Addicted to ArboristSite
Had a nice little GTG at my house today. Had the cream of my Jonsered collection out on the deck as a theme, but it was of course a multi-brand event.
Let me get right to the most significant item: As I write this, I am enjoying the last piece of key lime pie, brought by J.Walker. Heavenly. Monica's pies; Naples, NY.(www.monicaspies.com) Chain saws? What saws?
Had the priveledge of hosting, weimedog, motomedik, J.Walker, and our production manager, Woodchucker81. (Who will no doubt post plenty of pics after he gets home later tonight. BloodOnTheIce, and Chainsawwhisperer, we missed you guys. Also missed were HarryBarker and Barney34, but your excuses were a bit lame. LOL The guys were raving about the ribs I did on the smoker, but HarryBarkers' would have been even better.
5 guys and we probably ran a couple dozen saws between us. Motomedik in particular did lot's of experimenting, or myth busting, by changing lots variables on some 50cc saws. 7 pin vs 8 pin; .325 vs 3/8. I'll let him cover that, but I will say that he can port a 350 cylinder so that it will run with any other 50cc saw out there.
J.Walker brought a seriously worked Husky 365 that toasted everything else there. That thing was a hoot to run. Everybody would cut with it, and then kind of giggle after shutting the saw off.
Woodchucker had his amphetamine laced 7900 and 681. The Solo was consistantly a wee bit faster, but as is often the case here, it's a matter of splitting hairs. Slotting in between those two was my Jonsered 930Super, which really was "super". (and stock) It was the first time I had really cut with that thing and you could push the heck out of it and stretch the mounts, but you couldn't stall the chain. Torque, and then some.
In that same family were weimedogs' 820 and 920, running times that were pretty close. Between the two of us we have an almost silly number of the big Jonnys. But we were joking that being the same old age of 53, how much longer would we want to run the Big Reds. (But we're going to keep building them anyway.
) We both seem to get a kick out of "creating" usable saws from piles of parts, and we have plenty of projects ahead.
Thanks guys for coming down, and I hope everyone had a good ride home. I'll be lookin' for those pics later.
God, that pie was good!
Let me get right to the most significant item: As I write this, I am enjoying the last piece of key lime pie, brought by J.Walker. Heavenly. Monica's pies; Naples, NY.(www.monicaspies.com) Chain saws? What saws?
Had the priveledge of hosting, weimedog, motomedik, J.Walker, and our production manager, Woodchucker81. (Who will no doubt post plenty of pics after he gets home later tonight. BloodOnTheIce, and Chainsawwhisperer, we missed you guys. Also missed were HarryBarker and Barney34, but your excuses were a bit lame. LOL The guys were raving about the ribs I did on the smoker, but HarryBarkers' would have been even better.
5 guys and we probably ran a couple dozen saws between us. Motomedik in particular did lot's of experimenting, or myth busting, by changing lots variables on some 50cc saws. 7 pin vs 8 pin; .325 vs 3/8. I'll let him cover that, but I will say that he can port a 350 cylinder so that it will run with any other 50cc saw out there.
J.Walker brought a seriously worked Husky 365 that toasted everything else there. That thing was a hoot to run. Everybody would cut with it, and then kind of giggle after shutting the saw off.
Woodchucker had his amphetamine laced 7900 and 681. The Solo was consistantly a wee bit faster, but as is often the case here, it's a matter of splitting hairs. Slotting in between those two was my Jonsered 930Super, which really was "super". (and stock) It was the first time I had really cut with that thing and you could push the heck out of it and stretch the mounts, but you couldn't stall the chain. Torque, and then some.
In that same family were weimedogs' 820 and 920, running times that were pretty close. Between the two of us we have an almost silly number of the big Jonnys. But we were joking that being the same old age of 53, how much longer would we want to run the Big Reds. (But we're going to keep building them anyway.

Thanks guys for coming down, and I hope everyone had a good ride home. I'll be lookin' for those pics later.
God, that pie was good!