Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Well the party went better then expected, my wife ended up having to work late, so she didn't have time for her ocd to take over. I still pizzed her off a few times, all the usual stuff, food wasn't all ready right at 4:00/ not all the cold stuff was out, and I forgot to take the ketchup, mayo and mustard out. (Forgot all about the tub of Mac salad too, but she didn't notice that. Till after the party.) Over all it went better then normal. (For me anyway) I did manage to get some socializing in between trips back to the house for misc things/ refills/ fresh burgers etc.
Everyone liked having it out in the shop, other then it was very hot out. I'll definitely have to invest in better cooling/ventilation out there for next time.
I've owned new trucks since 1972, thank God they have figured out how to build them better!!


That's the other day with a medium sized load in the covered bed, AC running and a comfortable ride, for several hours, (over 800 miles) on mostly flat freeway, it still easily stays over 20 mpg in the hills and around town.

I have the best pu I've ever owned right now; I wouldn't trade it even for two new older trucks, IF I had to use and drive them!

Been there done that! lol

BTW, there's a 355 hp V8 under the hood, and it's 4wd!

A little better than my truck pulling my 6000 lb boat and trailer at 70 mph. A few hills but mostly flat. I was bucking a 15-20 mph wind most of the way. 20240629_090459.jpg
It will pull down 15 if I cruise at 72 on a long trip. Not too bad for a 2500 with a 6.6 gas with 401hp/464tq.
Good thing Liberals can't shoot! He was 130 yards away and fired 6 shots.

I was 128 yards away and fired one shot!

Inexcusable that someone was allowed on a rooftop that close with a gun!

We all dodged a bullet today!
I think he fired 3 then there was four fired in response
I think he fired 3 then there was four fired in response
A lot of different information out there. I have heard he fired 6 or 8, but it may be wrong.

Does not matter ... he fired more than once but did not critically hit his target. That said, I feel for the innocent victims hit ... this should NEVER have happened. The Lifeguards at Jones Beach have better drone resources than were used to protect Donald Trump!
Here's my sugar problem....View attachment 1190468
Please tell me these are not the Haribo of infamous renown.

What can I say about these devilishly delightful little bears that hasn't already been said? These aren’t meant to be eaten – they’re meant to be experienced. I received these only a few days after ordering, and after reading all of these reviews, I had to mentally (and physically) prepare myself for what may happen. My stomach processes things different, so I had no idea if I was going to be preparing a consequence-free gummy bear gorge fest or if I was going to be committing the equivalent of a sugar-free seppuku. I was just going to see where the night took me...

I ate a handful of five at a time, spread out over a three hour period. For being sugar free, these were bloody delicious! Still, I was anticipating the worst. Oh, and how the worst met all of my expectations. For a bit, I figured the bears pulled a Gilligan and were just stranded somewhere inside my gullet, but oh, no…after the three hour tour ended, my stomach let loose a roar that would’ve intimidated a tyrannosaurus. The worst part was, I actually fell asleep after about the 50th gummy bear, so imagine my pleasant surprise when a sharp pain in my stomach brought me from my pleasant land of slumber to the nightmarish Hell I was about to experience. I felt like I was about to give birth, and give birth I did.

The first blast was the loudest. My upstairs neighbors complained about my violation of quiet hours; they thought I was blaring Louis Armstrong and scooting furniture. Jazz hands, everybody! My cat ran and hid; I haven’t seen her for days. I heard a rap upon my front door in response to the knock upon the rear: ancient Spartan warriors had heard the trumpet blast and had shown for battle. I noticed my Christian neighbors out on the lawn looking up at the sky, crossing themselves because they thought that the trump of the Lord had sounded for the rapture. I owe the United States Geological Survey an explanation as to the anomaly their instruments probably picked up from central Indiana. But, alas, the first arse blast was not the last; like Pringles, you know we couldn’t have just one and once you pop, the fun don't stop. The first horn was followed by a resounding sphincteric symphony that quite literally filled the air. John Williams would've been proud.

The dog of war continued to bark, but soon the chain would break and it was to be unleashed. I arose to head to the porcelain throne to give what felt was to be a most generous offering to the god of thunder buckets, and my stoic John Coffee-esque resolve turned into a Tazmanian Devilish whirlwind as my walk of shame turned into a sprint of panic. Some men calmly walk the brown mile - I raced down it, looking for that sure relief and release that a ride on old sparky would hopefully give.

What ensued will forever be etched into the annals (yes, “annals”, you dirty bird) of history. A great many atrocities have occurred in the 20th century, but most pale in comparison to that which the gummy bears had wrought. The first wave to any outsider would've reminded one of a Judas Priest concert as I belted out a Rob Halford screech accompanied by the sound of a million guitars. What can only be compared to the violent sounds of never-ending barrage of artillery and gunfire our brave boys storming the beaches of Normandy heard as they answered the Call of Duty came from the bathroom. The collective noises and experiences of all the battles and wars that have been fought by man – the bloodshed, the violence, the gore, the deafening thundering of gunfire – was reenacted in a three minute span. I still have not the heart nor the strength to go back in there after the last time… So much was sacrificed. So much was lost...

I prayed to every god I could think of as I rode the lightning; I looked everywhere for salvation. I looked outward and thought to myself what horrible things I was doing to my fellow man. I then looked within and what the gummies left for me to find within was horrifying… I still cannot speak of it to this day.

The Great God of the Porcelain Pot was pleased, as I humbly beseeched him and brought many offerings that night. I begged his mercy, but only after about six hours did I gain favor enough to leave the throne room and return to my peaceful slumber. After eating these gummy bears, I feel like a new man. Literally – I expelled what felt like almost all of my internal organs that night.

And as I sit here eating the last half of the bag and reflect upon my experience, I smile because I know, very soon, I know I will hear that gurgle an—oh...well...going to have to cut this review short.

Seriously, though. These are delicious, but if you eat more than a few of these, prepare yourself...
Yesterday I went to the Post Office. I took my 2016 RAM 2500 with 61k on it. I came out and my truck wouldn't start. I couldn't even get a click out of it. Everything in my truck worked. The battery was fine. My wife brought me a spare key fob. Nope, couldn't jump start it and the 2nd key fob made no bit of difference. AAA hauled it home. After hours of searching for a cause I called a guy that I knew who worked for RAM. He told me how to jump the starter relay in the fuse box. I still couldn't get even a click out of it.. I pulled the starter out. The heavy braided wire from the solenoid to the starter was rotted out. Hats off to this guy for his verbal help. I havexa new starter on the way. I spread the wires only to make it more visible. The two ends were still touching.


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