that have decomp buttons. 1 is ported & the other is stock. Would ya wanna trade yers out fer one of them??

That saw is a bear to roll over... I do however get a kick out of watching you start it... I'm thinkin' it needs a kick start...:hmm3grin2orange:
Haven't had any expeirience with the 288 AM cylinders, just the 372BB kits. They are a good substitute fer the oem's.
Not sure if yer askin about one of us buyin the cyl, porting it, then shippin it to you or not, but that could be done I guess.

Not really, i already have a Baileys and paypal a/c, and freight to NZ out of Arizona, was really just thinking out loud. Im sick of looking for a 288 with decomp cylinder, and if i have to get a cylinder ex U.S. might as well ante up, and provide an AS member with a bit of income via bank transfer for the porting. That plan wouldnt work if the AM cylinders available are crap, but it sounds like they might be o'k. Gives me another option on my 'big' saw.

Cheers, Adam..
How do you diagnose excessive wear on the crank bearings? I am building a 288 to keep right now and it turns over freely but just wanted a few more heads of opinion. If I decide to change them I will just take the cases and the tank to a local shop and have them put them in and put the rest of it back together myself.
How do you diagnose excessive wear on the crank bearings? I am building a 288 to keep right now and it turns over freely but just wanted a few more heads of opinion. If I decide to change them I will just take the cases and the tank to a local shop and have them put them in and put the rest of it back together myself.

Make sure you can't move the crank up & down by grabbin the ends (one at a time) & check for any slop. If it doesn't have any play & they feel smooth when you turn the crank by hand then they should be ok. But if there's any doubt change em out.
Would ther feller that lives in Juneu, AK that bought the 288 P&C from me please send me a PM?? I cleaned out my inbox & deleted yer PM. F er the life of me can't remember yer handle.:msp_confused::bang:
I have just added a nice 288 XP with full wrap to my small group of Husky and I am on the hunt for the Hitop cover, filter and carb elbow so if anyone has a set to sell or can point me in the right let me know please ! Thanks
Thanks for that, I like to "shop" here first then try ebay not only that a lot of ebayer's don't want to post to Ireland !

Shipping over seas is costly. I think all the parts are still available through your local Husqvarna dealer. You can you the parts look up on Baileys to find the part numbers you'll need.
I don't mind the shipping cost since it is often the only way to get what you need ! I had a job to order a brake band yesterday, the answer was "we think we have one that should fit" As for a Hitop, you cannot get parts for 2101's or 288's from the importer here and only one of the staff has any knowledge of them. Good tip on the part #'s look up.

281 complete. Sitting with the WC 288 :)

Bluetops filter?
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