did you bid on a 797 flywheel nut or something?:msp_flapper:
I've said enough. Ron
did you bid on a 797 flywheel nut or something?:msp_flapper:
797!?!? WHERE?
Limit one per customer.
Chainsaw McCulloch Super 797 - eBay (item 250787996507 end time Mar-20-11 13:07:23 PDT)
On my doorstep. :msp_flapper:
Limit one per customer.
Chainsaw McCulloch Super 797 - eBay (item 250787996507 end time Mar-20-11 13:07:23 PDT)
I hope you get it, but be warned, they exhibit their own gravitational pull. Don't leave it on the proch too long or it shall be transported across the time/space continuum to be with their MI brothers...
Tell customer service they can come collect my excess inventory, but they better bring an army and pack a lunch.
Sort of looked like a cross between a chokeless HL and a later flatback mac carb.
You're not far off. Looks to share the metering diaphragm with the flatback, but not the pumper. A search of the part numbers shows the MC-10 uses the same carby.
The carb you're looking at came out of my S44A. The S55A carb was tore apart and tossed into the airbox. It is missing parts. I've found a pump diaphragm and the gasket is still salvageable. I'll rob the metering diaphragm from one of my flatback kits and see if it all works.
Chris B.
Jeez you guys........................................might as well put "There's a McCulloch Super 797 on ebay right now. EVERYBODY go bid the piss out of it!!!" in a full page banner on the front of the site. Some of us found the auction on our own and bid before it passed three figures. Crikey, it's already gone past $150 with several days left.:hmm3grin2orange:
I have that same carb waiting for a rebuild. Havnt even had it apart yet, it will be awhile though before I get to rebuild it. Still a long ways from worrying about the carb. In comparison to the other two flat backs I have used(primer style and standard choke style) this one seems to be a PIA. I have read about bypassing the governor, how does that work?
I couldn't just leave cpr in the dark. We all know he needs something to run all those large roller nose bars he wants.
At least it didn't have a BIN price. Doesn't it kill you to find an item that had a BIN price you would have gladly paid only to have the BIN price taken away by a 99 cent bid.
Hope you're not too mad at us/me.
That super 797 has only been up for a couple of hours and its already up to 350!!! Will be interesting to see how high it goes.
Looking for a big Mac project anybody have something they would be willing to let go?