I work in refining, buddy. The components for regular and premium come from the same pool. ISO octane or alkylate is present in both regular and premium gas in varying amounts depending on the day or hour.Similar, yes. Identical... No.
Read my graph. That is a chart of the scientifically measured speeds.
Now a crafty argument would be that iso-octane might very well have a slower flame front, as it is not exactly "higher octane premium gasoline". This would be a valid argument, except that iso-octane is the fuel used as the standard for establishing octane levels.
Given that we can see different chemical fuels burning at different rates, it is somewhat ridiculous to assert that different chemicals will have an identical burn rate. The trick comes in how closely you measure, how exacting your science. Your "expert" was a retired master mechanic, that probably never had any possible way to measure the speed of a flame front. My cited article was from a Master's degree thesis at a university. Science vs anecdotal evidence.
I know which side of that argument you will choose to believe, and I won't hold it against you. But you still need to study up a bit more.
BTW: here is how "Octane" is measured: https://pei.org/wiki_pei/octane-number/
Be careful! You may yet change your mind as to whether higher octanes burn slower than lower octane fuels.
Regardless the fastest burning fuels you will find are pro stock drag fuels, which are also very high octane. VP has this info on their website.
I realise what I am saying challenges the orthodoxy of many, but that's only because guys over the years have taken old wives tails as fact and passed this non sense down.