McBob's new Alky Burning Stihl 090

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DC wouldnt touch Chinese junk or Bob with a 40 foot poll. Good to see the BS is still as deep as ever............

Let me guess, these saws havent even fired yet

Hey McBob,

Put the doubts to rest

Looks like some are doubting you will ever run the saws: and for good reason. Why don't you just put all there doubts to rest and RUN THE DAM.M THINGS.

You have talked about countless projects but we never see you actually run them.

So folks in Australia do not call people "sir". How do up address a person with respect then? Here is it yes sir and yes mamm

Not very common.

Maybe in a service situation, eg restaurant, café, hotel but mostly we're much more informal.

Deference isn't a strong suit here, leaders of nations are accorded no more stature than a street sweeper (who I actually haven't seen since I was a kid, but you get the idea ;) )
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Not very uncommon.

Maybe in a service situation, eg restaurant, café, hotel but mostly we're much more informal.

Deference isn't a strong suit here, leaders of nations are accorded no more stature than a street sweeper (who I actually haven't seen since I was a kid, but you get the idea ;) )

In my mind Sir and Mamm are a sign of respect no matter your social status. I do not a difference between a garbage man and a doctor. They are both humans and should be addressed with respect
In my mind Sir and Mamm are a sign of respect no matter your social status. I do not a difference between a garbage man and a doctor. They are both humans and should be addressed with respect

If in your mind if "Sir" and "Mamm" is what's needed to show respect well fine.

"Sir" can be used in other ways than showing respect just as "Dude".

There are other way's to show respect.
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I've worked with Australians, Brits and Scotts.

While we all might refer to our mother tongue as English, I can assure you that each country has it's own language. :hmm3grin2orange:
In my mind Sir and Mamm are a sign of respect no matter your social status. I do not a difference between a garbage man and a doctor. They are both humans and should be addressed with respect

Put it down to language and cultural differences then.

In India any woman of a certain age is addressed as 'Aunty' as a sign of respect, regardless of whether they are a blood or marriage relative or not.

Just different wording in a different culture although it's also heavily Anglo influenced.

We may share a common language (sort of) but there are probably as many cultural differences as there are similarities between our Anglo based countries.

The world is an amazing place as we are all a little, or a lot different in many ways and yet fundamental values are often the same all over.
It's what makes it interesting, but no, you won't be getting addressed as 'Sir' here, and definitely not from any of the Aussies or Kiwi's on this board mate ;)
Hey McBob,

Put the doubts to rest

Looks like some are doubting you will ever run the saws: and for good reason. Why don't you just put all there doubts to rest and RUN THE DAM.M THINGS.

You have talked about countless projects but we never see you actually run them.


Well Bill Sir sounds pretty offical to me but mate sounds better and is meant as a form of endearment and friendship and that will do me.

Secondly Bill i'll bloody well run them when i'm ready and you always call by my place and see for yourself your welcome ol mate i'll even make ya a cuppa.

If in your mind if "Sir" and "Mamm" is what's needed to show respect well fine. ..........

I did not say that is was needed:angry: so please do not put words in my mouth that I did not speak.

........"Sir" can be used in other ways than showing respect just as "Dude".

Here "Dude" is highly disrespectful and just might get you a punch in the nose. Dude is associated with dope smokers. It was made famous by a movie here "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and the various Cheech and Chong films
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...................Bill i'll bloody well run them when i'm ready .............


Well I hope it before they bury me 6 feet under. Helllll I still have not seen you run the twin engine nor the elusive Bonbright saw
I did not say that is was needed:angry: so please do not put words in my mouth that I did not speak.

Here "Dude" is highly disrespectful and just might get you a punch in the nose. Dude is associated with dope smokers. It was made famous by a movie here "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and the various Cheech and Chong films

When I hear the word "Dude" I think of this guy ;)

QUOTE=Bill G;3858775]Well I hope it before they bury me 6 feet under. Helllll I still have not seen you run the twin engine nor the elusive Bonbright saw
Bill G,,, if i may help old mcbob out a little here, this is a pic from a several years back.
Kendal NSW or Camden Haven show as its called.


This 1st heat , being U100cc unlimited modified production class speed.
Blocks, 12inch and looks like blue gum.

1st competitor on left, needs no introduction as its Phil Waters running a piped 394 (Grazier and a veteran NSW raceing stalward) 64 or 65 years old and still raceing in 2 states.

2nd in middle is the man himself, Bob Cornwall with a 91B1 or simular.(retired, now a very high profile internett guru)

3rd on right, Goeff Bowden from NSW running a piped 2100. (husqvarna chainsaw dealer and race saw builder)

So mcbob was in very good company here and I'm not adding any more on this run as it was only intended to show that bob has had a run in our areana but is not in our competative areana today.

