Stihl discontinued ms441 c-m?

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There's a known supply issue with the 441. I've heard nothing of it being discontinued.

It was missing on the Stihl website in the US the last time I checked up on this rumor. It was still listed on every other market I looked up though, so I assume there just is a temporary shortage in the US.
Hey guys short time lurker here lots of knowledge. Anyways went to order a saw today before I quit my current job. Anyways wanted to get a MS 441 c-m with a wrap handle. Dealer didn't have one in Stock, so he called their distributor and they told him all ms 441 's have been discontinued and that they recommend selling the 461s

Luckily they had a 441 in Stock just not a wrap handle.

Anyways this is kind of a question and kind of a warning.

Just an update here from a new member, local Stihl dealer told me that yes the MS441 has been discontinued all together. Apparently there was an electrical issue that they could not figure out so they decided to pull the saw off the market all together. Not sure of what will replace it and when but i cant imagine Stihl not
having a 70cc saw for too long. So glad I decided to opt down to the 362 instead.
Just an update here from a new member, local Stihl dealer told me that yes the MS441 has been discontinued all together. Apparently there was an electrical issue that they could not figure out so they decided to pull the saw off the market all together. Not sure of what will replace it and when but i cant imagine Stihl not
having a 70cc saw for too long. So glad I decided to opt down to the 362 instead.

I Think you need to find a new dealer. Not only is this saw still current, and still for sale.. there are over 2,000 of said saws in inventory. ( In Canada at least ) and no such electrical issue exists. I am sure my US cousins can confirm this...
To my knowledge the 441 is no longer available in the US, and the rumored replacement is the 462, which is featured in the current calendar but is not yet available. I do not have information regarding what led to the demise of the 441. Local shops have been told they can discount 461 pricing to make up for the fact that the 441 is not in the line up.

Sources say the 462 will be 73 cc (mid way between the 441 & 461), will have 6 Hp (same as a 461) but will weight less than 14 lbs (not only is that less than the 441 & 461, but also less than a 440). We will see if it materializes.
My local dealer also said that the 441 is no longer offered.... he also mentioned that he has thrown quite a few 441's in the dumpster . Whats wrong with him??? Doesnt he know that I would take them???
Available in Canada but not the USA. What's different? Can you say EPA...

Same saws my friend. Looking at the IPL you can see they are one and the same. We went through this a while back, then the US dealers got stock again. When a dealer says they are not available because of electrical issues and that can not be verified that in itself casts doubts on the dealers credibility. Then when a dealer says they are no more to be had and they just tossed many in the bin.. well creditability shot again. During the last time we were told the 441 was no longer I had about a dozen friends from across the border visit me for this saw. Oddly after the miraculous resurrection of the 441 ( I believe I had posted a pic of a date of manufacture of this saw as well) I was no longer asked for this saw. Contacting a dealer in Troy I was assured that there was stock in the warehouse. Now it would be more believable if one was to say the 441 is being replaced by another saw. This saw has yet to be " put out there " So if anyone needs a 441... :D
where is that dumpster at. I'm on the way there. The dealer I spoke to today told me that when there is a 1 or 2 at the end of a model number it is a revised model to meet EPA rules and I'm better off with a low use older machine. regardless the 044/440 and 361 were two of the best saws ever built weren't they?
where is that dumpster at. I'm on the way there. The dealer I spoke to today told me that when there is a 1 or 2 at the end of a model number it is a revised model to meet EPA rules and I'm better off with a low use older machine. regardless the 044/440 and 361 were two of the best saws ever built weren't they?
Definetly agree with you on how great the 044 saw is. Love that saw. Purchased a ms362 3 years ago and although its a great saw, i always find myself having to clean out the bar before i even get a full tank of gas through her. The oiler is crap. Turned all the way up and im not even going through half a tank of oil to a full tank of gas.
This is what I heard - The problem is with the electronics. We all know that heat effects electronics. As time passes, more of these issues come to light.

Replacing the parts is straightforward, they are fairly inexpensive. The module system would need to be replaced because the problem is inside. This would require a recall. After all, emissions are involved and the EPA isnt going to look the other way.

The 441 was not as popular, any where near as popular, as the MS 440. Stihl looked at the marketplace and studied how Husky handled their '562' issue. Stihl wanted to retain the brand loyalty that Husky lost. There are whole demographics that were turned off by the 562. Not just the equipment failure, but the fact that every time there is a problem, the owner is forced to return to the dealer and wait. Return to the dealer and wait...

Husky dealers will say - this is old news, all those problems have been fixed. We have the best saw.

I read alot of Echo reviews where new owners say "I was a loyal Husky fan, so was my Dad and my Grand Dad". We went to Echo because of Husky service issues...

