I would like to put the hd spring kit on my 441 . Does anyone have the part # for the kit ?
1138 007 1003 AV-Spring kit, hard
I would like to put the hd spring kit on my 441 . Does anyone have the part # for the kit ?
Thats awesome. So it self adjusts to anything you do to it? What about the Huskys with the auto tune?
thanks young , I thought it might be to expensive to try to switch it over but i had to ask.
The fact that the Husky system recommends setting up the Autotune by running the saw continuously between 8,000 - 12,000 for 3-5 minutes, suggests that Husky and Stihl may have taken out a license for a third party's control module.
I too would like to see some better documentation for the Husky system - they may be very similar in operation.
i would think the saw will be a totally different machine after break-in. My 441 ran a lot better after 6 months. I would also be willing to bet if they can moniter engine temp,that helps control fuel as much as anytjing. Engine temp can be controlled with fuel as much as anything. They probably use rpm and temp to reg. Fuel. I have read any of the service info on these yet, but fully intend to. I am anxious to see a modded one run.i haven't seen a tech doc on how the husky works, but the stihl will work awesome with mods. My original thinking was that an o2 sensor would be required, and they're not there. It's much more simple than that. The only things monitored are engine temp and rpms. I'm thinking engine temp is used for choke control only. Engine speed appears to be entirely controlled by rpm. But it's not just tuning to a target rpm. Instead, the carb pulls a small amount of fuel and then looks to see if rpms rose or fell. If they rise they figure it was too rich and pulls another tiny amount of fuel. If they fall, they figure it's too lean and instead add a tiny amount of fuel. This way the engine is always tuned to max rpms in the cut. Simple and effective! View attachment 194694
on paper the new 555/560/562 AutoTune looks more advance due to the fact (looking at the IPL) it can be hook up to a pc unlike the M-Tronic.
That's good and all but ask a Husky dealer where the PC tool, and software is to do that, there isn't any.
Yes, I simply opened up the existing outlet. It is the cleanest solution. There was no where that I liked a deflector. If it ever needs a spark arrestor, I I'll have to fab something up.Brad, how did you mod it in the end? Did you add another outlet or just open up the existing one?