So this MS650 will keep up with my MS660 even though it has less HP?
homie 330 - corvallis, or - free (with tree)
Barter: Who Wants a Chainsaw ??? (Albany) - Oregon, Corvallis
here we go....
NOT a bad deal.... TILL you have to re-root the stump....
RIIIIIGHTTT.... :bang:
no, no i'm not going down that road.
My Snellerized Husky 385XP will just about keep even with the 660,
maybe a little more then even.
I can't imagine a stock MS650 will be in the same league at the 660,
otherwise there would be a helluva lot more 650 sales
keep in mind, MANY dealers SKIP the 650... it seems redundant to them... NOT TO MENTION that people ASK for the 660...
in wood UNDER 30", I DOUBT you'd see much of a difference in cutting speed... less than 5% i'd be willing to put $$ on...
a 'ported' 385xp? 85cc??? I'd HOPE It would WALK on a stock 92cc saw. ESPECIALLY with how DINKY the factory 6XX stihl outlet is!!about 3/8-7/16"
I've seen Massey Ferguson garden tractors, but this is the first chain saw I've seen:
Massey Ferguson chain saw
Everyone get your milk and cookies.... :msp_rolleyes:
Just MORE of the BS we ALL LOVE on ebay...
70hrs...RIGHT :bang:
stihl 066 magnum 660 chainsaw | eBay
In his description " will throw chipe back 15 feet ....", so does anything else really matter? I would have paid more...![]()
I can't even throw chips 15 ft with my throwing arm 15 feet... UNLESS they are balled up and wet! lol
my :msp_rolleyes: was for :
A: it is a FRANKENSAW...
B: it DID NOT come from his uncle and is selling it for his auntie(look @ the BS in his other listings about clapped-together 038-mags that came from 'display cases....' :bang:
C: the 7hrs a year, for 10 years cutting firewood..... GOOD GOD.
there is NO WAY IN HELL:
it has 'only' 70 hrs (look @ the condition of the YELLOW tank)
it is ONE saw... the cyl cover is from a 660, BUT, it's NOT a 660...
to put it plainly, he did WELL for what it was, with a mis-leading description.
I HOPE the chassis of this saw is not a 2k hr saw, and he just polished a turd...:angry2:
Ive seen a few of his listings and they all go high. He claims they are all his or his families and have been used little....Even though like you say they have mixed matched parts. The guy is full of something. I think he sold a polished 038 awhile ago and the buyer realized it wasnt what the guy said and complained. Not sure how that ended but I would stay clear of this shady fellow.