Colt Marlington
ArboristSite Guru
Think I would just file the serial number off, wipe it free of prints, dress up in a fat suit, attach a nasty note to it, then go chunk it through the dealers window late at night.
I think I'm going see how it runs myself a bit more and if it's not up to what I want I'm going try and take it back...not sure I want another Stilh if the warranty no good. But I'm thinking I want my money back seriously. I pretty much liked Stihl I have 3 Stilh plus this one. But I ran my husky 353 the other day clearing some road blocks and it runs pretty good...maybe that's the future for me if I can't get any support or Stihl warranty is any good. I actually haven't contacted Stihl myself so I can't say their warranty isn't any good. But 2 of the 3 dealer in the area are both saying that just how this design is suppose to run. If you ask me falling with this saw is dangerous. I won't get chance to run this saw until next week. I need pick up some fuel save the receipt so that can blame me for running bad fuel. But I'm seriously not happy in good conscience I can't sell the saw, but I can trade it in worse case I guess argue the shops point that the saw is fine but not for me it's not. Thanks guys for all the support lot of you have gone out of your way to help
That adapter is causing the low reading I had it happen. Get a tester without the adapter. If you have other machines with the same plug size that needed the adapter check and see.Just checked my 550xpg that’s perfect with a new compression tester and got 90 psi as I have to use extra adapter for smaller thread of spark plug.My 576xpg s 153psi but no adapter.. when I had trouble with a 545 not running right from new I bought a can of Husqvarna premixed fuel every time dealer said try it [emoji849].Finally got a new saw after cutting around ten large cookies in a row and it scuffed Piston with NO fuel issues [emoji23][emoji23]. Dealer said would’ve been easier had I seized it tight for warranty though [emoji2955][emoji23]
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I had the very same issue once. My dealer polished the ports on his own dime to try to mitigate it. He could see what I could see. Mine would not stall but the idle would change when I lowered the nose or set the saw down. We both agreed it should idle the same regardless of position. His fine porting work minimized the issue, and I was satisfied.I bought one of the last o26's with the crappy Wt-503B (I think) fixed jet carb. Saw was always stalling at idle especially when you dropped the nose to release the chain brake. Wrote the president of Stihl USA in Virginia Beach and the got the local dealer to take the saw back. I replaced the saw with the newer MS260 Pro.
The new 260 exhibited the same issue after it was broken in. Guess what... It had the same carb! Called Stihl Tech support in VA Beach and they admitted that this was a (bad) characteristic of that particular carburetor. Finally convinced Stihl and the dealer to put the fully adjustable carb on it. No more issues!
So, yes, I think there is a good chance of either you getting this fixed or a refund if you are persistent with Stihl.
No point in running a test on their 362's proves they are trying to get out of it! See if you can find a dealer that will help beside the 2 you dealt with! No matter what they will keep lying so go else where.I had to run into town yesterday, bought 5 gallons of non-E prem. fuel and saved the receipt and I mixed a gallon of fuel with Stihl prem-oil 40:1. If its not pouring down rain after works I'm going run up on the hill and run a test on the MS362 against my 034AV same bar and chain 20" see how it cuts. The plan is to cut some cookies and see how it compares. I want make sure Stihl can't say once I put my fuel in the saw that I did anything. So far this saw as only had dealer fuel in it. The MS362 should out cut my 034. But I pretty sure it won't it just did seem like it doesn't have any power at all, any pressure on the chain and it just stops. It floods easy all sign of the low compression in my book. I'm just sick about this whole thing and I got to many things going on to have deal with this whole mess right now. There is no doubt this saw has low compression... it does and from what I can see the cylinder looks fine. I wondering if this is Stihl answer to their "Easy Start" saw but because it doesn't need the compression release to start it. Won't that be a can of worms all new Stihl's with Easy Start will run like this saw, I don't know that but I'm thinking why would they lower the compression so much. If this saw runs like I think it will I'm marching right down to the shop I bought it and get this thing worked out. They can pull the muffler or what ever but I want my money back. Their other new saw on their shelf has the same compression its low too 110lbs. I really want a good running MS362 but I don't see how after this design change and I really think this is due to Easy Start and I'm wondering if this is why the 2nd shop back pedaled on this problem. They really did talk to Stihl... I don't know this for sure but I'm thinking this must be it. Plus they didn't run a compression test on any of their MS362 as they said they would there no point. The more I think about this...that's why they are saying its a high rpm saw not a torque saw like the older ones. That's why both shops are saying I need run it and get use to it, its the new design and that's as good as it gets...get use to it. Boy that is upsetting if this is true.
