2 things you never loan out, your old lady, and any tool with an engine cause they will come back with a rod thrown in them.I have a couple saws I loan, but others that never get loaned.
Can't get it here in Wisconsin either.Not sure why but you will not find Yuengling's for sale anywhere in Michigan, there is no distributor.
I think he owes you...did you wash it too?Glad the guy who owns this lift didn't make me fill out a credit app lol.
Looked like this when I got it, here's how it went backnto him. I also fixed an electrical issue on it, it was an easy one, but not easy to see.
View attachment 1207874View attachment 1207875
I have had too many things broken in my younger days to just lend out anything with power. Hand tools are a different story. I would prefer to help someone out using my power tools than to lend them out.I ain't that strict, but you better have the ability to bring my stuff back as it went out. Although I've made exceptions to help someone out, and I've been burned a few times because of it. That being said, everyone should be given a hand up.
The same goes with lending anyone your nice pickup truck. Years ago I spent a lot of time and money redoing a rot free Ford F350 Camper Special. A good friend of mine was moving and wanted to borrow it. I got my truck back with two dents on the top sides of the bed and a few scratches on the sides. I just had it painted a few months prior. Never since then have I let a friend borrow any pickup that I have owned.It really pays to have no friends or stuff that people would want to borrow anyway.
when I worked at the machine shop, my tool box was the community box. Never once had to worry about anything being taken and not returned. if it was broken, it was promptly replaced or exchanged. Didn't matter if I was on the road for 6 months straight or not. Didn't have that luxury at the township and I was warned to keep my box locked where I work now. Fourtanitly I only need my little box at work, my big box and most my specialty tools are at home now.I loan my stuff out to the guys I work with. In fact, none of us lock our boxes.
That would fall into the very few people category. A peeve on mine is returning something in the same or better shape then I got it. My uncle and cousin love when I borrow their equipment. I always need to fix it to use it. I don't complain though, they charge everyone else to use their equipment lol.Glad the guy who owns this lift didn't make me fill out a credit app lol.
Looked like this when I got it, here's how it went backnto him. I also fixed an electrical issue on it, it was an easy one, but not easy to see.
View attachment 1207874View attachment 1207875
New neighbors… have no concept of the path of the sun or seasons… They bought a battery chainsaw and pole saw and hacked up “their side” of our white pines and 25 foot tall yews. The problem is they were over the property line. I talked to them about it when they did someI'm fortunate on the neighbor situation. I have awesome ones all are. Neighbor had a big section of a maple to come down yesterday. I came from one direction with a saw and another came from the other side saw in hand. He didn't ask because he didn't have to! It's just what we do.
They likely sell out all of their production locally, so no need to transport it more than a State or two.Can't get it here in Wisconsin either.
My fil turned 88 last week and he's still a baseball fan. Dyed in the wool Tigers fan, but he loved Mickey Mantle.Well, at least the Yankees had a good season, and Judge had another phenomenal season!
Does not look like any of the other baseball or football teams will be making us proud!
When I was a kid, the Yankees were all the rage, with Mantle, Morris, Berra, Ford, etc.
I had all the baseball cards, but we flipped them at lunch time and put them in our spokes ... never thought of collecting them! Hey, I was still in grade school then!
Out of curiosity I looked up a map of Yuengling distribution. Apparently they are a regional brewery. Here's their distribution map.They likely sell out all of their production locally, so no need to transport it more than a State or two.
Likely, that would also keep costs down.
At least they don't have to drive to Texarkana and back in 28 hours to get it.Out of curiosity I looked up a map of Yuengling distribution. Apparently they are a regional brewery. Here's their distribution map.View attachment 1207960
There are guys around here who will road trip to Indiana to buy a pickup truck bed full of Yuengling. Seems a little crazy to me. I'll bring a couple cases home if I get down that way.
I really like their Lager and their Black & Tan.I'll bring a couple cases home if I get down that way.
My mother is 89 and still watches the Yankees… Her favorite was Reggie Jackson. Mike Ferraro was from Kingston... Mike got her a ball signed by Reggie and Pete O’Malloy during the World Series. That was while Reggie was still with the Yankees…My fil turned 88 last week and he's still a baseball fan. Dyed in the wool Tigers fan, but he loved Mickey Mantle.
I wont even loan out a slotted screwdriver or crescent wrench to anyone,not even family,havent for decades.If I have the time I'll take my tools to where they're needed,do the work & return home with them.Nothing stays behind,period.If they dont like those rules,tough **** I say.tell it! Very few people I let use my tools/equipment. I'd rather go and help with my stuff then let them borrow it and bring it back broken and abused.