Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Amateur Hour Saw Porting!

That is my HF deluxe pedal control grinder!

The 066 with the Cross cylinder is running so strong that I decided to get another one of my 660s running. This one is an Asian saw with a Meteor piston and I'm putting an OEM 066 (w/decomp) jug on it. The transfers looked good, but the intake was wider on top than on the bottom. Since most of the flow occurs when it first opened, I fixed that issue and may have even made the bottom a bit wider.

The exhaust port had good width, but (IMO) a bit too much arch on top. I still left a little and made sure I beveled it, but a flatter top will usually make more power.

The squish was a bit too tight, and no one seems to sell thin gasket material, so I made one out of an aluminum can. Hopefully I will get it running tomorrow. Today I spend too much time running around to stores I was told had .005 gasket material but did not.

Fingers crossed it runs strong and stays together.


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Amateur Hour Saw Porting!

That is my HF deluxe pedal control grinder!

The 066 with the Cross cylinder is running so strong that I decided to get another one of my 660s running. This one is an Asian saw with a Meteor piston and I'm putting an OEM 066 (w/decomp) jug on it. The transfers looked good, but the intake was wider on top than on the bottom. Since most of the flow occurs when it first opened, I fixed that issue and may have even made the bottom a bit wider.

The exhaust port had good width, but (IMO) a bit too much arch on top. I still left a little and made sure I beveled it, but a flatter top will usually make more power.

The squish was a bit too tight, and no one seems to sell thin gasket material, so I made one out of an aluminum can. Hopefully I will get it running tomorrow. Today I spend too much time running around to stores I was told had .005 gasket material but did not.

Fingers crossed it runs strong and stays together.
For Harold??
No, he does not need one. I just did an inventory of my "saw projects" today, and this one needs the least amount of work! It was still running when I took it apart, just never got around to porting it. Since I took all my stuff out to do the 066 I just figured "keep going".

Plus, I have it, may as well see how strong I can make it run and use it. For the once every year or three he needs one, I'll come over to his place and let him use it.
The video came through of the buck. Not huge, but an 8 pt is an 8pt! Plus, his body looks decent size, a lot of good steaks in him!

Too many bandits up there to try to leave him for the future (one of my neighbors got busted for 8 untagged deer a couple of years ago).


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Hi guys. Finished up cutting in the new trailer parking lot. Everything went very well except I dropped one tree a little bit far to the left and broke the steering wheel one of my sons projectors. Luckily they have a lot of spare parts. Was trying to swing the tree to the left away from the garage and swung it too far.

Ended up with about 3/4 cord of wood from the project to split next year. One heaping load of brush to go to the dump tomorrow and a small pile after that we’ll be done. Will look at getting some gravel in there in the spring.

Dinner was pork steaks, simmered in cast-iron with mashed potatoes, pan, gravy, and cheesy broccoli pasta.

Under the category of " other stuff" , we picked this up a while back. Pretty nice. View attachment 1210094
Nice find! Anyone know what L.F. & company stands for? Lots of good stuff used to come out of New Britain, Conn. Now there must not be much left except sheeple escaped from NY.
Nice find! Anyone know what L.F. & company stands for? Lots of good stuff used to come out of New Britain, Conn. Now there must not be much left except sheeple escaped from NY.
I found this online......
It is a Universal Food Chopper manufactured by the Landers, Frary & Clark company.
The Universal Food Chopper was first sold by L.F. &C. in 1897, and proved to be so popular that the company still offered it in its catalog over sixty years later.
"The number on the device referred to the size of the grinder, with the 3 model being the largest for heavy-duty use and the 00 model the smallest. The appliance originally came with three different blade attachments for fine, medium or coarse grinding. Made of cast-iron by L.F. &C. in New Britain, Connecticut many of these rugged grinders have survived to the present day, outliving the company who made them; L.F. &C. ended its 102 year run in 1965.

