Pro Mac 850 project

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Here's what it looked like before I took it apart.

It looks better now. Ron

:jawdrop: Holy crap, that's gotta be one of the dirtiest saws I've ever seen! :msp_ohmy: I bet V.H. is happy now that the 850 is clean again.
I see I switched recoil covers on you too. V. H. was on the SP81. Both Idaho saws nevertheless. I'll look for the bar nuts and I'll send you a recoil cover screw when I send you a bar and chain - but only after we see it run. Ron
I see I switched recoil covers on you too. V. H. was on the SP81. Both Idaho saws nevertheless. I'll look for the bar nuts and I'll send you a recoil cover screw when I send you a bar and chain - but only after we see it run. Ron

:) You're on!

I do like the personalized cover, it makes me feel like I'm holding a real piece of history, as it has someone's name on it. There's just something about old relics, you hold them or sit in them, and it is just amazing to think of what they did with the saw, car, etc. back then.
Here it is with its brothers.

The SP 81 is wearing the DE80 hat and the DE80 is wearing a PM800 hat. The fella never did send me the bars and chains. He packed one of the saws in popcorn - what a mess. Ron
Here it is with its brothers.

The SP 81 is wearing the DE80 hat and the DE80 is wearing a PM800 hat. The fella never did send me the bars and chains. He packed one of the saws in popcorn - what a mess. Ron

Wow. Cool lineup. :) The different hats must've been used to make them complete at all costs. Unique, for sure.

Packed in popcorn? wtf? That's just weird. Hmm... sounds like you need to call him up and tell him he owes you two bars and two chains...
AWSOME MAN! You got her done, Congrats! cant wait to hear that thing run! now your starting to catch up with me! lol (joking) your way ahead of me already :msp_laugh:
Wow. Cool lineup. :) The different hats must've been used to make them complete at all costs. Unique, for sure.

Packed in popcorn? wtf? That's just weird. Hmm... sounds like you need to call him up and tell him he owes you two bars and two chains...

Sometimes it is best just to leave things as they are. Ron
carby settings

Hey 610, Good job on that 850, break in the engine easy, dont go and grab wot the first time you run it. You want to give the rings a cance to seat in the bore for best compression. It'll take a few tanks of fuel befor you get maximum compression.
Id start with the L and H screw out (ccw) 1 1/4 turn, should be a little rich, but thats a good thing for starters. Maybe get some help on the first startup, tuning the carb if you havn't done it befor. Maybe let it warm up cool down a couple of times, you really need a bar and chain on to get the thing tuned properly. Good luck, awsome saw.:clap:
Here is what all of you have been waiting for... :wave:

Here is a pic of the 850 with the bar and chain off of the 610...


The video will be in the next post... it needs to upload...
Here it is!!! Don't mind my crappy control of the camera... I'm a noob. :) My first video... very first. My neighbor helped me get it running right, and I did get it to pop and run for a little bit with the screws set at 1 1/4 turns out as recommended by dieselsmoke. :) Sorry, I did not go cut any wood with it... there's nothing around here to bury the 20" bar in, also it was soaking wet out there. :) Don't wanna slip and fall with this beast now, do we? :D


Ron, do I get my bar and chain now? :D :blob2:

Anyone have a recommendation to get the fuel to stop leaking out from the fill cap? I'm thinking an o-ring will fix it... will it? This beast oils real well, if you look carefully in the vid, you will see a line of bar oil spary on the garage floor. My deaf left ear is ringing now... :laugh: That ear can only hear stuff over ~96 db's...
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Congrats on bringing that saw back to life, sounds good. Will this be a working saw or are you going to do a full restore, paint and all?
Congrats on bringing that saw back to life, sounds good. Will this be a working saw or are you going to do a full restore, paint and all?

Thanks! :blob2: The saw does make me happy. :)

I plan to use it as a working saw, a couple of my dad's friends have land with some trees... more trees than we have, and I bet some of the trees will be fairly decent in size. (hopefully a few that need a 28" bar)

One of those guys is getting to be older where he can't drop trees and cut firewood for his stove like he used to, so me, my dad, and possibly my brother will go out and help him get his firewood supply done, while we get some of our firewood as well. So firewood tree dropping, limbing, and bucking is what this saw will be used for.

Someday, I will repaint it. It'll still a working saw after that, too. :)
Congrats on getting it running, sure feels good when you hear it fire for the first time. Feels even better when you make the first cut:D.
Congrats on getting it running, sure feels good when you hear it fire for the first time. Feels even better when you make the first cut:D.

I am looking forward to that. :blob2: I bet this big yeller will eat wood, and eat it fast! :) 8 pin rim, 20" bar. Sounds pretty fast to me. :D
I'll bet ya had a major smoke-screen go'in in that garage when she first started up. Rich mixture, assembly lube, =lots of blue smoke. Did you take notes on the L/H screw settings now? Just curious.
I'll bet ya had a major smoke-screen go'in in that garage when she first started up. Rich mixture, assembly lube, =lots of blue smoke. Did you take notes on the L/H screw settings now? Just curious.

2 turns out on H, 1 3/4 on L. That's about what it is now. I will write it down on the IPL later.

Went back out there to show my pops... and started on the first pull. :) (it'll keep doing that, knock on wood) Compression is already wicked strong, it can only go up from here. :) (knock on wood, again...)

I :msp_wub: this saw. :love:

Yes, the garage had a blue haze for quite a while. I put plenty of oil on the bearings when I assembled it. :)
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