I agree with this,or at the minimum,set it on top of the seasoned hardwood.Even then,I find the crappy stuff takes 2 days to fully burn up sometimes.I dont use the rear of my 250,so any unburned crap i just push to the back,and it slowly burns up.I also find my boiler does so much better on cold days,it doesnt like to idle,and runs much better with something to d

f course this burns more wood,but it seems to operate much better.
Its been 2 full days since the damper mod,and it is hard to tell if its reducing wood usagem,but i think its actually burning more wood this way,as ive only got 2 positions,idle(which is inefficient,as it doesnt make enough heat to maintain temps),and wide open which is inefficient,and my heat goes up the chimney.before i had the damper cracked 3/4 open as the "idle" position,and it ran at very steady temps this way,with a big load the fan would come on,and it ran a little harder.This is just my guess,but i think a nice slow steady burn would use more of the woods energy than full idle smoldering.So i think i may try oening it a touch,just to give me more time between cycles,but not enough to coause steaming on warm days.i know this will take a few days of experimentation.