I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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I hate them cinderblocks. ....

No, I'm not interested in either.

I wouldn't have expected ya to be, Jeff... :laugh:

From the little i've talked with John, he seems to be a good guy, and down to earth; DESPITE the 'slip' of the tongue with the "parkerized" term.... maybe it's something he's COINED because of the place he gets the wrinkle finish??? :dunno:

are we GOING to slander SNELLERIZED too?? or maybe WALKERIZED??? :msp_rolleyes:

could VERY WELL be laid along the same lines.... :bang:

He ONLY works on the 605-610-650 saws... doesn't even know much about the 10-10's....

.WOW! And ebay allows such BS to continue, that is the part that really floors me!!!
Brian and Tina


ATLEAST he's NOT selling a POS TURD saw that's been polished (a polished TURD) and has a scored piston, a rotted crankcase, a leaking tank, and has been BEAT to hell.... :dizzy:

Ever FIGHT with ebay about a mis-represented listing??? A good buddy of mine bought a 'complete parts saw'... 575xp. In the listing, it looked like only the wrap handle was bent from a tree. He got the saw and the top cover was NOT SCREWED down, the plug was missing, and 4 fins were WIPED off the cyl.. CYL condition was NEVER NOTED in the auction...Then the seller has the GALL to say, 'well, it's a parts saw...' :angry2: Next step was to call ebay...UGH! Ended up arguing with a 20 yr old with a headset @ Ebay who couldn't tension a chain if you SHOWED him HOW TO DO IT!!!

you can't tell me that's NOT WORSE than some 'parkerized' bs... :bang:

and no, I don't know the seller personally...it just erks me a bit when people take something not-so-important and make a big a deal out of it :(
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A cinderblock mac that's all tarted up and talked up with flowery language "over the past seven years, only ten...." is a textbook case of the liberal use of Turd Pollish in my book....:hmm3grin2orange:
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I went ahead and bid on it.

Well Randy, if you feel the need to get what's probably the nicest looking 610 series saw in the world, then more power to you. Just don't get carried away with the bidding...............................................and if you do, then you can NOT blame me (for this one) to get out of domestic hot water!:hmm3grin2orange:
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A cinderblock mac that's all tarted up and talked up with flowery language "only 10 in the last seven years...." is a textbook case of the liberal use of Turd Pollish in my book....:hmm3grin2orange:

It was very difficult to read through all of the bull. Reminded me of a Stihl someone posted painted all black. Maybe it has vampire powers.
Well Saw Garage,

I'll grant you that Parkerizing is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amount of BS found on Ebay. I could write volumes here! While it is not only a problem with ebay that exists, I will tell you that insurance companies, car dealers, politicians, all have excuses for how they "term" things, whatever sells, right? Maybe they were just slips of the tongue. also...Shall I go on? But I guess if you feel it is ok then that I feel that is the complacent attitude that allows the problem to continue, IMHO. Certainly I can find a reason to excuse alot of things I know about that are a great deal more important than some BS on ebay.

I guess I see this listing as "lipstick on a pig"

FWIW just my .02

Brian and Tina

I'm NOT excusing it AT ALL... just merely pointing out the 'AWARENESS fact' that it PALES in comparison to SOME of the BS that is over looked on ebay...

I was merely retorting to your comment "And ebay allows such BS to continue, that is the part that really floors me!!!"
and pointing out the fact that ebay DOES NOT control the 'more concerning' things that affect us...

mainly, because...

IT's NOT in their best (financial) interest to monitor/patrol auctions to eliminate/hamper the outcome of a sale. Which, in the end causes low/no FINAL VALUE fees... :cry: boohoo to them.

I agree with you about the lipstick on a pig....

better than some of the lipstick and a face drawn on a pigs a$$ that we've ALL seen before :bang:
I wouldn't have expected ya to be, Jeff... :laugh:

From the little i've talked with John, he seems to be a good guy, and down to earth; DESPITE the 'slip' of the tongue with the "parkerized" term.... maybe it's something he's COINED because of the place he gets the wrinkle finish??? :dunno:

are we GOING to slander SNELLERIZED too?? or maybe WALKERIZED??? :msp_rolleyes:

could VERY WELL be laid along the same lines.... :bang:

He ONLY works on the 605-610-650 saws... doesn't even know much about the 10-10's....


Nope because both of them fellers actually build saws. The seller has openly omitted that he has only replaced a few parts and painted it black. My thing with his ad is how much he "talked up" a used PM610, makes me wonder what the reserve price is? Solid running PM610 is worth $100 to me, then you got to knock off $30 for the messing up the original paint job.

It is been a long while back but I believe I do remember one of his other "Black Max" saws selling for a premium price.

I'm NOT excusing it AT ALL... just merely pointing out the 'AWARENESS fact' that it PALES in comparison to SOME of the BS that is over looked on ebay...

I was merely retorting to your comment "And ebay allows such BS to continue, that is the part that really floors me!!!"
and pointing out the fact that ebay DOES NOT control the 'more concerning' things that affect us...

mainly, because...

