Last day of vacation.... realized I had a mouse in the shop last night. My wife couldn't remember where she put the mouse traps. (Usually means she threw them out.) Ran i to town to get new ones. All they had were the stupid plastic ones and the old style with the stupid plastic trigger. Ended up buying a 4 pack of them. Got home and bated them. Not nearly as hairy as the old style trigger. Went about clearing off the red trailer for one of my buddies. Cut up a bunch of slab wood I had been storing on it, stacked the tin out back, found a bunch of 1/2" pine boards, tossed them off to the side, and a few misc boards that I thought would work to replace the rotten boards on the little deck over. Parked the red trailer, then pulled the deck over to the shop. Yep, nope. It just needs a new deck. The more boards I took off the more I wanted to replace in the dove tail, and the main deck is rough in spots. Guess it's just that time. That deck has been on there since 2010, doesn't owe me a thing. Think it's going to end up being a spring/ summer project.
checked my mouse traps, and all the bait was gone, and none of them were set off...... went in the shop fridge and dug out a peanut butter cup, ate 3/4 of it and spread the rest all over the stupid giant trigger plate, tried my best to set them to go off really easy, and laid them back out.
Looked on the Interweb, and found I could get a 12 pack of the old style trigger traps for $12.00 off the companies website. Ordered a pack for future use.
Went back out side and re graded the property kine side of the shop. I noticed water was pooling near the center of the building foundation. I had a small pile of road millings I used to fill in the hole and slope everything to run away from the shop. Mind you it's been raining the last 2 days, on and off today so it was pretty muddy back there. The millings helped a good bit, and I finished just in time for the next rain storm. Everything seems to have worked out pretty well. Just checked and don't see any water puddling besr the foundation, and it looks like I did pretty well getting the water to run to the back of the shop and over the hill.
Checked the traps again and found this little bustard.

Sucess!!! Tossed him and reset the trap. Going to keep them baited for a while and make sure I got them all....