Another busy weekend. Logging buddies truck is waiting on some parts, chased down a hydro leak in his skidding yearerday morning. My sons birthday party went well. The "taco party" was well recieved and we had basically no left overs. As usual I was too busy to enjoy it. Everyone else seemed to have a good time.
Got the last of the last of the free insulation yesterday, should have plenty now to finish the shop.
I started working on the shanondoah wood stove, after some plasma cutter and grinder action, I had it mostly apart and ready to get cleaned up and refurbished. Getting the sides and back wall bent out of 1/4" plate, $258.00 for the steel, cut and bend fee. Steel has definatly gone way up in price. Figured it will be about the last time I should need to rebuild it. I changed to cleaning up the wood furnace in the house, I'll have to get some fire bricks. They jumped up in price too, but not as bad as I thought they would.
As usual I was too busy to enjoy it. Everyone else seemed to have a good time.
I know how that works lol. At least this yr I was able to enjoy myself a bit more, and there was chilli left when I was able to get some :sweet:. We had 117 people including the kids, it was a nice crowd.
Speaking of hydraulics, I had the John deere zero-turn all filled with fuel and started to mow Saturday, made it around the front two times and the right side wheel motor started whining and it slowed to a creep. Managed to get it into the barn and used the smoke billowing exmark to finish up chasing leaves. Not sure what it is as I've been way to busy to look at it, which is why I bought the deere, because I don't have time to do the head gasket on the exmark :nofunny:. Maybe I can find another exmark to buy lol.
As for the barn, waiting for some cash to come in for the doors, and the wire to run underground power to the house and adding the sub panel.
Need to figure out the lid in the main and the other half of the lean-to my shops in, then get the wall built between the opposite lean-to and the main so I can hold some heat in there this winter. Funny how heat flows right out the ridge vent ;).
Still no sure what I'll use to heat the barn, I bought a used high efficiency propane furnace this summer. That could be nice for something, but it would cost a fortune to run it to heat the main. If I could get the main finished really quick it would work fine, I just don't see that happening. I found a wood/coal furnace that looks pretty nice, unfortunately they are only making parts for them, which means those will most likely be drying up soon too. I really need to focus on getting the building sealed up! Glad most all the other fall projects are all finished up, now if I can get a break from the J O B.
We had 117 people including the kids, it was a nice crowd.
117 people! We only invite immediate family and the kids get to invite 3 friends. We try to keep birthdays under 25 people.
Glad most all the other fall projects are all finished up, now if I can get a break from the J O B.
That seems to be my problem as well! That pesky JOB is always getting in my way. My wife wants me to work part time. I would have a hard time with that since ours is a family business.
I know how that works lol. At least this yr I was able to enjoy myself a bit more, and there was chilli left when I was able to get some :sweet:. We had 117 people including the kids, it was a nice crowd.
Speaking of hydraulics, I had the John deere zero-turn all filled with fuel and started to mow Saturday, made it around the front two times and the right side wheel motor started whining and it slowed to a creep. Managed to get it into the barn and used the smoke billowing exmark to finish up chasing leaves. Not sure what it is as I've been way to busy to look at it, which is why I bought the deere, because I don't have time to do the head gasket on the exmark :nofunny:. Maybe I can find another exmark to buy lol.
As for the barn, waiting for some cash to come in for the doors, and the wire to run underground power to the house and adding the sub panel.
Need to figure out the lid in the main and the other half of the lean-to my shops in, then get the wall built between the opposite lean-to and the main so I can hold some heat in there this winter. Funny how heat flows right out the ridge vent ;).
Still no sure what I'll use to heat the barn, I bought a used high efficiency propane furnace this summer. That could be nice for something, but it would cost a fortune to run it to heat the main. If I could get the main finished really quick it would work fine, I just don't see that happening. I found a wood/coal furnace that looks pretty nice, unfortunately they are only making parts for them, which means those will most likely be drying up soon too. I really need to focus on getting the building sealed up! Glad most all the other fall projects are all finished up, now if I can get a break from the J O B.
117 people. Wow! We had about 32 people over. Which is pretty normal. Just family and a close friend or two. That pesky job... yep always in the way, but I seem to be able to fill up my free time with other endeavors besides finishing the shop. Some of it is my fault though.
I've been focusing on getting the insulation done. (Trying to anyway.) It's really difficult to decide what order things should be done in. I'm still second guessing myself for waiting to finish the eve work, but really wanted that insulation out of the way so I had more room in the shop. Always a compromise when you're doing it all by yourself.
How much chilli do you make to feed that lot?
We supplied about 5 gallons of bean free(the good stuff ;), and we had about a gallon left. Others brought some white, and some with beans, theirs probably added another 3-4 gallons. Lots of sides and desserts, and a neighbor brought his slushy machine, he went thru 8 gallons of cider in it before we shut it down. We do this every yr, we als serve a lot at our homeschool group a couple times a yr, and we help work large dinners feeding hundreds at our church, so it's not really abnormal for us, but there is a good bit of planning and prep.
117 people! We only invite immediate family and the kids get to invite 3 friends. We try to keep birthdays under 25 people.

That seems to be my problem as well! That pesky JOB is always getting in my way. My wife wants me to work part time. I would have a hard time with that since ours is a family business.
We had nearly the same during the plandemic..., last yr was a bit less because we had rain. 25, we have that many people in our home on a weekly basis lol.
Today I'm just sitting here waiting on my trailer to get loaded, gonna be a late one, guess I won't get anything done tonight 😞.
Good thing the weekend is coming 😃.
That's the problem with driving truck, part time means only working 45hrs... You better get those kids working to cut down on your hrs. The way it's worked around here, is since the kids do a bunch of work, I just do more work in the same time, but I never slow down. One day I'll be like Jesus and I'll be able to say "it is finished"!