The reason I bought this MS362 is the weight 12.3 lbs and 60cc size which is the only thing comparable to my 034av 11.6lbs 56cc. I bought the light weight bar to make up the difference between the two. I love that 034 due to it specs and how it runs. I looked at saw specs and the 362 is about the only saw close to that spec. The Husky in 60cc range is heavier and to be honest I always thought Stihl saw are little be better until now. I really don't want buy a Husky or go to 13lb saw. The ms262 it too small and I have 353 if I need something smaller. The ms462 comes in at 13lbs a lot more saw than anything in that weight. To be honest I don't need another 70cc saw I have a ms460 that pretty new I just don't run it much because it heavier. I'm getting older and that 460 going be harder for me to run. My 034 is going to get harder to get parts...the very reason I bought this new saw...I don't want put money into that 034...the more I think about this... It really sucks and I'm think if I'm right it the Easy Start design. What's your guys take on this new thought to this problem if it is true? If this is the case this saw can't be fixed and all your new future easy start saws ...the chain is going stop if you load it at all. Boy I hope this isn't true because the way it cuts and operates is terrible you can't even face a tree without the chain stopping. Stihl should just stop selling saws with dwg' the weight there's no point. The more I think about this the madder I'm getting. No Stihl dealer going tell you on a new purchase...this saw runs different it doesn't have any power/torque of the old just have to baby it try to keep the chain turning as your cutting...the saw will cut if you just take your time...don't work it to hard. Don't worry our saws are bought the best saw. I'm wondering if they changed the head dome in the cylinder or changed the it the dome casting. You know what this is not going anywhere me thinking this ...I don't know anything for sure other than I think this new designed saw sucks.
Like 40 to one is worse than 5o to 1 right?Don't tell them your running 40:1. They w8ll tell you that's your problem. WE know it's ok but for a saw under warranty you don't want to give them any reason to deny anything.
Yes by all means pull the muffler today ! Call stihl up directly they have a number on their website. Dont give that crooked dealer any more business!I for one am fairly confident that the cylinder has not been changed to run at lower compression, I know guys that are running 362`s that are very new, maybe a month or two old and they are not complaining their saws have no power. They don`t take compression readings or belong to saw forums but do use their saws for commercial use I read a few posts back where a member did a comp test on a new saw off the shelf and it was in the reasonable comp range. No saw I know of will have any power running low comp, this distresses me somewhat that the dealers are giving you the run around instead of digging in and finding out what is wrong with this saw. The waiting til it blows is not the way to handle this situation, they get out of warranty any way they can and the old standby of bad fuel, not the right oil ratio, not the right oil is what they say when a scored saw is brought in. Go over the dealers head if they don`t dig in and start removing parts, mainly the muffler first, even the cylinder to check ring condition, if they won`t then chose to return it for a refund or demand a new saw or trade it for a saw you feel better with. I read where the weight is most important to you so maybe another 362 is the answer. Myself I would not settle with keeping the saw the way it is.
Don't tell them your running 40:1. They w8ll tell you that's your problem. WE know it's ok but for a saw under warranty you don't want to give them any reason to deny anything.
Pull the muffler!Ok... that easy problem to fix...I have another 1 gallon gas can I mix another can. I bought 5 gallons of fuel. I usually run 50:1 on all my 2cycle tools. I assuming I won't have to fill the saw anyway, the last dealing filled the tank with fresh fuel and only ran it .4 hours so it should have at least 1/2 tank in the saw.
+1000Pull the muffler!
Didnt one guy on here already post his 362 compression at 150 or more?
Whats he got to lose at this point?+1000
Stihl should be sent a link of this can a non member read this stuff?You made me go back and look, you posted while I was typing up my long winder post. It was member X66stang347X that tested a new off shelf saw, page 3 post number 53.