I know how that works lol. At least this yr I was able to enjoy myself a bit more, and there was chilli left when I was able to get some

. We had 117 people including the kids, it was a nice crowd.
Speaking of hydraulics, I had the John deere zero-turn all filled with fuel and started to mow Saturday, made it around the front two times and the right side wheel motor started whining and it slowed to a creep. Managed to get it into the barn and used the smoke billowing exmark to finish up chasing leaves. Not sure what it is as I've been way to busy to look at it, which is why I bought the deere, because I don't have time to do the head gasket on the exmark

. Maybe I can find another exmark to buy lol.
As for the barn, waiting for some cash to come in for the doors, and the wire to run underground power to the house and adding the sub panel.
Need to figure out the lid in the main and the other half of the lean-to my shops in, then get the wall built between the opposite lean-to and the main so I can hold some heat in there this winter. Funny how heat flows right out the ridge vent

Still no sure what I'll use to heat the barn, I bought a used high efficiency propane furnace this summer. That could be nice for something, but it would cost a fortune to run it to heat the main. If I could get the main finished really quick it would work fine, I just don't see that happening. I found a wood/coal furnace that looks pretty nice, unfortunately they are only making parts for them, which means those will most likely be drying up soon too. I really need to focus on getting the building sealed up! Glad most all the other fall projects are all finished up, now if I can get a break from the J O B.