IT's NOT in their best (financial) interest to monitor/patrol auctions to eliminate/hamper the outcome of a sale. Which, in the end causes low/no FINAL VALUE fees... :cry: boohoo to them.

I agree with you about the lipstick on a pig....

better than some of the lipstick and a face drawn on a pigs a$$ that we've ALL seen before :bang:


They care about nothing but the almighty dollar, of which they have Massive control over!

Brian and Tina
Nope because both of them fellers actually build saws. The seller has openly omitted that he has only replaced a few parts and painted it black. My thing with his ad is how much he "talked up" a used PM610, makes me wonder what the reserve price is? Solid running PM610 is worth $100 to me, then you got to knock off $30 for the messing up the original paint job.

It is been a long while back but I believe I do remember one of his other "Black Max" saws selling for a premium price.

He does seem to get a big price. And I'm all for that.

And the work is done, on these saws thats a very good thing.

I'm NOT excusing it AT ALL... just merely pointing out the 'AWARENESS fact' that it PALES in comparison to SOME of the BS that is over looked on ebay...

I was merely retorting to your comment "And ebay allows such BS to continue, that is the part that really floors me!!!"
and pointing out the fact that ebay DOES NOT control the 'more concerning' things that affect us...

mainly, because...

IT's NOT in their best (financial) interest to monitor/patrol auctions to eliminate/hamper the outcome of a sale. Which, in the end causes low/no FINAL VALUE fees... :cry: boohoo to them.

I agree with you about the lipstick on a pig....

better than some of the lipstick and a face drawn on a pigs a$$ that we've ALL seen before :bang:

I am with you there. Ebay is not the BS police and their seller guidelines does not restrict sellers from laying it on as thick as they would like. All of the specs he lists seem to be right to me and everything else is his opinion. Someone may see that saw and think it is the "sexiest" thing in the world and fall right in love with it. I would personally prefer to have one that is still painted yellow.
SawGarage;3143446 Ever FIGHT with ebay about a mis-represented listing??? A good buddy of mine bought a 'complete parts saw'... 575xp. In the listing said:
CYL condition was NEVER NOTED [/B] in the auction...Then the seller has the GALL to say, 'well, it's a parts saw...' :angry2: Next step was to call ebay...UGH! Ended up arguing with a 20 yr old with a headset @ Ebay who couldn't tension a chain if you SHOWED him HOW TO DO IT

I once got a parts 371xp off eBay that supposedly had good bearings. When I revived it the rod nearly jumped out the case. There was almost nothing left of the journal bearing. I gave him a chance to right it by sending a used crank. After the second case he sold with a decent crank in it I left him a neutral feedback. The seller got very upset and wrote me a big horribly formated hate note saying that I was on his can not bid list. On month later I stold a used cannon 28" bar for $40 shipped. Ya win some... Ya loose some I guess!
Sup Shaun?

I once got a parts 371xp off eBay that supposedly had good bearings. When I revived it the rod nearly jumped out the case. There was almost nothing left of the journal bearing....

AND NOW it's one of the FIRST things you check, huh?! :bang: As do I...for the SAME reasons..

On month later I stold a used cannon 28" bar for $40 shipped. Ya win some... Ya loose some I guess!

:bang: I woulda bought that!! you did get some good deals on other bars recently.. in which I WISH I was in a better position to bid along with you ;)
Nope because both of them fellers actually build saws. The seller has openly omitted that he has only replaced a few parts and painted it black. My thing with his ad is how much he "talked up" a used PM610, makes me wonder what the reserve price is? Solid running PM610 is worth $100 to me, then you got to knock off $30 for the messing up the original paint job.

It is been a long while back but I believe I do remember one of his other "Black Max" saws selling for a premium price.

He returned my email question and said it was a PM605. The solid black parkerized/krylon paint job really change the look of the saw.
No toad (or dead mice). That'd been a lot more fun...

Distracted? What, you were looking for a toad out on YOUR patio? :ices_rofl:

My mind was on an internet parts search. Had taken a quick break from the frustration and was checking the CL listings when I saw the 'train saw' that Jon listed. Looking for a water outlet/thermostat housing for my Wife's explorer. Damn overpriced, glued-together plastic box split the seam and sprung a leak on my way to work yesterday. Had to take a sick day (dammit, I'd rather have been at work) and get the damn thing towed home. Thank God we have AAA with the 100 mile free towing 'premium' membership. Was a hot, nasty, crappy afternoon.

Dealer wants a FORTUNE for said part and has to order it. Only one chain AP store carries them, and they'll have it for me tomorrow morning. Still expensive $53 for a lousey plastic box), but about 1/5th of what the dealer wanted for it. Wife has all kinds of driving stuff to do over the next few days, so the pressure's on to get the wheels rolling again.

Why was I driving her car yesterday? Because I was SUPPOSED to pick the family up at the airport after work. That plan got ####-canned. They took the airport bus back to a town close to home, and we all squeezed into my little Ranger at 1:00AM this morning.