If you want to add anything to this bob, thats up to you.
Bob looks very smart in a nice clean Husqvarna shirt with our association name on the back with neat and tidy cutting pants.
pic courtesy of Dean (bigfella)
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What I like best about this picture Neil, is not so much the smart clothing and freshly ironed cutting pants that Bob is wearing. What I think is makes this picture smart is the matching yelloow chainsaw and helmet that Bob is wearing. Stands out like nuts on walnut tree.:hmm3grin2orange:
What I like best about this picture Neil, is not so much the smart clothing and freshly ironed cutting pants that Bob is wearing. What I think is makes this picture smart is the matching yelloow chainsaw and helmet that Bob is wearing. Stands out like nuts on walnut tree.:hmm3grin2orange:

hahaha, rep sent bigfella
In my mind Sir and Mamm are a sign of respect no matter your social status. I do not a difference between a garbage man and a doctor. They are both humans and should be addressed with respect

Although I can't say I've ever called anybody sir in my life without using it sarcastically as a joke it is not widely used on forums regardless of your country of origin. For somebody to respond to a thread using the term "sir" is unusual but being an Australian member is even more unusual. Sir is used nearly exclusively in the US. Can't say I've ever heard the term used by an Englishman, Irishman, Scot, white South African, etc etc. You guys are pretty well the only ones who use that term so you're actually in the minority as far as the Western world goes.
Although I can't say I've ever called anybody sir in my life without using it sarcastically as a joke .....................

I can understand that but also I can honestly say I do not believe I have ever used the term "dude" unless it was intended to be negative. It is simply the difference in language.
A classic example of the meaning of a word changing in different cultures is the use of the word 'pissed'

In the US it refers exclusively to being very angry.

AFAIK the rest of the English speaking word uses it for someone very, very drunk, so someone can actually say (and commonly do) "I had the best time, I was so pissed.."
We usually is it as "he was so pissed..." (drunk)

Say "pissed off" and the context has changed and one is rather angry ;)
I did not say that is was needed:angry: so please do not put words in my mouth that I did not speak.

Here "Dude" is highly disrespectful and just might get you a punch in the nose. Dude is associated with dope smokers. It was made famous by a movie here "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and the various Cheech and Chong films

Relax sunshine, no ones putting words in your mouth.

Watch that blood pressure.
Bill G,,, if i may help old mcbob out a little here, this is a pic from a several years back.
Kendal NSW or Camden Haven show as its called.


This 1st heat , being U100cc unlimited modified production class speed.
Blocks, 12inch and looks like blue gum.

1st competitor on left, needs no introduction as its Phil Waters running a piped 394 (Grazier and a veteran NSW raceing stalward) 64 or 65 years old and still raceing in 2 states.

2nd in middle is the man himself, Bob Cornwall with a 91B1 or simular.(retired, now a very high profile internett guru)

3rd on right, Goeff Bowden from NSW running a piped 2100. (husqvarna chainsaw dealer and race saw builder)

So mcbob was in very good company here and I'm not adding any more on this run as it was only intended to show that bob has had a run in our areana but is not in our competative areana today.

If you want to add anything to this bob, thats up to you.
Bob looks very smart in a nice clean Husqvarna shirt with our association name on the back with neat and tidy cutting pants.
pic courtesy of Dean (bigfella)

Yes i'll add something to this Thanks Neil and bigfella .............. thanks for being smart asses it belittles both of you's and makes you both in my opinion remind me next time to take my tape recorder to the next event when your being holyier than thou and get it on tape or maybe next time a video recorder to show your spoilt temper.
As i said if you dont want me there then be it theres other races besides yours, back stabbers both are Australian Champions with big heads and mouths.

Sorry to upset your little applekart .......................


P.S Oh yeah Neil and dont ring here sucking up like you did last time user.
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I don't think Neil was belittling you Bob. . . The way I read it, he was showing that you have run your saws at a competitive level -- whether you won or lost wasn't made an issue.

On the language thing, I know a few OZ words.

Pissed: Drunk

Mate: Freind or acquaintance

Shiela: A woman (I'd like to know if that really came from a woman named Sheila)

Stuffed: Like the F-Word here

Backwards peace sign: Like our middle finger

Bloke: Not sure, but can be used in a good and bad way in reference to a man?

Barbie: BBQ

Bloody: Used as an expletive or exclamation

Those are a few I know, and may have wrong.

I just looked up an Australian dictionary, and I think I have found one of my new favorites!

Crack a fat -- totally doesn't mean what I thought it should mean. :laugh:

And someone having a 'Freckle' on their face brings on a whole new meaning! :ices_rofl:

How come you blokes get all the fun words?
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