the all aussie dribble thread!

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if its on an angle out side to inner and from lower section of trunk could be termite drill hole for probe temperature test as about the right size often they plug it with plastic gromit

It seems its only internal without any external ports, I'll see if there are any more. The hole is pretty much perfectly round about 3/4" by 3" deep.
Cut from a branch about 40' high so not much human intervention while it was growing I'd say.

Clean the timber shavings out of the area before taking the

I had to sprinkle those there so as it looks like I was cutting with chainsaws and stuff ;)
It seems someone has been drilling holes in my firewood...

Did you ever hear the story about the old river boat captain, who wouldn't pay the Red gum cutters for their firewood?
Well, the story goes that the wood cutters stuffed some Dynamite in the next load and left it on the river bank for this old crook to pick up, knowing they'd never be paid for it.
You can imagine the result when they stoked the boiler with the loaded wood!
So, where are you 'finding' your wood?o_O
Did you ever hear the story about the old river boat captain, who wouldn't pay the Red gum cutters for their firewood?
Well, the story goes that the wood cutters stuffed some Dynamite in the next load and left it on the river bank for this old crook to pick up, know they'd never be paid for it.
You can imagine the result when they stoked the boiler with the loaded wood!
So, where are you 'finding' your wood?o_O

Haha yes I heard a similar story, old bloke that lived down the road from me in QLD did the same about 50 years ago. His firewood was being stolen so he plugged one up good. A few weeks later a house 2 blocks down had its stove blown up. Consequently the wood thieving also stopped :D

Oh and I cut this myself from a fallen branch, no dynamite for sure ;)
I'm sitting here receiving email DBYD plans and trying to make sense of them for a job, no wonder a bloke drinks !