That kind of looks like a Farmsaw coil. I'd buy the newer P52/62 black coil if it has those mounts. There has definitely been some modifying there. I think you'd need the P52 flywheel too if that one didn't work. Those Farmsaw blue coils are unreliable at best.
That's an IEL HC.
Yep, and it's missing the muffler...
P62- I have brand new flywheels and coils for the P-50/51/52/60/61/62 saws...
Heres the scoop on my new P50 ?? Pulled the muffler and checked the depth. Looked like a 2.25 bore piston. Pulled the cylinder. The # on the back of the flywheel is 474645 (P50 flywheel) The # on the bottom of the cylinder cast in is 433233 Its a 2.25 bore, The 2nd fin from the top has been filed back and the fins have cement dust. A used cylinder from a 62-14 Target cement saw most likely. The piston has thin rings( my luck I need one of theses P60) The blue coil that was on the saw was most likely a farmsaw coil.
Trying to post pics of my p series, hope this works