Stihl is working very hard to avoid this and they are number one for a reason. Stihl wants to continue their corner store tradition of excellence and this means that they would rather introduce a new model, than putz with the old. Makes sense. Fix the 441 for current owners who like it, but introduce something new, something better.
As for me, I think my 441 is finicky. I have already had problems with it. I think the piston hit the spark plug and the gap in the plug was tight. I am not sure what happened. I loaned it to a guy at work and it came back not working. I took it in and was fived for 73 bucks. It ran real good . Last weekI try to start it and wont start. For the first time ever , I drained all the gas out of the carb cause I knew it would be a while before using it again. I never ever had a problem leaving gas in the tank or carb with any saw, or outboard. I wonder if there was just a bit of gas in the carb that didnt burn and went bad. I have always thought that gas lasts a long time if it does not get air. My Honda generator never runs out of gas and has always started in 17 yrs. even when it sits for months with regular ethonal gas. As for me, I will get a new plug and new non ethanol gas and try it again. I don't know how to tune a carb. I never had to with my 034 and had it 30 yrs next month. It always starts , not finicky and had 1 problem in 30 yrs. I wish I would have just went with the 460 12 yrs. ago for a lousy 40 buck more I could have a 460. When the 441 gets going though it is a good saw. My brother bought a 400 a month ago and it does not seem to be as much as the 441. Tis may come as a surprise that I dont tune my saws. I never had to though. I do almost all my cutting in the cold and never when its hot. Hot weather is for catfishing not cutting wood. It does seem to be running very rich however.
First, you need to know if your 441 is computer controlled or has an adjustable carb. They made them both ways. Look on your recoil. If it says MS-441 you have an adjustable carb. If it says MS-441C it has a computer, and you should never have to adjust it.

Secondly, if a saw does not run right after you loaned it out, I would not blame the saw.

Third, the 400 is a good saw, but it is not the replacement for the 441. A 462 is the same cc-s and is lighter and will outrun the 441. In addition, you can get the model with the computer (462C) and you will never have to tune it.

460s are good saws, but they all had adjustable carbs.

As they made saws more emissions compliant, the range they would operate w/o adjustment narrowed.
Mustang Mike. I did loan the saw out and it did come back not being able to run. ( Side note) why is that so common when you loan something , it does not come back quite right?) Anyway, when I took the saw back from a friend?? Anyway, the plug had NO gap. I regap , after 5 minutes the plug pulls out, then again, then I take it in andfor 73 bucks they do a Heli coil??. Ran great , out 73 bucks but I got may baby back!! And it rips!!. Now I cant get it started at all today, New gas, non ethanol, new plug and barely a pop. I putting it in the basement to warm up a day . I did put some carb cleaner down the intake. Hope I didnt do more harm than good. I did take the plug out and pull it a bunch of times and could see dropplets flying out . Still dont run and might take it in. It seems it has no spark and cant see any spark , however, sometime I just cant see a spark in the daytime. I will get back here when I get it fixed. . WHo knows, I have the plug out now and it might just be too full of carb cleaner.n I was also tempted today when I saw a Stihl 462 on the shelf. I got less tempted when I saw the price tag of $1,260. Guess I will just get the 441 fixed. Also, I have an old 034. In March it will be 30 yrs old. After 3 months, I gave it 5 pulls and it starts. I dont know why , but i can let that thing sit for 3 or 4 months , never take out the gas , cant remember the last time I even changed a plug but it always starts. WHY? Are the old carbs that much less fussy?
Well , the strangest thing happened with my 441. It has the adjustable carbs so it is not the computerized carb. I was going to take it in to the shop this morning , but thought , what the heck, give it a few pulls. It popped on the first pull and a few more pulls and it ran just like always. At first I was using gas that was 2 1/2 months old. I thought it would be just fine. It did run with it but shut off at idle and was hard to start. It was either I got fresh gas , I sprayed some carb cleaner down the carb and let it sit over night. It had to be one of the two cause now I got my baby back and runs great. Sometimes I think chainsaws are like women, they know when you are looking at other women and was thinking of just getting a 362. They arey are about $852 plus tax here though and the 462 is about $1250+ tax. It did throw out a bunch of black soot too. I never saw that before.
First, you need to know if your 441 is computer controlled or has an adjustable carb. They made them both ways. Look on your recoil. If it says MS-441 you have an adjustable carb. If it says MS-441C it has a computer, and you should never have to adjust it.

Secondly, if a saw does not run right after you loaned it out, I would not blame the saw.

Third, the 400 is a good saw, but it is not the replacement for the 441. A 462 is the same cc-s and is lighter and will outrun the 441. In addition, you can get the model with the computer (462C) and you will never have to tune it.

460s are good saws, but they all had adjustable carbs.

As they made saws more emissions compliant, the range they would operate w/o adjustment narrowed.
Why do you say the 462 will "outrun" the 441? The comments that I've read say that the 462 has less torque and can't pull a big bar as well as the 441.

That said, my 441 has been an absolute dream of a chainsaw. I bought one of the very first ones ever available in the US. I've seen them not available in this country for a long while too. It's a C.

Here it is just a few days ago running a very long bar through a very old large white oak.

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