Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Seeing if a sick family member is going to make it up so we can finish opening gifts. Also see if someone can find my daughter's unopened missing Ipod Touch that's still got me pissed abit....
What a bunch of slack As'ers , bottom of page 2 !!!!!

Where ya going today ? I am headed to the shop ! LOL
Went all the way across the province n back, stopped 3 places and ate a full meal at each, I was the only one still awake as I drove the last 35 mi to home...LOL
After getting home I ate the last apple pie and a half gallon of vanilla ice cream, now finishing off my first glass of JD on the rocks......:drinking::happy:
Good to get out and do some road trips.......was thinking of going downstate to visit my brother this weekend but have many other things need doing........perhaps we'll drive down New years day....visit for a bit and head back......hope the weather holds for that....very nice day here ..clear, sunny...50's saw 4-5 motorcycles this another load of Hoss hay down to his house...can back the truck all the way down there now......after a foot of snow ...not so much...get another load in Monday or Tues....