Super 797 info
Anyone know about them? What are they worth? It runs awesome but has some paint chipping. 36" bar and chain.
Anyone know about them? What are they worth? It runs awesome but has some paint chipping. 36" bar and chain.
I'm sure many members are keeping an eye on this once since it must be considered the holy grail for Mac collectors. There can't be that many of them that survived the recall, therefore scarcity increases the value. Like the rest of you, I too will be curious to see what that gem goes for.
Anyone know about them? What are they worth? It runs awesome but has some paint chipping. 36" bar and chain.
Just another day in the shop...
Desireable, but not as much as a regular 797. Probably not a saw you want to run all day, every day but a great piece for occasional use, GTG's, etc.
For $100 I wouldn't even think twice, get it.
For $300, think pretty hard...
Hey, you guys were discussing how the 10-series fuel lines do not fit and will leak. I have also had success with the Teflon fix.
But, I'd like to share another fix that I've had success with. Use a zip tie to keep the line pulled against the inside of the tank. Shown in these two pics is a loose fuel line that I pulled toward the airbox and used a zip tie to keep it pulled tight. Seems to work so far, this tank has sat full of fuel for about a week.
Hey, you guys were discussing how the 10-series fuel lines do not fit and will leak. I have also had success with the Teflon fix.
But, I'd like to share another fix that I've had success with. Use a zip tie to keep the line pulled against the inside of the tank. Shown in these two pics is a loose fuel line that I pulled toward the airbox and used a zip tie to keep it pulled tight. Seems to work so far, this tank has sat full of fuel for about a week.
Noticed there was some slack. I put the Teflon tape on. It was tighter but still moved. Gonna try the zip tie. Thanks for the tip
OK fellas i need some advice. I picked up a CP125s last weekend. I got it with a 24'' hardnose mac bar. I want to get a 42''+ on it but dont know much anbout the Mac bar options. Do any other factory bars fit on these macs? I was going to adapt my large mount stihl bars but they are quite a bit off and the oil ports will need some major reworking (which i really dont want to do) I found a great deal on a 42'' hardnose mac bar but i think roller nose or sprocket is the way to go in that length. anybody have and bars they would like to sell or know where i can buy new? thanks guys.